Monthly Archives: August 2023

Ondas para el cabello: Siete formas diferentes de hacer ondas en el pelo

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 11:57 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Siete formas diferentes de hacer ondas en el pelo

Ondas sueltas, sondas surferas, ondas clásicas, ondas deshechas, ondas planas,… Está claro: ¡se llevan las ondas! Aunque la tendencia ha ido evolucionando desde años atrás, las planchas y tenacillas para el cabello siguen viviendo un momentos de esplendor que no parece tener fin. El cabello ondulado ya no es un reto para las mujeres con el pelo liso tabla y cualquiera puede conseguir hoy sin salir de casa un bonito peinado con ondas de lo más natural. Incluso sin contar con alguno de estos moldeadores de calor.

Toma nota de estas siete maneras de hacer ondas en el pelo con las que conseguirás diferentes acabado. Ondas más abiertas, más ensortijadas, definidas, deshechas, etc. ¡Tú eliges!

Ondas con planchas o rizador

Hacer ondas en el pelo con bigudíes

Ondas con relleno para moño

Ondas con un pañuelo

Otra manera original y efectiva de hacer ondas con acabado natural, es recurrir a un pañuelo para enrollar la melena humedecida en una especie de rulo. Las ondas resultantes serán desiguales y muy naturales.

Ondas con trenzas

Si además queremos agilizar el proceso o garantizar que la onda se fija una vez se haya secado el pelo, podemos pasar las planchas por las trenzas levemente.

Ondas con los dedos

Ondas con medias

Por último, una manera de lo más extravagante de hacer ondas en el cabello. Se consigue introduciendo la melena en unas medias corrientes y repartiéndola en dos secciones, una por cada pierna de la media. Después se hacen dos moñetes, uno a cada lado enrollando muy bien cada sección y se aplica un poco de calor con el secador. Cuanto más altos sean los moñetes, antes comenzarán las ondas en la melena.

16 formas de lograr unas ondas en el pelo perfectas (y fáciles)

Con y sin calor, suaves o bien marcadas, en cabello corto o largo, aprende a hacer ondas en el pelo de la forma más fácil y rápida.

Karla Reyes

24 de mayo, 2023

Las ondas en el pelo son uno de esos estilos que se transforman e imponen tendencias diferentes con el paso del tiempo, pero nunca pasan de moda. TikTok ha marcado la pauta en cuanto a técnicas para lograr el acabado perfecto; tanto, que ya no es necesario tener cerca un salón de belleza. Por fortuna, hoy en día es mucho más fácil y rápido conseguirlas desde casa.

Y es que, la forma convencional de conseguir unas ondas perfectas y definidas suele incluir el uso de herramientas térmicas pero, créenos, existen muchas otras formas de estilizado efectivas para lograr ondas naturales sin calor. ¡Toma nota!

¿Cómo hacer para que te queden ondas en el pelo?

Cómo hacer ondas en el pelo con la plancha

Toma en cuenta que las ondas perfectas se pueden lograr con herramientas de calor como la plancha. Crédito:

La forma más fácil, rápida y efectiva de conseguir unas ondas definidas —sobre todo, en el cabello lacio— es empleando herramientas de calor como una plancha.

  1. Para empezar, asegúrate de tener el pelo limpio y completamente seco antes de peinarlo.
  2. Después, sepáralo en dos partes iguales.
  3. Empieza a ondular de abajo hacia arriba, tomando secciones delgadas (de unos cinco centímetros de ancho).
  4. Acomoda el cabello en la plancha, como si la envolvieras con el mechón, y tira con fuerza hacia abajo.
  5. Al final, usa tus dedos para deshacer los rizos y convertirlos en unas ondas muy naturales. O bien, pasa un cepillo suavemente.

Editor’s tip: Prepara tu cabello desde la regadera con productos hidratantes, como el shampoo y acondicionador Bioexpert Extracto de Cacao Orgánico. También te recomendamos usar un protector térmico.

Ondas en el pelo con secador

El ‘blowout’, con cepillo redondo y secadora, es una técnica de estilizado en tendencia para hacer ondas en el pelo. Crédito:

Este tipo de estilizado, que reinó en la década de 1960 y después en los 90, está de regreso con mucha fuerza. Logra el blowout perfecto con un cepillo redondo y la secadora.

  1. Empieza lavando tu melena con un shampoo hidratante.
  2. Con el pelo húmedo, divídelo en seis secciones iguales y sujétalo.
  3. Después, comienza enrollando mechones en el cepillo redondo y pasa la secadora.
  4. Cuando hayas terminado con cada sección, aplica una capa de spray. Esto te dará mayor volumen.
  5. Repite el proceso hasta que seques toda tu melena.

Editor’s tip: Nuestro fijador favorito para un blowout es el spray TRESemmé Climate Control, que crea una barrera entre el pelo y la humedad, los rayos UV, la estática y el viento, conservando tu peinado por más tiempo.

Cómo hacer ondas en el pelo con tenaza

Una tenaza puede ser la herramienta que necesitas para tus peinados. Crédito: Shutterstock.

Ya sea que busques un look con ondas bien definidas o unas más suaves, la tenaza puede ser tu mejor herramienta. No olvides peinarte con el pelo seco.

  1. Secciona tu cabello en cuatro partes iguales.
  2. Empieza con las secciones de la nuca, tomando mechones del grosor que quieras tus ondas.
  3. Toma la tenaza y enrolla en ella el cabello.
  4. Deja que el calor haga efecto de tres a cinco segundos y suelta.
  5. Si quieres un efecto suave, cepilla cuidadosamente el pelo.

Ondas en el pelo con difusor

También puedes utilizar un difusor para crear ondas con mucha textura y volumen. Crédito:

Si quieres conseguir unas ondas deshechas con acabado natural, te recomendamos usar una secadora con difusor. Esta técnica es ideal para crear ondas sueltas en el pelo liso y funciona en todas las extensiones.

  1. Empieza lavando tu melena con un shampoo hidratante.
  2. Toma pequeños mechones de pelo (húmedo) y enrédalos en su propio eje con ayuda de tu dedo índice (hazlo en diferentes direcciones para lograr mayor naturalidad). Puedes sujetar con pasadores.
  3. Por último, pasa la secadora con un difusor por todo tu pelo hasta que quede completamente seco.

Ondas permanentes en el pelo

Si quieres conservar el efecto ondulado, opta por una permanente. Crédito:

El ondulado permanente es una opción funcional para quienes quieren obtener ondas con un aspecto natural, por un tiempo prolongado. Si bien se trata de una técnica que cambia su estructura, el proceso en realidad es simple.

  1. Para empezar, se aplica un producto para “deshacer” la textura natural del pelo.
  2. Después, se moldea a la nueva forma que va a adquirir.
  3. Al final, se aplica un producto que mantendrá la nueva estructura.

Ondas en las puntas

Las ondas en las puntas rompen con lo plano del cabello y le dan movimiento. Crédito: Shutterstock.

Si tu cabello es muy largo y quieres darle movimiento, haz unas ondas solo en las puntas. Esto romperá con lo plano y te dará un toque distinto y sutil.

  1. Alacia o seca tu cabello como de costumbre, con la plancha o la secadora.
  2. Una vez que hayas llegado a las puntas, envuelve el cabello en la plancha o un cepillo redondo para pasar aire caliente.
  3. Cepíllalas si quieres un acabado suave o déjalas caer naturalmente y aplica una capa de spray.

Editor’s tip: Antes del peinado, mientras el pelo esté húmedo, aplica sobre las puntas una buena cantidad de crema para peinar Sedal Rizos Definidos. Facilitará el peinado, definiendo perfectamente cada mechón.

¿Cómo conseguir ondas surferas?

Pese a que las ondas de este tipo suelen conseguirse con herramientas de calor, puedes optar también por un peinado con productos como mousse, para darle textura. Te decimos cómo:

Ondas surferas con calor

Con herramientas de calor, logra un acabado surfero. Crédito:

  1. Desenreda tu cabello y divídelo en seis secciones.
  2. Cuando esté seco, toma un ferro cónico, cuya forma permite obtener un resultado natural, y enrolla en él mechones delgados, comenzando desde la sección de la nuca para ir de abajo hacia arriba.
  3. Usa esta herramienta con la parte angosta hacia abajo, extendiendo toda la hebra a lo largo de la barra.
  4. Cuando termines, abre las ondas con los dedos y aplica una capa de spray.

Ondas surferas sin calor

¿Quieres una textura natural como la de Sandra Bullock? Solo necesitas mousse. Crédito: AFF-USA/Shutterstock.

  1. La otra manera de conseguir el tan deseado estilo surfer es infundir tu melena húmeda con productos como mousse.
  2. Una vez que lo hayas distribuido bien en todo el pelo, pasa un difusor o la secadora caliente.
  3. Abre las ondas con los dedos.

Editor’s tip: El mousse TRESemmé Extrafirme consigue de manera infalible este acabado, dándole además un aspecto saludable a tu cabello.

¿Cómo hacer ondas en el pelo sin calor?

Ondas en el pelo con

flexi rods

Si quieres conseguir unas ondas bien definidas o rizos cerrados, opta por unos ‘flexi rods’. Crédito: Vianney Le Caer/Shutterstock.

Ya sea que quieras conseguir ondas en pelo corto u ondas en el pelo largo sin aplicar calor, los flexi rods serán tus mejores aliados. Estos legendarios tubitos de plástico flexibles han sido usados por décadas por una simple razón: ¡sí funcionan!

  1. Para utilizarlos, deberás separar tu cabello húmedo en secciones de unos cinco centímetros de ancho.
  2. Después, enrollar cada mechón en un tubo.
  3. Al llegar a la raíz, dobla ambos extremos del tubo para sostenerlo.
  4. Puedes enrollar algunos hacia afuera y otros hacia adentro, para conseguir mayor movimiento y volumen en tu melena. Toma en cuenta que, mientras más delgados sean los flexi rods, más cerrados serán los rizos.
  5. Al final, cuando hayas llenado toda tu melena de tubos, deberás esperar hasta que se seque el pelo o agilizar el proceso usando una secadora.
  6. Al retirar los flexi rods, peina con tu dedos para separar las ondas.

Ondas en el pelo con trenzas

Si quieres evitar las herramientas de calor, haz unas trenzas y logra este acabado. Crédito: Photoeventshd/Shutterstock.

Las trenzas son una de las muchas formas análogas para lograr unas ondas de sirena ideales, prescindiendo de las herramientas térmicas. Esta técnica es muy fácil, pero debes ponerla en práctica antes de dormir para lograr mejores resultados.

  1. Desenreda tu melena.
  2. Separa justo a la mitad y cepilla.
  3. Haz dos trenzas verticales, pueden ser de boxeadora o cola de pez, empezando desde la frente y siguiendo por detrás de las orejas (así se definirán las ondas que le darán marco a tu rostro).
  4. Duerme con este peinado y a la mañana siguiente deshaz las trenzas.
  5. Peina y acomoda las ondas con tus dedos.

Editor’s tip: Para evitar el encrespamiento, te recomendamos aplicar de medios a puntas productos como la crema para peinar Bioexpert Antifrizz Células Madre Vegetales, que además promueve la regeneración capilar y es una poderosa aliada contra el daño por su fórmula con ingredientes naturales.

Ondas en el pelo con dona

La próxima vez que quieras conseguir unas ondas sin calor, como las de Rachel Pizzolato, levanta en un chongo tu cabello y déjalo durante la noche. Crédito: Image Press Agency/NurPhoto/Shutterstock.

Otro método que puedes aprovechar para ondular tu pelo mientras duermes, es creando un chongo alto con una dona o relleno (sí, nos referimos a esos circulitos de espuma flexible).

  1. Antes de dormir, cepilla el pelo ligeramente humedecido y hazte un chongo alto bien apretado.
  2. Luego, toma el pelo sobrante y acomódalo a lo largo de la dona.
  3. Duerme con este peinado y, a la mañana siguiente, retira la dona; obtendrás unas ondas amplias y ligeras.

Ondas en el pelo naturales

Igual que Megan Fox, tú puedes crear un ‘wet look’ con ondas naturales. Crédito: Matt Baron/Shutterstock.

Por años, el wet look ha permanecido entre las tendencias principales para darle textura y volumen al cabello. Es muy fácil y rápido, y basta con tener a la mano los productos de estilizado correctos. ¡Toma nota!

  1. Toma una cantidad considerable de gel y mézclala con mousse para rizos con tus manos.
  2. Aplica la mezcla en el cabello húmedo, desde las puntas y en dirección hacia la raíz, como estrujando el pelo.
  3. Puedes dejar secar al aire libre, o bien, utilizar un difusor para fijar la textura y definir las ondas.

Editor’s tip: En este caso, las mejor fórmula es mezclar el gel fijador Folicuré Original con la crema para peinar Sedal Quinoa y Linaza. Ambos protegerán tu cabello contra la caída por quiebre y le darán un aspecto brilloso con textura suave.

Ondas con una mascada

Para conseguir un peinado como el de Kate Middleton sin calor, enrolla tu pelo en una mascada de seda. Crédito: Anthony Harvey/Shutterstock.

En este caso, solo necesitas una mascada o pañuelo de seda, para evitar el frizz, y spray fijador. Así, obtendrás ondas suaves y ligeras, sin que toquen la raíz.

  1. Sobre el cabello húmedo, aplica una capa de spray.
  2. Toma el cabello por unos centímetros arriba de las puntas y sujétalo con una liga.
  3. Ahora, toma tu mascado o pañuelo y haz un nudo justo en el centro.
  4. Ve a la parte trasera y coloca el pañuelo por detrás del pelo
  5. Sujeta el pañuelo por detrás de la liga con la que sujetaste el pelo y enróllalo lo más alto que te permita la tensión, hasta tocar la raíz de la nuca.
  6. Ata los sobrantes del pañuelo sobre tu cabeza, como si fuera una diadema.
  7. Deja que el pelo tome forma durante la noche y quítalo por la mañana.
  8. Acomoda suavemente con los dedos y vuelve a rociar spray.

¿Cómo hacer ondas en cabello corto?

Ondas en cabello corto con pasadores

Si quieres conseguir un acabado como el de Zendaya, sigue este proceso al pie de la letra. Crédito: David Fisher/Shutterstock for SAG Awards.

Para conseguir unas ondas vintage, solo necesitarás tus dedos y muchos, pero muchos, pasadores.

  1. Con el cabello húmedo, separa tu melena en mechas del ancho que quieras que se marquen las ondas.
  2. Después, usa tus dedos para enrollar cada mechón y, al llegar a la raíz, asegura cada aro de pelo con un pasador.
  3. Finalmente, espera que seque naturalmente o pasa la secadora con aire caliente por toda tu cabeza. Al retirar todos los pasadores, peina con tus dedos ¡Amarás el resultado!

Ondas en cabello corto con chonguitos

Si duermes con chonguitos, tu pelo amanecerá con volumen y rizos definidos. En la imagen, la modelo Lily Aldridge. Crédito:

Por último, una de nuestras formas alternativas favoritas para conseguir unas ondas sin calor pero bien marcadas, es haciendo pequeños chonguitos.

  1. Con el pelo húmedo, divide tu cabello en 12 secciones iguales.
  2. Quita los nudos y levanta cada sección en un chonguito. Puedes usar ligas o pasadores.
  3. Duerme con tu peinado, poniendo una mascada de seda, o déjalo secar naturalmente.
  4. Al deshacerlos, ¡tus ondas estarán listas! Toma en cuenta que, mientras más pequeños sean los chonguitos, más cerradas quedarán las ondas.

Editor’s tip: Si estás buscando darle a tu cabello mayor volumen y cuerpo, sin comprometer su textura natural, aplica una capa de spray TRESemmé Fijación Extrafirme. ¡Tu peinado durará más tiempo!

Peinado de ondas con tubos

Consigue un peinado como el de Dita von Teese con tubos y la secadora. Crédito: Stewart Cook/Shutterstock.

Toma en cuenta que, para conseguir este tipo de ondas vintage, como las llevaban las mujeres en la década de 1940, pasarás un buen rato frente al espejo. Te paciencia y sigue al pie de la letra los pasos para obtener los mejores resultados.

  1. En el cabello húmedo, aplica una mezcla de gel con crema para peinar.
  2. Secciona el cabello en seis partes iguales.
  3. Ahora, comenzando desde la nunca, enrolla mechones gruesos en los tubos y sostén con pasadores.
  4. Cuando termines, pasa la secadora caliente.
  5. Deja que el pelo tome forma durante unas horas y suelta.
  6. Aplica una capa de spray.

¿Conoces otras formas de hacer ondas en el pelo? ¡Cuéntanos en Instagram! Nos encuentras como @allthingshairmex.

Departamentos Kudun, Pichilemu – Updated 2023 Prices

  • Option and Price Information
  • Amenities
  • House Conditions
  • Guest Reviews (225)


Sea View

Pets Allowed 9001 3

Free Wi-Fi



Free parking

Private bathroom

Departamentos Kudun features sea views, free WiFi and free private parking, located in Pichilemu, 90 m from the beach of Playa Principal.
All rooms have a flat-screen TV with cable channels, a private bathroom and a fully equipped kitchen with a microwave. A fridge, oven and kettle are provided.
The aparthotel has a terrace and a garden.

Couples especially like the location – they rated accommodation in the area for a trip as a couple at 9.7 .

Departamentos Kudun has been welcoming Booking. com guests since Jan 3, 2018 2019.

Distance in description calculated using © OpenStreetMap

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Great Location: Highly rated by recent guests (9.8)

Free private parking on site

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Accommodation type


Apartment with sea view

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Apartment with sea view

1 king bed

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Apartment with sea view

Bedroom 1

1 double bed

Bedroom 2:

2 single beds

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Apartment with sea view

Bedroom 1:

1 double bed

Bedroom 2:

1 double bed

Bedroom 3:

2 single beds

Bedroom 4:

1 single bed

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  • hola tien wifi? How are you? El Jacuzzi esta habilitado para ocuparse?

    And… Todo Lo Antir.
    JACUZZI SOLO DEPTO 2 people.

    This is a translation –

    Reply January 13, 2021

  • Hello! Tampoco se puede fumar en la terraza, al er libre?

    Hola, en terraza si se puede fumar

    This is a translation –

    Answer January 19, 2023

  • I want to live in an apartment for three months. I can only if I have reliable internet for video calls. Is there an over-the-air cable that I could connect to the modem/router in one of the condominiums?

    Hello, we are not available at the moment

    This is a translation –

    Reply January 19, 2023

  • Hola tiene wifi?

    COOL. ..

    This translation is

    Reply January 13, 2021

Nearby Landmarks *

Amenities of Departamentos Kudun

Great facilities! Review Score: 9.1

Most Popular Amenities

Free Parking

Beach Front

Free Wi-Fi

Non-Smoking Rooms


Free private parking on site (reservation not needed) .


Wi-Fi is available in some hotel rooms and is free of charge.



Living room

  • Dining area

Media and technology 90 013 Pets

Pets are allowed on request. This service may be chargeable.



  • Beach (front line)

  • Balcony

  • Terrace

    900 04

Sports and recreation


  • Sea view

  • View from the window


The staff speaks these languages ​​

  • English

  • Spanish

Accommodation conditions

Departamentos Kudun takes special requests – add in the next step!

check in

From 15:00 to 21:00


From 06:00 to 12:00


Cancellation and prepayment policies vary depending on the type of option chosen.
Please enter your dates of stay and review the booking conditions for the requested room.

Beds for children

Child Policy

Children of all ages are welcome.

Children aged 4 and over are considered adults at this property.

To see exact prices and availability, please enter the number of children in your group and their age when searching.

Crib and Extra Bed Policy

No extra beds or cots available.

No age limit

There are no age restrictions for check-in.

Accepted payment methods

Departamentos Kudun accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.

Best package deals on appliances: Kitchen Appliance Packages & Bundles

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 10:54 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

The 4 Best Brands for Kitchen Appliances Package Choices

When it comes to outfitting your kitchen, there are a lot of important decisions to make. What kind of cabinets will you choose? What color scheme will you go with? But one of the most important choices you’ll make is what kind of appliances you’ll buy.

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing appliances. But one of the most important is whether to buy a kitchen appliance package. Kitchen appliance packages offer a few benefits that can save you time, money, and hassle. Here are four of the best brands for kitchen appliance packages:

Cafe Appliance Package Choice: If you’re looking for high-end, top-of-the-line kitchen appliances, Cafe appliances are a great option. Their appliance packages come with all the bells and whistles, including stainless steel construction, built-in sensors, and advanced cooking functions. However, all that luxury comes at a price – Cafe’s appliance packages are some of the most expensive on the market.

Samsung Kitchen Appliance Packages: Samsung appliances is a world leader in electronics and appliances, so it’s no surprise that they offer some of the best kitchen appliance packages on the market. Samsung kitchen appliance packages offer a wide range of features and options to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs. And because Samsung is such a trusted brand, you can rest assured that your new appliances will last for years to come.

LG Kitchen Appliance Packages: LG is another trusted name in electronics, and their kitchen appliance packages are just as impressive as Samsung’s. LG offers a great selection of both basic and premium appliance packages, so you’re sure to find one that meets your needs. And like Samsung, LG appliances are built to last, so you can be confident in your purchase.

Whirlpool Kitchen Appliance Packages: Whirlpool is one of the most popular brands for home appliances, and their kitchen appliance packages are a great option for those looking for quality and value. Whirlpool offers a wide variety of appliances in their packages, so you can find the perfect combination for your kitchen. And because Whirlpool is such a trusted brand, you can be sure that your new appliances will last for years to come.

When it comes to choosing kitchen appliances, there are a lot of factors to consider. But one of the most important is whether to buy a kitchen appliance package. Kitchen appliance packages offer several benefits that can save you time, money, and hassle. And with so many great brands to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your needs.

So, if you’re in the market for new kitchen appliances, be sure to check out the great selection of appliance packages from Samsung, LG, Cafe, and Whirlpool.

**This blog comes from our friends at BrandSource. Availability of products is not guaranteed.

Best Café Appliance Package: Café™ 4 Piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Package

Shop Now

Introducing the Café™ 4 Piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Package – your ticket to mastering home cooking like a pro. This top-of-the-line kitchen set comes complete with a counter depth French door refrigerator, slide in electric range, built in dishwasher and over the range microwave.

The Café fridge is equipped with a handy hot water dispenser that lets you make your favorite hot drinks exactly how you like them. And with WiFi Connect, you can control every aspect of your kitchen right from your smartphone or tablet.

The edge-to-edge glass cooktop is not only beautiful, but also provides even heating for superior baking and roasting results. The 12″/9″/6″ burner gives you the flexibility to cook multiple dishes at once, and the Power Boil feature greatly reduces the time you’ll spend waiting for water to boil.

This microwave is packed with features to make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Chef Connect syncs your microwave and range clock and activates vents and lights when a range element turns on. Sensor cooking controls automatically modify time and power for delicious results every time.

Lastly, the Café™ 4 Piece Stainless Steel Kitchen Package gives you plenty of ways to load the dishes, with a lower wash arm for large loads and fold-down tines for wide or oddly shaped items. Plus, our third rack provides extra space for your silverware and kitchen utensils. All of this in a sleek, stainless-steel design that will complement any kitchen décor.

What’s Included:

  • Café French Door Refrigerator
  • Café Slide In Electric Range
  • Café Over the Range Microwave
  • Café Built In Dishwasher

Best Samsung Kitchen Appliance Packages: Samsung 4 Piece Fingerprint Resistant Black Stainless Steel Kitchen Package

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Introducing the Samsung 4 Piece Fingerprint Resistant Black Stainless Steel Kitchen Package – your complete kitchen upgrade in one stylish package. This kitchen package features a French door refrigerator with ample storage for all your fresh and frozen goods, a slide in electric range with smooth ceramic cooktop, a built in dishwasher with powerful washing action, and an over the range microwave for quick and easy meal prep.

Each appliance in this package is finished in sleek black stainless steel that is fingerprint resistant, making it easy to keep your kitchen looking clean and polished. The French door refrigerator boasts a spacious interior with adjustable shelves, door bins, and a convenient ice maker.

The slide in electric range has a large cooktop surface that is perfect for entertaining, as well as two ovens for all your baking needs.

The built in dishwasher has a variety of Wash Cycles and Options to make cleanup a breeze, while the over the range microwave offers convenient cooking at the touch of a button.

What’s Included:

  • Samsung Over the Range Microwave
  • Samsung French Door Refrigerator
  • Samsung Built In Dishwasher
  • Samsung Front Control Slide-In Electric Range

Best LG Kitchen Appliance Packages: LG 4 Piece Black Stainless Steel Kitchen Package

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Our LG kitchen appliance package provides you with the perfect way to update your kitchen with a sleek, coordinated look. This package includes a French door refrigerator, over the range microwave, built in dishwasher and free standing gas range, all in sleek black stainless steel.

The French door refrigerator is spacious and features convenient doors that open wide for easy access to your food. The built in ice maker ensures you always have plenty of ice on hand, while the multi-door design makes it easy to organize and find what you’re looking for.

The over-the-range microwave is the perfect way to save space in your kitchen. It features powerful cooking performance and 10 different power levels, making it perfect for everything from reheating leftovers to cooking a complete meal. The sleek black stainless steel exterior looks great in any kitchen.

The built-in dishwasher is designed for maximum efficiency and features a host of convenient features, like an auto restart function that ensures your dishes are always clean. The spacious interior can accommodate up to 15 place settings, making it perfect for large families or entertaining guests.

The free-standing gas range is the perfect addition to any kitchen. It features five burners, including a powerful burner that delivers up to 20,000 BTUs of cooking power. The oven has a generous 5.8 cu. ft. capacity and comes with a self-clean option for easy maintenance. The stylish black stainless steel exterior looks great in any kitchen and coordinates perfectly with the other appliances in this package.

What’s Included:

  • LG Stainless Steel Over the Range Microwave
  • LG Stainless Steel French Door Refrigerator
  • LG Freestanding Gas Range
  • LG Built In Dishwasher

Best Whirlpool Kitchen Appliance Packages: Whirlpool® 4 Piece Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Kitchen Package

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If you’re looking for a complete kitchen package that has everything you need and more, then look no further than the Whirlpool® 4 Piece Fingerprint Resistant Stainless Steel Kitchen Package.

This package comes with a French door refrigerator, over the range microwave, built in dishwasher and free standing gas range, so you’ll be able to equip your kitchen with all of the latest and greatest appliances. Plus, the fingerprint resistant stainless steel finish will keep your appliances looking new for years to come.

The French door refrigerator is perfect for storing all your food and beverages and features adjustable shelves so you can customize it to fit your needs. The built in dishwasher is extremely energy efficient and will make cleanup a breeze. And the free standing gas range is perfect for cooking up your favorite meals. With this package, you’ll have everything you need to make your kitchen the envy of the neighborhood.

What’s Included:

  • Whirlpool Stainless Steel Microwave
  • Whirlpool French Door Refrigerator
  • Whirlpool Stainless Steel Dishwasher
  • Whirlpool Free Standing Gas Range

So, you’ve finally decided to upgrade your kitchen appliances. But with so many brands and appliance packages out there, how do you choose the best one for your needs?

No matter which brand you choose, make sure to do your research and read reviews before making your final decision. And once you’ve decided on the perfect appliance package for your home, enjoy your new kitchen!

Shop Kitchen Appliances Package Picks at Tony’s Appliance

There’s a reason the locals come to us — for unbeatable deals, shop kitchen appliances package choices online at East Coast Appliance. Our friendly associates are always happy to help you find the best kitchen appliance package for your home, whether you call us or use our online chat feature. Better yet, stop by one of our showrooms to see why we are the best appliance store in Virginia. Visit us today!

Learn More: Pro Style Range Benefits and Choices

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Best Kitchen Appliance Suites | Appliance Suites

You can’t expect every team member of a matching kitchen appliance suite to pull its own weight. Consumer Reports has found this again and again in our test labs, and it’s why we suggest that if top performance is your top priority, you should mix models from different product lines—maybe even across brands—to outfit an entire kitchen.

That said, we get that you may not want your appliances to clash. According to a survey of CR members, 70 percent want their kitchen appliances from a matching suite. And, of course, that’s often how they’re sold.

Where to start? The key is to focus first on the range or cooktop, not only because your choices will be limited by whether you have gas or electricity, but also because a range that performs poorly will ruin your roast, whereas a stinker of a microwave can still nuke your coffee. It’s also important to look for a refrigerator with good energy efficiency because it runs continuously.

We’ve done the calculus on the trade-offs and assembled three great kitchen appliance suites with some of CR’s top-rated ranges and refrigerators. None of the teams are made up solely of all-stars, but they’re very impressive overall—especially in their matching stainless steel uniforms.

If you want to dig deeper into the types of major appliances here, start with our buying guides for ranges, refrigerators, dishwashers, and microwaves. CR members can also jump right to our ratings of ranges, refrigerators, dishwashers, and microwaves to design their own appliance suite. If you do, drop us a note in the comments below or on CR’s Facebook page to tell us what you chose and why.

This handsome suite features a range and refrigerator that are true standouts. The range is among the best models in our ratings, and even outperforms our best induction model. The refrigerator is equally stellar with Excellent temperature performance. The dishwasher isn’t top-of-the-pack but is plenty effective for most households, with ratings of Very Good for both washing and drying. And the microwave is an unusually strong performer in its category, with ratings of Very Good for both speed and evenness.

This suite from Samsung is built around the superb gas range. The range is packed with features, with a convection oven, a grill, and front-mounted controls. It’s also a strong performer, with ratings of Very Good in nearly every single test. The refrigerator is a four-door, meaning the bottom-mounted freezer is divided in halves, with smaller drawers that can make it easier to access frozen foods. Temperature management is stellar. The dishwasher is reasonably priced and a solid performer, with a rating of Excellent for washing. And the microwave pulls its own weight, like the LG above, with a rating of Excellent for evenness.

Pro-style appliances often lag behind regular models in performance, but KitchenAid hits the sweet spot with stellar looks and strong performance. The range is dual-fuel, meaning it has a gas cooktop and electric oven. It sits near the top of our ratings, with strong marks, particularly the oven—it earns a rating of Excellent for broiling. The refrigerator, a built-in French-door model, is the biggest splurge here, but it’s also one of the very best built-in models in our ratings. The premium dishwasher is a stellar performer, with a rating of Very Good for washing, and it features digital controls on the front panel. The microwave is also among the best, with a rating of Excellent for evenness.

Paul Hope

As a classically trained chef and an enthusiastic DIYer, I’ve always valued having the best tool for a job—whether the task at hand is dicing onions for mirepoix or hanging drywall. When I’m not writing about home products, I can be found putting them to the test, often with help from my two young children, in the 1860s townhouse I’m restoring in my free time.

Certification of household appliances

We are engaged in the certification of household appliances for sale in the Russian Federation: electrical appliances and gas appliances for domestic use. The documents issued by us comply with all regulatory requirements of technical regulation.

Conformity assessment requirements

Household appliances, prior to being admitted to circulation in Russia and the EAEU, are subject to mandatory conformity assessment in accordance with the requirements of technical regulations. If it falls under the scope of several, the check is carried out for all of them.

Household electrical appliances

Electrical appliances and household appliances are subject to mandatory conformity assessment in the form of certification in accordance with the requirements of two technical regulations of the EAEU: 4

Household appliances are checked for safety, electromagnetic compatibility and, with a positive result, issue a certificate for it, which indicates that the product meets the requirements of these two technical regulations.

Also, electrical products are evaluated for the content of hazardous substances in accordance with the technical regulation TR EEAS 037 / 2016. The regulatory document provides for the declaration of products, but allows replacing it with certification.

Household gas equipment

Gas-consuming appliances, first of all, are evaluated according to the requirements of the technical regulation TR TS 016/2011. Appendix 1 of this regulatory document contains a list of equipment indicating the forms of confirmation of conformity for each group – certification or declaration. The more complex the device, the higher the regulatory requirements for it.

Most household gas appliances are subject to mandatory certification according to technical regulation 016. For example, these are cookers, heating boilers, water heaters, gas burners.

Certification of household appliances has two important nuances:

Requirements of technical regulations do not replace, but complement each other. If a household appliance is simultaneously subject to several regulatory documents, conformity assessment is carried out for each of them.

Technical regulations 004, 020, 016 contain mandatory requirements for packaging labeling and operational documentation of equipment. Ignoring them leads to fines for the manufacturer or seller, comparable to the liability for violating the conformity assessment procedure.

Voluntary certification of household appliances

Household electrical and gas appliances are excluded from the list of products subject to mandatory certification according to Russian standards.

But manufacturers and distributors often turn to us for confirmation of the conformity of goods to national GOSTs. Voluntary certification of household appliances has its advantages:

  • Russian consumer trusts products with the PCT conformity mark, and sellers use such marking as an additional competitive advantage;
  • the applicant (manufacturer or seller) himself chooses according to which regulatory requirements he will receive a certificate of conformity, and can emphasize the strengths of his products.

Technical regulation of the Customs Union TR TS

Technical regulation of the Customs Union is a legal act that establishes mandatory requirements for products. In 2010, due to the strengthening of integration processes in the Customs Union, it was decided to introduce uniform requirements for products on the territory of the participating countries (Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan) and cancel national standards. Now the entire set of legal acts is replaced by a single Technical Regulation. Since the list of products required for certification is constantly expanding, following the results of 2011, 2012, 2015-2017 and 2020, new regulations were introduced. Checking for compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union is carried out by accredited organizations.

TR CU 004/2011

On the safety of low-voltage equipment

TR CU 005/2011

On the safety of packaging

TR TS 006/2011

On safety pyrotechnic products

TR CU 007/2011

Product safety intended for children and adolescents

TR CU 008/2011

On the safety of toys

TR TS 009/2011

On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products

TR TS 010/20 11

On the safety of machinery and equipment

TR CU 011/2011

On the safety of elevators

TR CU 012/2011

On the safety of equipment for operation in explosive environments

TR CU 013/2011

On the requirements for automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel and fuel oil

TR CU 014/2011

On road safety

TR CU 015/2011

On safety of grain

TR CU 016/2011

On the safety of apparatus
operating on gaseous fuel

TR CU 017/2011

On the safety of light industry products

TR TS 0 18/2011

On the safety of wheeled vehicles

TR CU 019/2011

On the safety of personal protective equipment

TR CU 020/2011

Electromagnetic compatibility
of technical equipment

TR TS 021/2011

On food safety

TR CU 022/2011

Food products in terms of their labeling

TR TS 023/2011

Technical regulations for juice products from fruits and vegetables

900 02 TR CU 024/2011

Technical regulation for oil and fat products

TR CU 025/2012

On the safety of furniture products

TR CU 026/2012

On the safety of small boats

TR CU 027/2012

On the safety of certain types of specialized food products, including dietary therapeutic and dietary preventive nutrition

TR CU 029/2012

Safety requirements for food additives, flavors and technical auxiliaries

TR CU 030/2012

9000 2 About the requirements for lubricants, oils and special liquids

TR TS 031/2012

On the safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and trailers for them

TR TS 032/2013

On the safety of equipment operating under excessive pressure

TR CU 033/2013

On the safety of milk and dairy products

90 002 TR TS 034/2013

On the safety of meat and meat products

TR CU 035/2014

Technical regulation for tobacco products

TR EAEU 040/2016

On the safety of fish and fish products

TR EAEU 044/2017

On the safety of packaged drinking water, including natural mineral water

Certification of compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union

Obtaining certificates according to TR CU standards is a mandatory procedure for all companies planning to conduct trading activities on the territory of the Customs Union member countries. The certificate obtained as part of the procedure confirms that the composition and properties of the products comply with the requirements adopted in the Customs Union. Certification of compliance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union can be carried out both by the manufacturer and by the company that represents the products on the basis of foreign trade contracts. The validity period of product certification for which the Technical Regulations and standards of the Customs Union apply is five years. During this period, goods can be freely and freely sold on the markets of the EAEU. The company “MEZHREGIONTEST” will undertake the entire range of procedures for processing documents for products confirming that they comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations and standards of the Customs Union. Certification of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union is carried out in the shortest possible time.

Video overview of the service

Read more

Switch certification
Cable certification
Laptop and tablet certification
Luminaire certification
Control cabinet certification 90 021 Certification of computer equipment
Certification of lamps
Certification of household appliances‍

Mandatory certification of packaging, containers , films, bags and boxes

Certification of pyrotechnics

Certification and declaration of children’s shoes
Certification of children’s clothing

Mandatory certification of children’s toys in Russia

Mandatory certification of cosmetics in Russia: cream, perfume (perfume) shampoos, mascara, lipstick, blush, powder, toothpaste and powder
Certificate of conformity for soap and detergents

Agricultural Machinery Certification
Mechanical Engineering Product Certification
Tractor Certification
Steam and Solid Fuel Boiler Certification
Tool Certification

Elevator and Lift Equipment Certification

Equipment Certification for Explosive Atmospheres

Gasoline and Diesel Certification

Highway Certification

Grain Certification

Gas Machine Certification figurative fuel»

Certification of garments
Certification of fur coats , fur and fur products
Certificate of conformity for clothes in Russia
Mandatory certification of footwear in Russia
Textile certification
Fabric compliance certificate

Workwear compliance certificates
Mandatory certification of personal protective equipment (PPE) in Russia

Computer equipment certification
LED lamp certification

Confectionery certification: sweets, chocolate, cookies, gingerbread , cakes, dragees , caramel, oriental sweets, halva, marmalade, pastels
Certification of bread and bakery products: rolls, bagels, crackers, pies, pies, donuts, cookies, biscuits, crackers, rolls and waffles
Standardization and certification of food products in Russia
Certification of food products
Certification of food products
Certification of tea in Russia
Certification of the quality of honey
Mandatory certification of the quality of alcoholic products in Russia
Certification of wine

Certification of products in terms of its labeling 9 0003

Certification of juice products from fruits and vegetables

Certification of vegetable and butter

Mandatory certification of furniture in Russia
Certification of children’s furniture

Certification of small boats

Certification of medical nutrition
Certification of dietary nutrition

Certification of food additives, flavors and technical auxiliaries

Certification of cooling liquids
Motor Oil Certification

Agricultural and Forestry Certification tractors and trailers

Certificate of conformity for fittings

Certificate of conformity for milk and dairy products: sour cream, cheeses

Certification of the quality of meat and meat products: pork, beef, veal, lamb, chicken, sausage, stew and canned goods, offal

Certification of tobacco products

Certification of fish products

Certification of mineral water

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Corruption: abuse of official position, giving a bribe, receiving a bribe, abuse of authority, commercial bribery or other illegal use by an individual of his official position contrary to the legitimate interests of society and the state in order to obtain benefits in the form of money, valuables, other property or services of a property nature , other property rights for themselves or for third parties, or illegal provision of such benefits to the specified person by other individuals;

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premium household appliances – articles

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  • Best of the best: premium household appliances blood . The word “premium” itself comes from the English “premium”, which means “award”, “first-class” and fully reflects the concept of household appliances made under such a label. The unifying characteristics of the premium offer will be prestige, innovation and perfect quality. Accordingly, the products of this group are designed for certain requirements and a circle of customers who value only the highest quality. Not every company can boast of a premium offer. As a rule, in order for the equipment to meet such high requirements, the manufacturer must improve its capacities for quite a long time, carefully studying the requirements of the market, and comply with the latest breakthroughs in the field of high technologies. Premium class is a guarantee of a time-tested name and product. A competent manufacturer first earns credibility, which then more than pays for the initial efforts.

    When we buy premium appliances, we expect equal value for money. In this kind of technology, exclusive systems are used, thanks to which the product has high consumer properties. This is a guaranteed availability of the highest level of modern technology, electronics, which makes the products almost completely independent, controlling their own work and general condition. The achievements of technologists, chemists, physicists and other specialists have led to the emergence of induction and microwave heating methods in our lives, an ideal self-cleaning method, non-contaminating surfaces and economical operation. In addition, the narrow specialization of individual industries allowed the consumer to choose two types of appliances: super-functional (combining the capabilities of different devices), or super-monoprofile (single-functional household appliances brought to an ideal level).

    The next important parameter in choosing a premium product is usually the appearance of the product. The main difference between household appliances of such a high level is the opportunity to choose unique items of exquisite and extraordinary design. These include not only ultra-modern models that feel comfortable in a hi-tech kitchen, with their smooth, clear lines and symmetrical proportions, a stylish duet of black and white and a priority for minimalist organization of space, but also other models related to softer and brighter styles. . Retro, modern, eclectic, luxurious classics – all the diversity of the most interesting heritage of human culture can be reflected in the design of elite household appliances. And her choice is a matter of your taste and preferences.

    The third requirement for high-quality home comfort items is ergonomics. High-end appliances combine the ability to fit perfectly into any kitchen set and interior, making up a single whole with them, and the guarantee of intuitive control, as well as excellent functionality. Modern technology is characterized by the fact that handling it does not require the user to study multi-page instructions, but intuitively perceive the meaning of one or another element. Ergonomics of individual highly professional products are custom-made in such a way as to ideally take into account the dimensions of the kitchen space.

    Another important rule of companies offering luxury products is first class service. The customer service of such manufacturers is a rapid response team. The brand’s own customer service provides advice of any kind, thanks to hotlines.

    Zigmund&Shtain is one of the premium home appliance companies. Its products meet all the parameters and requirements that apply to an elite product, while being characterized by originality and quality. Zigmund&Shtain ceramic surfaces will look comfortable and stylish in your kitchen. You can choose a black monochrome stove with a variety of burner shapes that are ideal for any type of cookware, or host a piece of an ancient civilization along with the Egypt model. In addition to the original and elegant design, Zigmund & Shtain surfaces are equipped with a built-in timer, a number of safety devices that prevent unexpected failures in the operation of equipment, an improved electronic unit, nine heating positions and other functions necessary for easy control.

Home water filter dispenser: The 9 Best Water Filter Pitchers and Dispensers of 2023

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 10:28 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

The 4 Best Water Filter Pitchers for 2023: Top Picks Tested

In this article:

  • Best water filter pitchers of 2023
  • How we test water filter pitchers
  • Water filter pitcher FAQs

Drinking from the tap isn’t always ideal, especially if you don’t trust the quality of the water coming out of it. That’s where a good filter comes in. The best water filter pitcher will improve the taste and quality of your drinking water. If you’re a bottled water drinker, a good home filter system or filter pitcher can also save you hundreds of dollars each year. In fact, we did the math to see how much you can save using a Brita or other filter pitcher in place of bottled water. Spoiler alert: It’s a whole lot.

Brita may be the best-known water filter pitcher brand but that doesn’t mean it’s the best at doing removing unwanted metals and other materials from tap water. In fact, three years running, another brand has taken the top spot as best water filter pitcher.

In yet another round of testing this year, the $50 ZeroWater still reigns supreme, removing nearly all of the total dissolved solids from water. But there are other models that did a formidable job including one extremely stylish pitcher that might catch your eye over the bare-bones, cheaper plastic models that dominate the category.

The bottom line is, if you want cleaner, better-tasting water, there are several options from the very inexpensive to the sleek yet pricey. We’ve run the tests and settled on these four models as the best water filter pitchers. 

Best water filter pitchers of 2023

All the water filter pitchers we tested

Here’s a list of the nine pitchers we tested in this latest round:

  • Aarke Water Purifier
  • Brita Metro Standard
  • Brita Everyday
  • Brita Longlast Monterey
  • Hydros Fast Flo
  • Larq UV self-cleaning
  • LifeStraw
  • Pur Plus
  • ZeroWater 

One key thing to consider from this chart is the estimated life of each pitcher filter versus its cost. The Brita Metro Standard and Everyday models, the Pur Plus and the ZeroWater pitcher all have a lower estimated filter life of up to 40 gallons. While the Brita filter and Pur filter models cost about $7 each, the ZeroWater filters cost $15 each (but are sold in a $30 two-pack). Packets of granules to refill Aarke’s reusable filter cost about $20 for three. 

Can you spot the ZeroWater filter? It’s the one on the far right. 

Megan Wollerton/CNET

As you can see in the picture above, the ZeroWater filter on the far right is massive compared to others. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily equal better performance but in this case, the ZeroWater did soundly outperform the others in removing contaminants. ZeroWater claims to have a five-stage filter that’s better at removing particles while preventing mold from growing with use. Based on our testing results, it seems the brand may be onto something. 

(Keep in mind that filter life will vary based on the quality of your tap water and how much your filter has to “work” to remove impurities. )

How we test water filter pitchers

To test these water filter pitchers, we washed each one with mild soap and water, then followed the individual manufacturer instructions for soaking, rinsing or otherwise prepping filters for use. 

Testing for TDS (total dissolved solids)

We filled a marked mason jar glass with 16 ounces of tap water and used an Orapxi water quality tester to measure and note the TDS present to see how much was in the water originally and how much had been removed. While the results of my tap water varied slightly each time I filled a fresh glass with 16 ounces the TDS of the water used always read between 47 and 50 ppm, or parts per million. (Read more about TDS here and here.) 

Then we poured all 16 ounces into a water filter pitcher, waited for it to filter all the water, poured it into a new glass and took the readings again. For nonalkaline pitchers, you should expect to see a drop in the TDS readings, as impurities and other minerals are removed from the water. We repeated these steps a total of three times on each of the pitchers. 

TDS meters are not sophisticated enough to decipher which impurities, nutrients and other minerals each filter manages to remove (or add, in the case of the alkaline pitchers). For that reason, measuring TDS alone as an indicator of water quality has some limitations. But, in general, for a standard filtered water pitcher, we want to see a decrease in the TDS reading. Examples of the most common TDS include “calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulfate, chloride, nitrate, and silica,” according to the US Geological Survey.

Measuring water pH

In a previous round of testing, we ran three alkaline water filter pitchers through a pH test — Clearly Filtered, Invigorated Water pH Vitality and Seychelle ph30. All saw an increase in both the pH and the TDS, since they’re designed to add minerals to your water, but the Seychelle saw the biggest pH increase which is why we’ve listed it as the best pitcher to buy if you want to add alkaline to your tap water.  

Measuring water taste

This is the least scientific test we’ll run on the water filter pitchers but still an important one. After filtering water with each pitcher, we give the liquid a good old-fashioned taste test. For this latest round of testing, we took sips of each water from each in succession and compared each drink with that of purified bottled water. 

Here’s a table of our most recent TDS removal test results. The data represents an average of three test runs for each filter pitcher. 

Test results

TDS (% change)
Aarke Purifier -39
Brita Metro Standard -45.6
Brita Everyday -45.6
Brita Longlast -3.1
Hydros -17.5
Larg self-cleaning -2. 2
Lifestraw -2
Pur Plus -6
ZeroWater -100

Which water filter pitcher removes the most impurities?

The ZeroWater pitcher managed to reduce all of the total dissolved solids in my tap water, from an average initial TDS reading of 57 ppm down to zero. Both Brita pitchers with the standard filter tied for second place, with a reduction of TDS from 57 down to 31 (a 45.6% decrease). The stylish (and expensive) Aarke also did well, removing nearly 40% of the TDS from tap water. 

Water taste is a bit trickier to measure, but every pitcher did help reduce the slightly metallic taste of my tap water. Unsurprisingly, the ZeroWater pitcher model tasted the best, with no discernible metallic taste or scent. 

Overall, the ZeroWater (ZP-010) made our job pretty easy. It completely dominated in terms of removing TDS and also happened to have one of the sturdiest designs. But there are other good options here too: The Brita Metro Standard is a great budget filter pitcher that weighs less than ZeroWater’s pitchers and has cheaper replacement filters. The Seychelle ph30 is a great pitcher pick if you want to add alkaline to water. And Aarke’s water purifier is my pick for the most stylish water pitcher with a sturdy build, stainless steel frame and glass pitcher. It costs much more than the others but offers a bit of elegance that few others do.

One thing to note is that we’re really testing the filters here and not the pitcher itself. Because most home filter pitchers made by a single brand will use the same filter, you can bet that no matter which size or shape dispenser you choose, the filter should do the same job, for better or worse. ZeroWater, for instance, has a line of about six pitchers, jugs and dispensers in various sizes, all of which use the same very effective five-stage filter. The one caveat within the brands we’ve tested here is Brita which offers a LongLast filter that did not perform as well as the Legacy Brita filters.

Another big takeaway is just how widely filtered water pitchers can vary, both in terms of performance and even in terms of their key function, as in the case of alkaline pitchers. As long as you identify your needs before you buy, you’re bound to find the right filtered water pitcher for you.

Water filter pitcher FAQs

How does a water filter pitcher work?

What contaminants should a water filter pitcher remove?

Which water filter pitcher removes the most contaminants?

Do water filter pitchers remove bacteria?

How do you clean a water filter pitcher?

10 Best Water Filter Pitchers of 2023

We’ve been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.


Best Overall Water Filter Pitcher

Brita Everyday Water Filter Pitcher with Elite Filter


Best Overall Water Filter Pitcher

Brita Everyday Water Filter Pitcher with Elite Filter

$58 at Amazon

Credit: Brita

  • Also our Best Value pick
  • Longer filter life than standard Britas
  • Doesn’t leave black carbon specks
  • Must hand wash

Brita is one of the most well-known water filter brands, so it’s no surprise the brand’s Elite water filter did a stellar job in our testing and filtered over 30 contaminants.

We found that it removes chlorine to improve the taste as well as other chemicals such as heavy metals, carcinogens, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and more according to our review of third-party lab test data. Not only did it impress as our best overall pick, but it also doubles as our best value pick thanks to both its low upfront and low yearly filter replacement costs.

It was one of the fastest filters in our tests, coming in at 38 seconds per cup of water and, according to Brita, the filter lasts about six months before you need to change it. Chief Technologist & Executive Technical Director Rachel Rothman has this water filter pitcher at home and says, “With five thirsty mouths in our house, I like that the filter lasts longer so I’m not constantly changing it, and I enjoy the taste of the water.”

The pitcher can hold 10 cups of water, and the Elite filters have been upgraded from the standard filters. Not only do these filters last longer, but they also filter out lead and don’t leave behind any black carbon particle specks in the water, a common complaint with the standard Brita filters. Take note: If you tip the pitcher too much, we found the filter comes out, so you’ll have to take care when pouring. You can also upgrade to the Tahoe pitcher, which uses the same filter — but it stays in place when you pour — and comes with a smart light indicator that’s easy to see when it’s time to change the pitcher.

    Pitcher material Plastic
    Pitcher capacity 10 cups
    Tank capacity 6 cups
    Speed of filtration 38 seconds per cup
    Filter replacement frequency Every 6 months
    Yearly filter replacement cost $35
    Dishwasher safe No


    Best 2-in-1 Water Filter Pitcher and Dispenser

    ZeroWater 10-Cup 5-Stage Water Filter Pitcher


    Best 2-in-1 Water Filter Pitcher and Dispenser

    ZeroWater 10-Cup 5-Stage Water Filter Pitcher

    $35 at Amazon$35 at Walmart

    Credit: ZeroWater

    • Pours from the spout or dispenser spigot
    • Includes a total dissolved solids (TDS) meter
    • Easy to determine when to change water filter
    • High yearly filter replacement cost

    Zero Water’s innovative two-in-one pitcher allows you to pour out of the spout or to dispense water while sits on on the counter with the push-button spigot at the bottom of the pitcher. The Zero Water 5-Stage system comes with a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter, which indicates the level of dissolved salts and minerals in the water such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfate and more. In our Lab tests, the meter read instantaneously. Plus, it filters out five chemical contaminants, including chlorine, heavy metals and endocrine distruptors such as PFOA and PFOS, according to our verified review of third-party test data.

    It also makes it easy to gauge when to change your filter: Just stick the meter in the filtered water and read it. Zero advises changing the filter when the TDS meter reads 006, though this is a personal preference since TDS affects the water’s taste. Some may prefer more TDS in their water while others prefer less. It comes in a 10-cup or 12-cup option. One downside, however, is that it offers a higher yearly cost to replace the filters.

      Pitcher material Plastic
      Pitcher capacity 10 or 12 cups
      Tank capacity 5. 5 cups
      Speed of filtration 87 seconds per cup
      Filter replacement frequency Every 20 gallons or every month
      Yearly filter replacement cost $125
      Dishwasher safe No


      Best Easy-Pour Water Filter Pitcher

      Soma 10-Cup Water Filter Pitcher


      Best Easy-Pour Water Filter Pitcher

      Soma 10-Cup Water Filter Pitcher

      $44 at Amazon

      Credit: Soma

      • Stylish design
      • Easy to fill
      • Easy to pour
      • Must hand wash
      • Does not filter as many contaminants as some other pitchers

      Water filter pitchers can be an eyesore with their clunky exterior, but this sleek pitcher with a wooden handle is beautiful and easy to use. GH’s Kitchen Appliances and Innovation Lab Director, Nicole Papantaniou, loves the wooden handle and how easy it is to grasp and pour. It’s nearly ready to go out of the box, though you do need to soak the filter before using (the filter’s packaging doubles as a bag for soaking!).

      We found it’s also easy to fill with the drop-down lid: Simply place the pitcher under the faucet, and the top flap drops down under the pressure of the water. Even though it wasn’t the fastest filter, it still had a decent water filter rate of 74 seconds per cup. While it doesn’t filter out as many contaminants as some of the other water filter pitchers we tested, we verified through our review of third-party lab test data that it removes chlorine to improve the taste of the water, plus four heavy metals.

        Pitcher material Plastic
        Pitcher capacity 10 cups
        Tank capacity 3.5 cups
        Speed of filtration 74 seconds per cup
        Filter replacement frequency Every two months
        Yearly filter replacement cost $60
        Dishwasher safe No

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        Best Water Filter Pitcher to Remove Bacteria

        Larq PureVis Water Pitcher with Advanced Filter


        Best Water Filter Pitcher to Remove Bacteria

        Larq PureVis Water Pitcher with Advanced Filter

        $148 at Williams Sonoma

        Credit: Larq

        • UV light deactivates or inhibits the growth of E. Coli and Salmonella
        • App is easy to install
        • App keeps track of when filter needs changing
        • Yearly cost to replace filter is pricey
        • App can be unreliable

        Most water filter pitchers remove chlorine to improve the taste of the water, which could also lead to a rise in bacteria in the filtered water. Larq solves this by using UV light to inhibit E. coli and Salmonella from building up in the water due to chlorine removal. It filters over 45 contaminants such as microplastics, heavy metals, VOCs, endocrine disruptors PFOA and PFOS, pharmaceuticals and more, which we verified through a review of third-party test data. It has a rechargeable removable wand that powers the UV light, which is visible as the water filters through.

        During our Lab testing, the Larq app was easy to install, and it helps keeps track of when you need to change the filter. One thing to note, we found the app at times disconnected or uninstalled itself, so the tracking may not be entirely accurate.

        We love the modern look and the easy-pour spout that doesn’t splash water everywhere. Our pros thought that it was intuitive to set up and is one of the few pitchers in our tests that’s dishwasher safe. The wand needs to be hand washed, but we found this easy due to its compact size. The downside: The yearly cost to replace the filters is more than others we tested.

          Pitcher material Plastic
          Pitcher capacity 8 cups
          Tank capacity 4 cups
          Speed of filtration 68 seconds per cup
          Filter replacement frequency Every three months or 60 gallons
          Yearly filter replacement cost $120
          Dishwasher safe Yes (PureVis Wand should be hand washed)


          Best Countertop Water Filter Pitcher Dispenser

          AquaTru Connect Smart Countertop Water Purifier


          Best Countertop Water Filter Pitcher Dispenser

          AquaTru Connect Smart Countertop Water Purifier

          $499 at Amazon

          Credit: AquaTru

          • Reduces more unique contaminants
          • App keeps track of filter replacement and cleaning
          • Customizable water taste with different filters
          • Pricey
          • Bulky footprint

          The AquaTru water filter dispenser removes over 80 contaminants, one of the highest among the water filters we tested, which earned it one of the top spots in our tests. We verified that it removes contaminants such as chlorine, heavy metals like lead, VOCs, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors and more. In addition, it removes over 90% of fluoride, which some may prefer removed while others may not.

          The AquaTru comes with three different filters: pre/carbon, reverse osmosis and VOC filter. The pre/carbon filter removes particles, like sediment and rust, as well as chlorine, which improves taste. The reverse osmosis takes out impurities down to 1/10,000 of a micron, reducing arsenic, lead, parasitic cysts, copper and more. All of these contaminant removal claims were verified with our review of independent lab test data.

          The carbon VOC filter is designed to enhance the taste of the water. If you’re particular about the taste of your water, there’s also an option to buy a Ph+ mineral boost alkaline carbon VOC filter, which is supposed to mimic the mineral-rich taste of Evian or Arrowhead, whereas the regular VOC filter tastes more like Smartwater or Aquafina, according to AquaTru.

          Our pros appreciated that the AquaTru App tells you when the filter needs changing as well as other stats like how many gallons of water you’ve filtered or the amount of total dissolved solids in the tap and filtered water. The tap water reservoir holds 16 cups of water, so you won’t have to refill as often, and the carrying handle makes it easy to go to and from the sink.

          The downside: This dispenser has a pricey upfront cost of nearly $485, but the filters last longer than most, making the yearly cost of replacing filters comparable to some pitchers that filter fewer contaminants.

              Pitcher material Plastic
              Pitcher capacity 12 cups
              Tank capacity 16 cups
              Speed of filtration 66 seconds per cup
              Filter replacement frequency Six months to two years, depending on filter type
              Yearly filter replacement cost $70/one-year combo
              Dishwasher safe No


              Best Basic Water Filter Pitcher

              Hydros Glass Slim Pitcher


              Best Basic Water Filter Pitcher

              Hydros Glass Slim Pitcher

              $35 at Amazon

              Credit: Hydros

              • Space saver
              • Fast filter
              • Lightweight
              • Only filters two contaminants for taste and clarity

              The Hydros Glass Slim Pitcher will improve the taste and clarity of your water by removing chlorine and sediment. It’s great for someone who wants a basic pitcher, plus it will save some space in your fridge with its small 4-in. diameter footprint. Our experts found it’s lightweight when filled, weighing a little under 4 lbs. We loved that the filter didn’t require any pre-soaking and was ready to use with only a 15-second flush under running water.

              Our pros were pleasantly surprised it filtered water nearly instantaneously. The downside: The opening is small, so water tends to spill over the lid while filling. The water pours out smoothly, though it feels bottom-heavy when you grab it by the pitcher’s neck to pour. It’s also available in a plastic version.

              Pitcher material Available in glass or plastic
              Pitcher capacity 5 cups
              Tank capacity n/a
              Speed of filtration 29 seconds per cup
              Yearly replacement freqency Every 2 months or 40 gallons
              Yearly replacement filter cost $66
              Dishwasher safe No

              Advertisement – Continue Reading Below


              Best Glass Water Filter Pitcher

              LifeStraw Home 7-Cup Glass Water Filter Pitcher


              Best Glass Water Filter Pitcher

              LifeStraw Home 7-Cup Glass Water Filter Pitcher

              $64 at Amazon

              Credit: LifeStraw

              • Filters more contaminants than typical glass pitchers
              • Lightweight
              • Easy to hold
              • Slow to filter
              • Smaller capacity

              This small but mighty water filter pitcher improves the taste and clarity of water, plus takes out over 30 contaminants, including chlorine, microplastics, sediment, heavy metals, VOCs, endocrine disruptors, pesticides, pharmaceuticals and E. coli bacteria and cysts, which we verified by reviewing the brand’s third-party lab test data. Most brands offer only plastic pitchers, but LifeStraw has a glass and a plastic option.

              In our tests, we liked that it was light and easy to hold and pour, weighing in at a mere 6 lbs when filled. The trade-off is that you need to refill it more often since it does not hold a large volume of water (it only holds 2.5 cups of tap water). LifeStraw states that it takes a few refills of the pitcher to get the water flowing, but we noted that even after a few refills it was still filtering slowly. Take note: We found the filters easy to accidentally wash, which leads to soap in the filter, so be sure to read the instructions and remove them from the plastic housing before washing.

                Pitcher material Available in glass or plastic
                Pitcher capacity 7 cups
                Tank capacity 2.5 cups
                Speed of filtration 112 seconds per cup
                Filter replacement frequency Every two months for the regular filter and about once a year (264 gallons) for the membrane microfilter
                Yearly filter replacement cost $60
                Dishwasher-safe No


                Best Stainless Steel Water Filter Pitcher

                Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter


                Best Stainless Steel Water Filter Pitcher

                Berkey Gravity-Fed Water Filter

                $426 at Amazon$482 at Walmart

                • Removes 200+ contaminants
                • Filters last a long time
                • Able to remove bacteria, viruses and pathogens
                • Pricey
                • Harder than others to fill and takes longer to filter

                Berkey’s filters came out on top for removing more contaminants than other water filters we tested: more than 200 contaminants, including common chemical contaminants most pitchers remove like chlorine, cadmium and lead, and we verified that it also removes viruses, parasitic pathogens, bacteria, VOCs, some pharmaceutical drugs and petroleum contaminants such as gasoline and crude oil. If you prefer to have fluoride removed from your water, it’s one of the few that can remove it, but you need to buy the fluoride filters separately.

                In our Lab tests, we noticed that this countertop dispenser required more work to set up than others, and the instructions were not as clear as we would like. But once it’s set up, it’s fairly easy to use, though we didn’t love that you can’t set down the tank (the screws get in the way, so you either have to hold it while filling or go back and forth with pitchers of water to pour into the tank). On the other hand, it has a large capacity tank, so you don’t have to take as many trips to fill it up.

                We also saw in our Lab tests that it filters slowly. However, our home testers did not have this problem. The Berkey comes in multiple sizes with the smallest one starting at $345, but according to Berkey, the filters can be cleaned up to 100 times with a 3M Scotch-Brite pad. Over time, this may save money compared to pitchers that need to have their filters changed every few months.

                Pitcher material Stainless steel
                Pitcher capacity 1.5 gallons (also available in 2.25, 3.25, 4.5 and 6 gallons)
                Tank capacity 20 cups
                Speed of filtration Over 12 minutes per cup
                Yearly replacement frequency Every 3,000 gallons
                Yearly filter replacement cost Initial cost of $154 for 2-pack
                Dishwasher safe Yes


                Best Dishwasher-Safe Water Filter Pitcher

                Pur Water Pitcher Filtration System


                Best Dishwasher-Safe Water Filter Pitcher

                Pur Water Pitcher Filtration System

                $19 at Amazon$19 at Walmart

                Credit: Pur

                • Slim design to save space
                • Lid stays in place while pouring
                • Available in fun colors
                • Need to refill more frequently

                Many water filter pitchers are not dishwasher-safe, so you need to wash them by hand, which is one of the reasons our experts liked this Pur water filter pitcher. All the parts can go in the dishwasher, so no hand washing is required. When we tested this at home, we found it was easy to fill and pour from, thanks to a flip top that stays in place when pouring water. The standard filter helps remove chlorine and some heavy metals, which we verified through third-party lab test data review.

                We also appreciate the slim design of this 7-cup pitcher, which saves space in our fridge, but the trade-off is that you may have to refill it somewhat frequently. An added bonus for this slim pitcher: It comes in fun colors including lime (shown), blush and blue. They also have an 11-cup capacity pitcher to save some trips to the sink.

                Pitcher material Plastic
                Pitcher capacity 7 cups
                Tank capacity 5 cups
                Speed of filtration 66 seconds per cup
                Yearly replacement frequency Every 2 months or 40 gallons
                Yearly filter replacement cost $36
                Dishwasher safe Yes

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                Best Reusable Filter Water Pitcher

                Aarke Glass Water Filter Pitcher


                Best Reusable Filter Water Pitcher

                Aarke Glass Water Filter Pitcher

                $150 at Amazon

                Credit: Aarke

                • Refillable stainless steel filter
                • Sleek design
                • Easy to fill
                • Pricey for a 10-cup pitcher

                What sets Aarke apart from the rest is the unique stainless steel water filter. Instead of throwing away a plastic cartridge like most water filter pitchers, the Aarke filter pitcher allows you to simply change the granules inside the stainless steel filter. It helps remove chlorine, copper, lead and limescale.

                The water pitcher holds 10 cups of water, and we found it easy to fill with the removable lid. The pitcher looks sleek and is made with glass and stainless steel to give it a more modern look than plastic pitchers. Unfortunately, it also comes with a higher price tag than most 10-cup plastic pitchers. The silicone bumper helps keep the pitcher from sliding or falling, which is removable in case you don’t need it.

                Pitcher material Glass, stainless steel and silicone
                Pitcher capacity 10 cups
                Tank capacity 5 cups
                Speed of filtration 90 seconds per cup
                Yearly replacement frequency 32 gallons or every 8 weeks
                Yearly filter replacement cost $39
                Dishwasher safe Yes

                Do water filter pitchers really work?

                Yes, water filter pitchers work to remove contaminants such as heavy metals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and more. Some chemicals like chlorine are added to city water to disinfect it, but many people prefer filtering it out as it negatively affects taste.

                Keep in mind that not all water filters remove the same contaminants. Most basic designs remove only contaminants like chlorine and its derivatives generated when they combine with organic matter while others remove many more.

                “The performance of the water filter also depends on the quality of the water source and whether or not the filters are replaced regularly,” says Birnur Aral, Ph.D., executive director of the Beauty, Health and Sustainability Lab. “Also, these pitchers are not intended to work with well water, which will cause them to clog much faster.” People with well water systems should consult with professional water filtration services, like Culligan.

                How we test water filter pitchers

                Our Good Housekeeping Institute experts scoured the market for the best water filter pitchers, then narrowed down testing to the most promising products based on our categorical expertise. Our Lab experts spent three months researching and testing these water filter pitchers and continue to test them year-round. We dedicated over 37 hours to combing through over 200 pages of data to ensure these water filter pitchers removed what they claimed, such as getting rid of a specific chemical or physical contaminant or killing bacteria.

                In addition, we assessed how easy it was to set up the pitcher, how heavy it was once filled and how easy it was to pour from. We also looked at the clarity of the instruction manual and whether the pitchers were dishwasher safe. We tested performance factors like how quickly it filtered a cup of water and measured how much tap water the reservoir can hold. We reviewed how long each filter lasts and factored the price of the replacement filters into a yearly calculation of what it costs when replacing filters at the recommended time frame.

                To assess claims, we requested third-party data from each water filter pitcher brand. Our Executive Director of the GH Health, Beauty, Health and Sustainability Lab thoroughly reviewed the data to verify differing contaminant-removal and purification claims, such as water clarity, health effects, emerging contaminants and more.

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                What to look for when shopping for the best water filter pitcher

                ✔️ Filtering ability: Not all water filter pitchers remove the same contaminants; if you have specific filtration needs, be sure to check what each product claims to remove. Many water filter brands are starting to share their contaminant removal data on their websites, so if you’re looking for a specific contaminant, check the brand’s website or try reaching out to the company.

                ✔️ Style and size: When choosing a style, keep in mind size versus weight. If you need to save space, opt for a smaller pitcher, which will require more refills. Large-capacity pitchers allow you to refill less, but they can also be cumbersome to carry and pour. If you have the counter space and like to have a large capacity water dispenser, consider a countertop model as these often hold larger amounts of water.

                ✔️ Price: Generally speaking, the more contaminants a filter removes, the higher the cost — and if your water doesn’t need certain contaminants removed, you may be wasting money choosing a pitcher with an extensive list. When deciding which pitcher to purchase, consider both the price of the pitcher and the price to replace filters: Some have a higher upfront cost but filters cost less and vice versa.

                ✔️ Special features: If you have a hard time remembering when to change your water filter, choose a model that makes it easy to keep track or tells you when you need to change the filter. Some water filter pitchers now come with apps to remind you.

                ✔️ Filtering needs: Not all tap water has the same contaminants, so your contaminant removal needs may differ based on where you live (i.e. according to your water supply and the age of your plumbing) as well as your personal preference for the taste of your water. We recommend using the EWG Tap Water Database to see what’s in your tap water, but if you’re unsure what your water contains, it may be best to have a filter that covers the removal of a broad range of contaminants. The EPA doesn’t regulate all contaminants, but at the minimum, our pros suggest a filter that at least removes heavy metals.

                ✔️ NSF and ANSI tests: You’ll see many water pitchers stating they’ve been tested to NSF/ANSI standards, which test the removal of various water contaminants, but keep in mind that NSF/ANSI standards are not the same across the board. Some standards test only for water clarity while others test for the removal of certain chemicals and physical contaminants. The NSF website offers a detailed explanation of its standards and what it tests for.

                Why trust Good Housekeeping?

                This guide to the best water filter pitchers was written and tested by several Good Housekeeping Institute experts, including Jamie Kim, a freelance writer with a consumer products background; she specializes in product testing and reviews. She tested over 20 water filters and continues to road-test water filter pitchers.

                Birnur Aral, Ph.D, is the executive director of the Beauty, Health and Sustainability Lab, and she has over a decade of R&D experience. Birnur played a lead role in GH’s investigative story Is Your Tap Water Safe? and recently assessed the SafeHome brand DIY water testing kits for the Good Housekeeping Seal. She also helped the brand fine-tune its marketing claims and instruction inserts for its kits, including those for Lead, City Water and Well Water.

                Nicole Papantoniou is the director of the Kitchen Appliances and Innovation lab, where she oversees all content and testing related to kitchen and cooking appliances, tools and gear. She continually tests water filter pitchers year-round. She’s been testing kitchen appliances professionally since 2013 and is trained in classic culinary arts.

                Jamie Kim

                Contributing Writer and Analyst

                Jamie Kim is a consumer products expert with over 17 years of experience in areas of product development and manufacturing. She has held leading roles at both mid-size consumer goods companies and one of the most notable and largest apparel brands in the world. Jamie has contributed to several of the GH Institute Labs, including Kitchen Appliances, Media and Tech, Textiles and Home Appliances. In her free time she enjoys cooking, traveling, and working out.

                Dispenser for water purification in Moscow

                Purifiers (water purifiers, coolers with filtration) are coolers in which a 19 liter bottle is replaced with a built-in filtration system. Purifiers are connected to the water supply and are designed to improve the quality of drinking water. Purifiers, like conventional coolers, have the function of heating and cooling water.

                Purifiers are divided:

                • according to the filtration system – reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration and sorption;
                • according to the type of installation – on floor and desktop;
                • according to the type of construction – with storage tank and without storage tank.


                All (9)Aquapro (5)Coway (3)Raifil (1)

                AQUAPRO 919H/RO Tabletop Purifier

                Ob military osmosis ;
                Heating ;
                Room temperature water


                AQUAPRO 9 Purifier29CH/RO floor standing

                floor standing
                reverse osmosis ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;
                Room temperature water


                AQUAPRO 2307ACH/RO Purifier

                Reverse osmosis ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;
                Room temperature water

                Read more

                CHP-671R water purifier

                Floor standing
                Reverse osmosis ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;

                More details

                Water purifier Coway NWP-1100S (white)

                Floor standing
                Reverse osmosis ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;


                Water purifier Coway FW-3700 (A-07) (white)

                Ultrafiltration ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;


                Dispenser AQUAPRO 312CH Drinking fountain

                Floor standing
                Sorption cleaning ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;

                Read more

                AquaPro 798CH-RO Floor Purifier

                Reverse Osmosis ;
                Heating ;
                Cooling ;

                Read more

                Raifil SPR-M101L tabletop purifier

                Table top
                Reverse osmosis ;
                Water at room temperature

                Sold out


                Water purification is a necessary condition in apartments and houses where the quality of tap water leaves much to be desired. This process involves filtration and distillation of water, during which the number of bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, heavy metals and other particles contained in the water is reduced. The finest filtration is carried out using devices such as a purifier or water purification dispenser.

                Water purification systems are reverse osmosis, sorption and ultra filtration, floor and desktop, with and without a storage tank.

                In our online store you can buy filters and dispensers of the most popular brands:

                • Aquapro
                • Raifil
                • Coway

                Dispensers and purifiers practically do not differ from conventional water coolers in their appearance and principle of operation . The main difference is that these devices not only cool or heat water, but also filter it.

                The operation of the purifier involves connection to the domestic water supply and sewerage system. Also, to improve the quality of some dispensers, it may be necessary to install a pump that increases the pressure in the pipes and a water pre-treatment system.

                Filter-dispenser Aquaphor GX60LB-F-D Crystal for water purification


                • home
                • Catalog

                • Drinking water in the office

                • org/ListItem”>

                  Filter dispenser Aquaphor GX60LB-F-D Crystal

                Connected to the water supply, the filter dispenser will provide you with an unlimited amount of drinking water in a hotel, office or fitness club.

                The dispenser can be located both in close proximity and at a distance from the water supply (maximum distance to water communications – 200 m).

                Deeply purifying water, Aquaphor dispensers allow you to significantly save on the purchase of bottled water. The operation of the dispenser will cost you almost 2 times cheaper than the maintenance of the cooler .

                Aquaphor dispensers are equipped with a modified Aquaphor Crystal water filtration system, which is guaranteed to provide you with premium drinking water without harmful impurities, which is especially important for commercial establishments.

                Another advantage of Aquaphor dispensers is a user-friendly interface and comfortable service. The system allows you to control the temperature of cold and hot water.



                • Plug-in module K3
                  1 PC.
                • Plug-in module K2
                  1 PC.
                • Plug-in module K7
                  1 PC.
                • Manifold block
                  1 PC.
                • Connecting tube
                  1 PC.
                • Connecting tube with conical sleeve
                  1 PC.
                • Connection node
                  1 PC.
                • Faucet for clean water
                  1 PC.
                • Stub
                  1 PC.
                • Fork key
                  1 PC.
                • Dispenser body
                  1 PC.


                • 1
                  Plug-in module K3

                  1 pc.

                • 2
                  Plug-in module K2

                  1 pc.

                • 3
                  Plug-in module K7

                  1 pc.

                • 4
                  Manifold block

                  1 pc.

                • 5
                  Connecting tube

                  1 pc.

                • 6
                  Connecting tube with conical sleeve

                  1 pc.

                • 7
                  Connection node

                  1 pc.

                • 8
                  Faucet for clean water

                  1 pc.

                • 9

                  1 pc.

                • 10
                  Fork key

                  1 pc.

Cm700 netgear: NETGEAR CM700 – DOCSIS 3.0 High Speed Cable Modem

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 9:39 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

NETGEAR CM700 – DOCSIS 3.0 High Speed Cable Modem


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The Best DOCSIS 3.0 Modem to Buy in 2023?

Not every modem needs to handle Gig-level internet packages. And for anything mid-range, there is the ultimate Netgear CM700. Layered with a smorgasbord of exciting features and feathery form factor, the CM700 is one of the better cable modems for smaller houses, standard office premises, and households with fewer smart devices.

Netgear CM700 is a standalone modem that needs a router to be able to work holistically. And what makes this Netgear 32 x 8 DOCSIS 3. 0 cable modem promising is the multi-router compatibility. But there is a lot more to this modem than just the networking capabilities, efficient hardware, and top-shelf technologies that I will touch base with in the upcoming review.

But wait, before I begin with the full review, let me list out the specs of the Netgear CM700.

Netgear CM700 Review

Product Name: Netgear CM700

Product Description: Netgear CM700 is a budget-oriented modem with a decent spec sheet. DOCSIS 3.0 and 32 x 8 channel lets you handle internet plans of up to 800 Mbps. Its ISP compatibility list is pretty long, including major providers. It’s also one of the highly-rated modems in its price segment.


Offer price: 69.98

Currency: USD

Availability: InStock

Short Review

Costing just around $70, it’s the best budget modem I’ve tested so far. I was surprised by its performance, courtesy of the multi-core processor. It comes with a single Ethernet port, limiting its connectivity options. But rest assured, mid-range internet plans work as intended with this device.



  • Hardware

  • Plans Support

  • ISP Compatibility

  • Performance

  • Port Setup

  • Cost to Value


User Review

(8 votes)


  • 32 x 8 channel bonding support
  • High-speed Gigabit port
  • Compatible with almost every ISP
  • Supports True QoS
  • Light and portable


  • Only one Ethernet port
  • Lacks the future-proof DOCSIS 3. 1 standard


  • Netgear CM700 Specs
  • Netgear CM700 Review
    • 1. Design & Build
    • 2. Ports & Connectivity
    • 3. Compatibility with ISPs
    • 4. Hardware & Technology
  • Netgear CM700: Wireless Compatibility
  • Netgear CM700: Pros and Cons
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Verdict

Netgear CM700 Specs

Technology DOCSIS 3.1
Backward Compatibility Yes
Channel Bonding 32 x 8
Ports 1 x Gig Ethernet
Phone Jack No
Modem Router Combo No
Suitable Internet Plan 500 Mbps
Compatible ISPs Xfinity, Spectrum, TWC, Sparklight, Mediacom,
Optimum, Suddenlink, WOW Internet, RCN, and Atlantic Broadband.
IPv6 Support Yes
Processor Not Mentioned
NAND Storage 8MB
Dimensions 6.6 x 5. 2 x 1.7 inches
Weight 0.55 pounds

Netgear CM700 Review

Not a shot in the dark, but Netgear CM700 is actually a pretty good modem, despite giving the DOCSIS 3.1 technology a miss. I ensured a detailed analysis by using this as my primary home modem, with a 500Mbps active connection from Spectrum.

Plus, I tried 4K streaming and online gaming directly and even with an Asus Wi-Fi 5 router to complement the modem. So here are the impressions in detail:

1. Design & Build

The CM700 looks a lot like the CM1000 from Netgear. However, it is way lighter at 0.55 pounds. As far as the dimensions are concerned, this high-speed modem measures 6.6 x 5.2 x 1.7 inches, making it easy to carry around. Plus, the hardened plastic chassis comes to the fore, layering a well-ventilated form factor.

2. Ports & Connectivity

Let me get one thing straight here. The is not a modem to pick if you are in the space for ports. The modem only features on Gig Ethernet LAN port that can either connect to the WAN port of the router or to a bandwidth-intensive device directly. However, if you flip the device, you would still see a traditional WAN coaxial port and the functional reset modem.

The connectivity suite is a by-product of the ports as the CM700 lets you work around standard internet plans of up to 500Mbps. However, if you have a Gig internet plan and just a single device supports wired connections, reaching throughput close to 950Mbps shouldn’t be an issue.

3. Compatibility with ISPs

Understandably, you would want to look at the most compatible internet service providers before picking the CM700. Well, you can be confident about the likes of Xfinity Comcast, Spectrum, and Cox as the top internet service providers. And yes, the modem officially supports multi-gig speeds that go up to 1400Mbps.

The complete list of compatible ISPs:

  • Comcast Xfinity
  • Charter Spectrum
  • Sparklight (Formely Cable One)
  • Mediacom
  • Optimum
  • Suddenlink
  • RCN
  • WOW Internet
  • Atlantic Broadband
  • Time Warner Cable (TWC)


Hardware & Technology

There is a multi-core processor calling the shots, allowing you to use this modem for high-speed gaming and HD streaming. As far as the technology is concerned, the DOCSIS 3.0 works just fine. (Find the differences between DOCSIS 3.0 vs 3.1)

The 32 x 8 channel bonding support accommodates multi-gig connections like a pro and allows you to make the most of the wireless capabilities of the paired router.

Netgear CM700: Wireless Compatibility

Moving ahead in the CM700 review, let me tell you that it works with almost every router with a WAN port. And the IPv6 protocol brings in a dedicated QoS functionality that lets you better the performances of the router itself. Plus, you get access to auto-configuration support, efficient routing, and improved privacy.

Netgear CM700: Pros and Cons

Now that I have dissected the modem and its features to the best of my capabilities, it is interesting to skim over the pros and cons in play:

  • 32 x 8 channel bonding support
  • High-speed Gigabit port
  • Compatible with almost every ISP
  • Supports True QoS
  • Light and portable
  • Only one Ethernet port
  • Lacks the future-proof DOCSIS 3. 1 standard

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Netgear CM700 a modem-router combo?

No, the CM700 is a standalone modem that needs a dedicated router to assume wireless functionality. But as luck would have it, this modem works alright with any modem you throw at it.

Can you use a Gig internet plan with this modem?

And while the CM700 might look like a mid-level modem, the theoretical speed limits at set at 1.4Gbps. Also, if you choose to use it wired, Gig-level speeds can be achieved with ease.

Is it hard to configure the Netgear CM700?

Firstly, the IPv6 functionality makes auto-configuration a charm. Secondly, the web interface is exceedingly interactive and allows you to set the device up within minutes.


The Netgear CM700 is an epitome of perfection and simplicity when DOCSIS 3.0 modems are concerned. And while some might yearn for the DOCSIS 3.1 standard, the 32 x 8 channel bonding support courtesy of the DOCSIS 3. 0 works all right. To top it all off, there aren’t many modems that are as light and portable as the CM700, which does make sense to a globetrotter.

This modem is also featured in the following lists:

  • Best Modems For Google WiFi & Nest
  • Best Modems for Gaming
  • Best Modems For Eero Pro 6

Netgear CM700

Check on Amazon

Netgear has a long list of big discounts this Amazon Prime Day 2021.

    Are you looking for deals on Netgear network equipment? Here is some good news. The network provider just gave me a long list of their network equipment that you can get at (heavy) discounts during the Amazon Prime Day 2021 event starting today and ending tomorrow.

    See the full list at the bottom of the post – some offers may not be available until tomorrow. Among them, here are four notable devices that I would recommend.

    This is one of the best Orbi kits Netgear has to offer right now. This is an excellent Wi-Fi solution for the home, for a large house where there is no way to stretch a network cable.

    Main Day Deal: Get it for $100 off (22%). (Read the full review here.)

    2. Netgear Nighthawk RAX120

    One of the first (and best) Wi-Fi 6 routers on the market, the Netgear Nighthawk RAX120 is a great transmitter for a large home.

    Main Day Deal: Get it for $130 off (33%). (Read the full review here.)

    The Orbi Pro SXK80 is so expensive I call it if you hang your TV on the wall, people will know you’re rich. This, of course, before the discount.

    Main Day Deal: Get it for $350 off (31%). (Read more about this in this preview).

    This is an excellent mesh kit for houses connected by network cables.

    Main Day Deal: Get it for $230 (and save $70). (Read the full review here.)

    Full List of Netgear Amazon Prime Day Offers

    The table below shows a complete list of other discounted Netgear products. Click on the ASIN link for their Amazon page. Happy shopping!

    Model Amazon ASIN
    (Click to view)
    You save, you save Campaign % discount
    Cable port C6220-100NAS B01N7L06CF $109.99 $87.99 $22.00 20.0%
    Cable port C6250-1AZNAS B0787TRNMH $149.99 $109.99 $40.00 26.7%
    Cable port C7800-200NAS B07SHK2241 $369. 99 $295.99 $74.00 20.0%
    Cable modem CM500-1AZNAS B06Xh56MWW $62.99 $44.99 $18.00 28.6%
    Cable modem CM700-1AZNAS B07976SNVB $109.99 $79.99 $30.00 27.3%
    Range extension EAX80-100NAS B07T89YZWD $249.99 $199.99 $50.00 20.0%
    Range extension EX3700-100NAS B00R92KL5E $34. 99 $24.49 $10.50 30.0%
    Range extension EX5000-1AZNAS B083R46CV8 $49.99 $39.99 $10.00 20.0%
    Range extension EX6120-100NAS B014YN7LVE $59.99 $36.99 $23.00 38.3%
    Range extension EX6250-100NAS B07MDZ8G4T $119.99 $59.99 $60.00 50.0%
    Range extension EX7700-100NAS B07DK96B95 $159. 99 $109.99 $50.00 31.3%
    Router RAKS40-100NAS B07PCMG75T $199.99 119.99 USD $80.00 40.0%
    Router RAKS43-100NAS B08JY6RMG9 $249.99 $219.99 $30.00 12.0%
    Router RAX80-100NAS B01MQDZXA4 $399.99 $279.99 $120.00 30.0%
    Router RAKS200-100NAS B07PNR2VMD $549. 99 $439.99 $110.00 20.0%
    Router R6230-100NAS B0756QFLXP $74.99 $47.99 $27.00 36.0%
    Router R6260-100NAS B01N9KQ07X $79.99 $49.99 $30.00 37.5%
    Router Р6330-1AZNAS B082N5N3R1 $79.99 $49.99 $30.00 37.5%
    Router R6700AX-1AZNAS B08KTXG8Q5 $99. 99 $79.99 $20.00 20.0%
    Router R8000P-1AZNAS B01H53WZ20 $279.99 $199.99 $80.00 28.6%
    mesh edge MK62-100NAS B0823JXXX4 $229.99 $159.99 $70.00 30.4%
    mesh edge MK63S-100NAS B08V3PMGBR $299.99 $229.99 $70.00 23.3%
    mesh edge MK83-100NAS B08V2ZGBNK $499. 99 $379.99 $120.00 24.0%
    mesh edge RBC752-100NAS B086HJXKJJ $449.99 $329.99 $120.00 26.7%
    Mobile Router LAX20-100US B08NXXJL1F $299.99 $229.99 $70.00 23.3%
    Mobile Router LBR20-100US B0886XZLSJ $399.99 $279.99 $120.00 30.0%
    Switch GS105E-200NAS B00HGLVZLY $54. 99 $23.99 $31.00 56.4%
    Switch GS205-100PAS B00KFD0SMC $17.99 $10.99 $7.00 38.9%
    Switch GS208-100PAS B00KFD0SYK $22.99 $13.99 $9.00 39.1%
    Switch GS305-300PAS B07S98YLHM $17.99 $11.99 $6.00 33.4%
    Switch GS305PP-100NAS B07WTXHSXC $99. 99 $55.99 $44.00 44.0%
    Switch GS308-300PAS B07PFIM5MZ $21.99 $16.49 $5.50 25.0%
    Switch GS308PP-100NAS B082G2G2F8 $119.99 $79.99 $40.00 33.3%
    Switch JFS524-200NAS B00DUKCVW $79.99 $39.99 $40.00 50.0%
    Business network SXK80-100NAS B08FXSBN11 $769. 99 $549.99 $220.00 28.6%
    Business network SXK80B3-100NAS B08FXS1MK9 $1099.99 $749.99 $350.00 31.8%
    Business network SXK80B4-100NAS B08FXSN5N3 $1489.99 $999.99 $490.00 32.9%
    Access point WAC540-100NAS B07PF1YFY7 $219.99 $129.99 $90.00 40.9%
    Access point WAX204-100NAS B08LHJZ2NJ $129. 99 $69.99 $60.00 46.2%
    Access point WAX214PA-100NAS B08PQ7HZ6D $129.99 $99.99 $30.00 23.1%
    • Tags:
    • Amazon
    • Day
    • Netgear
    • Prime
    • large
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    • discount 9 0711
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    Publications / Bookmarks / Profile bumer41brn / Habr


    Time to read
    14 min

    Number of views 33K

    M.Video-Eldorado company blog Computer hardware Monitors and TV

    In December 2014, Samsung announced an exciting new product: the S34E790C Curved 34-inch Monitor, which hit stores earlier this year. The model is interesting for several reasons at once: the resolution of the novelty is Ultra WQHD (3440×1440, aspect ratio 21:9), which makes this monitor especially convenient for multimedia applications and any work tasks (photoshop, illustrator, any video editor becomes a hundred times more convenient: panels and tools do not eat away the workspace, but seem to be taken “outside” the usual 16: 9).

    Secondly, it uses a new *VA-matrix on a plastic substrate: it is curved, has a W-LED backlight and… an honest 8-bit mode without dithering! Well, since this is Samsung, a company that can produce any product from A to Z on its own, the price for such a wonder of the world turned out to be almost half that of competitors. Does it have a big impact on quality? Let’s get a look!

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    Total votes 52: ↑47 and ↓5 +42



    Time to read
    2 min

    Number of views 19K

    Soft Cryptocurrencies

    Tewkesbury Police Department (Massachusetts, USA) got into an awkward situation. All working files on computers were encrypted by some unknown program. To obtain the encryption key, the police were required to pay the equivalent of $500 to a Bitcoin wallet.

    Ransomware Trojans such as KEYHolder, CryptoLocker and CryptoWall have become widespread recently. Some of them are very bad in terms of cryptography, so the files can be decrypted without any ransom.

    For example, the DirCrypt ransomware Trojan writes an RC4 key to the end of each encrypted file.

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    Total votes 33: ↑31 and ↓2 +29



    Time to read
    13 min

    Number of views 59K

    Server administration *Data storage *

    From the sandbox

    ownCloud , according to Wikipedia, is a Free and open web application for data synchronization, file sharing and remote storage of documents in the “cloud”. And, it seems to me, a rather interesting solution for organizing your own home cloud.

    However, ownCloud, which is installed as a plug-in in the FreeNAS system, and even out of the box, has a number of drawbacks that I would like to get rid of even when using it at home:

    • , which is only suitable if you have a small number of files and users, and absolutely not suitable if you plan to synchronize using the client. My storage has already spread to almost 5Tb, and ownCloud installed in this way simply refused to see some of the files. And even without synchronization, the return from the cloud is not great. Change the database to MariaDB .
    • Secondly, there is no https work, and I don’t like the idea of ​​someone intercepting my files at all. Enable https.
    • Thirdly, there is absolutely no protection against banal password guessing by brute force. Defend against brute force with fail2ban.
    • Fourthly, I’m too lazy to often look at the logs for hacking, but I really want to quickly find out about such attempts. Set up push notifications about password guessing attempts using the service.

    How to do it all

    Total votes 26: ↑23 and ↓3 +20



    Time to read
    11 min

    Number of views 41K

    Cybermarket Yulmart company blog Computer hardware Video cards Desktop computers

    Hello, Geektimes! We continue our series of articles on choosing hardware for a computer. In past issues, we have covered the topic of motherboards, processors and chipsets, cooling systems, hard drives and power supplies. Today we are talking about what displays your favorite resource on monitors: video cards.

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    Total votes 41: ↑39 and ↓2 +37



    Time to read
    11 min

    Views 1. 6M

    Web Design *Typography *Interfaces *


    Original article author Ali Mese added 100 new free services. All 400 amazing services are available here. And a selection of +500 tools from March 10, 2017, see here.

    A. Free Websites + Logos + Hosting + Billing

    • HTML5 UP: Responsive HTML5 and CSS3 templates.
    • Bootswatch: Free themes for Bootstrap.
    • Templated: A collection of 845 free CSS and HTML5 templates.
    • | : Free website creation.
    • Domain: Website builder.
    • Logaster: Online generator of logos and corporate identity elements (new).
    • Withoomph : Instant logo creation.
    • Hipster Logo Generator: Hipster logo generator.
    • Squarespace Free Logo: You can download a free low resolution version.
    • Invoice to me : Free invoice generator.
    • Free Invoice Generator : Alternative free invoice generator.
    • Slimvoice: Incredibly simple account.

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    Total votes 341: ↑325 and ↓16 +309



    Time to read
    6 min

    View count 61K

    Infobox company blog

    The process of setting up and managing a VPN on a Linux server usually takes a long time. And if you can set it up once and forget it, then you have to manage VPN users from time to time and it would be nice if an ordinary employee of the company could do it without access rights to the server and SSH in general. A scenario is often used when VPN provides access to the internal network of the cloud to connect virtual servers to the company’s corporate network. Even for yourself, quickly raising a VPN can be useful.

    In this article, in just a few minutes, we will set up an OpenVPN server with the ability to easily manage VPN servers, users, and organizations and run it all in InfoboxCloud. This cloud is present in the Moscow and Amsterdam regions, so you can use the VPN both for corporate purposes and to present yourself as a resident of the Netherlands on the network (for example, to use services that are not available in your country).

    On the server, we will use the Pritunl project, which is a control panel that automates the management of OpenVPN configurations. The source code for pritunl is open and available on github. The free version is more than enough to use. The paid one allows you to send access data by email or set up automatic failover of the service (which is not very important for InfoboxCloud, because the cloud itself works in a failover cluster) and manage load balancing between several servers.

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    Total votes 25: ↑18 and ↓7 +11



    Time to read
    3 minutes

    Number of views 52K

    Windows development *

    Today I want to talk about two ways to migrate from Evaluation version of Windows to the full version – for servers based on Windows Server 2012 R2 and for Windows 8.1 clients. The methods are radically different – for server operating systems, the transition is thought out by Microsoft as a simple scheduled operation, for client operating systems, the vendor’s idea is to force the user to perform a complete reinstallation of the system. The method proposed below will allow you to upgrade the Evaluation version of Windows 8.1 to the full version without reinstalling – and, by the way, to make a reverse transition from any version of Windows 8.1 to Evaluation with the preservation of applications and data – if you suddenly need to show yourself honestly using only the Evaluation version of the reviewer.
    However, let’s start simple. The first question is usually asked – why? The fact is that, unlike the Windows 8.1 Evaluation client system, which six months after installation only reminds of its Evaluation status with pop-up messages and a black desktop background, the server system will reboot once an hour, which is quite unpleasant.

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    Total votes 23: ↑19 and ↓4 +15



    Time to read
    15 min

    Views 113K

    Veeam Software Blog life, many people have a desire to somehow organize the information in their head in order to bring it to a systematized form. A good catalyst for this process is the realization of the fact that you seem to have a baggage of knowledge, but this baggage cannot be explained in simple words to a grandmother from the street or a six-year-old child. For, as folk wisdom says, he could not explain to the child – it means that you yourself do not know. Anyway, defragmenting information has never harmed anyone.
    But we do not have an applied psychology course, so today I will simply present in a systematic way a set of pixels the maximum amount of useful information about the virtual machine replication function in the Hyper-V hypervisor environment using the current version of Windows Server 2012 R2 as an example.

    So, what I want to spend about an hour of your time on:

    • We need to understand why replication is needed at all in the modern world
    • Compile a checklist of obvious and not-so-obvious items prior to setting up servers
    • How to correctly and quickly set up replication using built-in tools. Sufficiently detailed, but without water
    • Some tips for optimizing the replication process.
    • Not a word about Veeam products or other vendors.

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    Total votes 24: ↑20 and ↓4 +16



    Time to read
    37 min

    Number of views 202K

    Configuring Linux **nix *

    On December 9th, the new Fedora 21 Workstation was released, which, by the combination of parameters, can be called the “freshest and most stable” Linux desktop.

    During my time using and testing Fedora, I have developed a deep liking for the platform and want to share that warmth and knowledge about it with you.

    Over the course of a year, I’ve watched it work as a work and play space in a variety of situations, from stations with dying hardware to the new Asus G750JM gaming laptop with Nvidia Optimus.

    The collected notes turned out to be somewhat rough, trying to cover both beginners in Linux and experienced users with developers. Excuse me. I want to convey a large amount of information in one article: both on the general setup and installation of Fedora, and on Nvidia Optimus technology on laptops, wi-fi with proprietary drivers, on setting up pretty fonts in Java and IDE from JetBrains, running games on Steam on a discrete video card , about the results of comparative testing of games, graphics and browsers between Fedora and Windows 8. 1, and even about setting one “absolute” record.

    I’d like to point out that fresh Linux desktops also feature high-quality support for high-resolution displays with good rendering of fonts and window elements, provide the highest degree of personalization, hacks, and application handling capabilities. All this allows not only to significantly increase the efficiency of their work, but also to do it with comfort for the eyes.

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    Total votes 55: ↑49 and ↓6 +43



    Time to read
    5 minutes

    View count 191K

    Microsoft Blog

    It’s no secret that the end of support for Windows Server 2003 is getting closer. Day X is scheduled for July 17, 2015, which means that there is less and less time left to have time to transfer your infrastructure to more modern versions of the operating system. On Habré, we have already made several announcements about the end of support, a course on Jump Start materials has been published on the Microsoft Virtual Academy portal, there is a translation of an article on migrating a file server. This article will talk about Active Directory migration and provide a step-by-step algorithm that will help you with the implementation of the migration.

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    Total votes 26: ↑19 and ↓7 +12



    Time to read
    13 min

    View count 132K

    Linux Setup *System Administration*


    From the sandbox

    Good day to all those who are going to make backups all the time.

    In this post I will try to make life easier for those who are trying to get acquainted with this system. I won’t tell you anything supernatural, I’ll just add what I myself would need. An excellently written post is taken as the basis, so there is no point in rewriting and copying.

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    Total votes 36: ↑31 and ↓5 +26



    Time to read
    2 min

    Views 116K

    Medgadgets Blog

    The first part of the compilation showed that based on the Raspberry Pi mini-PC, you can make a supercomputer, a weather balloon, and even a festive lighting system.

    The new selection shows no less interesting projects: a quadcopter, a photo frame, a webcam for broadcasting images from anywhere and some other things. Most of the projects were created not just for fun, but are designed to perform one or another quite practical task.

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    Total votes 23: ↑19 and ↓4 +15



    Time to read
    8 min

    Number of views 540K

    IT company laptops

    From the sandbox

    … or how to create a problem for yourself and then heroically overcome it.

    I want to share my experience so that you avoid my mistakes and save yourself time, effort, and most importantly, nerves. Mass of nerves. They brought me yesterday for servicing an ultrabook of fresh series, a two-letter company, with the description “terribly slow, browsers do not work.” The initial inspection showed an infection with a couple of Trojans, the inoperability of none of the four browsers installed by users in the system, the general littering of the system with utilities from the category “put me down – boost yourself speed up your computer” and some damage caused by utilities for “cleaning” the registry, put by users in the hope of defeating the problems. After the inspection, I decided (holy naivety) that it would be easier to reinstall the system in a clean way than to treat and restore it all, since, as I thought, due to the recovery partition stored on the hard disk with native software, this would be a matter of minutes. The following story will show how badly I was mistaken in this.

    In total, we have an ultrabook with Windows 8, a working recovery partition and the absence of any disks in the package (this point is important). The beech has UEFI as a starting software, which, in principle, is logical for use with Windows 8, and it would even be convenient if it were not for one thing – the key for installing the system is sewn into the ACPI data table, into the MSDM subtable. At that time, I did not know this yet, and I did not think that I would need it.

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    Total votes 112: ↑106 and ↓6 +100



    Time to read
    6 min

    Number of views 108K

    Video work *

    From the sandbox

    Hello, I want to share a little practical research on the possibility of using the Raspberry Pi model B 512mb as a media player and IPTV player for HD content. Also a little discussion about such an ideal device.

    The search did not give specific answers, there were diverging data, speaking more about the dampness and Geekiness of such a use of a single-board computer.

    Ask for a tackle for details…

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    Total votes 29: ↑27 and ↓2 +25



    Time to read
    1 min

    Views 249K


    It seems to me that many habrazhitel do not know that life is slowly getting better.
    For a long time, in order to get a new product before anyone else, you had to resort to tricks like using VPN \ Tor and the services of intermediaries. Now, when the situation with the work of the Russian Post is gradually returning to normal, Amazon has also prepared a small pleasant surprise. New Kindle and Nexus 7 can simply be bought with delivery to Russia. Shipping cost 20-40 bucks. Please note that in this case, state taxes will not have to be paid.

    Kindle Paperwhite, 6″

    High Resolution Display with Built-in Light, Wi-Fi

    Google Nexus 7 16 gb -229$, 32 gb – 289 269$
    FHD Tablet (7-Inch, 32GB, Black) by ASUS (2013)
    LG E960 Google Nexus 4
    From $267.99 BESTDEAL TECH sends to Russia.


    UPD The comments claim that delivery will bypass the Russian Post.
    UPD 2 Only Kindle is delivered without built-in advertising and without accessories. Covers, for example, can be taken here.
    UPD 3 An alternative link for those who are unable to purchase the Kindle.
    UPD 4 List of cities with trouble-free delivery of goods over 200 euros via UPS: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Vladivostok, Stavropol, Novorossiysk and Nizhny Novgorod.
    UPD 5 Added Nexus 4, there is also delivery. not the best price, but “ordered-forgot-received”.
    UPD 6 It came to Moscow in 5 days.

    Read more →

    Total votes 88: ↑69 and ↓19 +50



    Time to read
    5 min

    Number of views 169K

    Robotics Cosmonautics

    On Thursday I had a chance to visit MAKS 2013. Then there was still a business part of the exhibition, so I managed to see the exposition without the record crowds that the salon gathered over the weekend.

    I took a lot of photos there, and decided to arrange them in a new form of photo essay – in GIF. Usually inside pavilions, without a uniform background, it is difficult to shoot any technological pieces or their layouts – details are lost due to an excess of details behind the main subject. I think animation will allow you to better form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthings.
    Traffic – 55 mb.

    Read more →

    Total votes 198: ↑184 and ↓14 +170



    Time to read
    8 min

    Number of views 81K

    Sci-fi Science fiction

    I’ve been stepped on a sore spot by doing a review post on several science fiction series.
    And since there’s not much to do on a Saturday night, let me make mine, a fuller one.
    Yes, there will be spoilers, be aware.
    Yes, and a lot of pictures! Traffic!

    Let’s start with Stargate

    A whole family of series that began with the film of the same name.
    First of all, of course,

    Stargate SG-1

    Read more →

    Total votes 238: ↑132 and ↓106 +26



    Time to read
    6 min

    Number of views 1.5M


    It was my legal day off and, having chosen the time to watch the movie (I love the old classics), I started looking for it. I went to one of the sites familiar to me, and came across such a blocking of this resource.

    “Those times!” — I thought. This resource was not present in any register of prohibited sites, and why the beeline blocked it is not clear. Naturally, after such “applications”, terrible thoughts came into my head: “what if tomorrow there is no beloved“ kina ”tomorrow!”. These thoughts immediately prompted me to start looking for ways to deal with this situation, and write, for those who are interested, a small overview of several solutions to bypass blocking sites. (under the screen cut)

    Read more →

    Total votes 120: ↑96 and ↓24 +72



35Mm slide scanner: The best film scanners in 2023

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 9:27 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

8 Best Film Scanners Worth Using in 2023

All the best film scanners and slide scanners we tested on this list make it easy for you to digitize your old 35mm negatives, slides and even cine film.

Whether you’ve just discovered analog photography and want to scan film negatives, or you’ve got boxes of old slides you want to bring back to life, a film scanner will help you convert everything to digital.

Editor’s Choice

Plustek 8200i

Fast, high quality and simple to use way to scan color and mono negatives, as well as 35mm slide positives.

Check Current Price

(This is different from our article on the best photo scanners, which recommends products for scanning actual physical photographs as opposed to film.)

You can get decent results from a regular flatbed scanner when used in conjunction with a film holder, and there are even some film scanning apps for smartphones. 

However, a dedicated flatbed film scanner offers the best results, squeezing out every last detail from your print scans, allowing you to enhance and restore old photos during digital post-production.  

So if you’d prefer to have a go at your home instead of using an online photo scanning service, here are our recommended products for getting the job done yourself.

Table of Contents

What is the Best Film Scanner to Buy in 2023?

Image Product Features
Plustek 8200iOUR #1 CHOICE
  • Automatic Dust Removal
  • Built-in Color Calibration
  • High Resolution 7200dpi Sensor
  • Built-in Infrared Channel
View Price →
Kodak Slide N ScanTOP RATED
  • Instant Preview Option
  • PC/Mac Compatible
  • Lightweight at Only 380g 
  • Large 5” LCD Display
View Price →
Kodak ScanzaEASY TO USE
  • PC/Mac Compatible
  • Adjustable 3.5” Color LCD Screen 
  • Simple to Operate
  • Super Simple Software
View Price →
Magnasonic All-In-OneGREAT VALUE
  • Large 22 Megapixel Scanner
  • Film & Slide Compatibility
  • User-Friendly Scanning
  • Generous 128MB Built-in Storage
View Price →
Kodak Mobile Film ScannerBEST BUDGET
  • Easy Opterating Interface
  • No Hardware Needed
  • Extremely Compact Design
  • Iphone Compatible
View Price →
Epson Perfection V600POPULAR CHOICE
  • Automatic Dust Removal
  • Faded Color Restoration Hardware
  • Scans Extraordinary Large 17″ x 22″
  • PC/Mac Compatible
View Price →
Magnatonic Super 8/8mm Film ScannerHIGHLY RECOMMENDED
  • No Computer needed
  • User-Friendly Scanning
  • Simple to Operate
  • Instant Preview Option
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Epson Perfection V850 Pro scannerBEST FOR BUSINESS
  • Remarkable Tonal Range & Shadow Detail
  • Automatic Dust Removal
  • Color Restoration Hardware
  • Exclusive Dual Lens System
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Plustek 8200i | Best 35mm film scanner


  • Automatically removes dust and scratches
  • SilverFast scanning software
  • 7,200 DPI
  • Scans 35mm color and mono negatives, as well as 35mm slide positives


  • High price point
  • Max resolution scanning takes time

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We can’t put together slide scanner reviews without mentioning at least one 35mm film scanner from Plustek.

The Plustek 8200i remains one of the better film scanners available to both amateur and professional film photographers alike. Scan quality stands at 7,200 DPI, which is respectable for something in this price range.

You still need a computer to work the Plustek 8200i. The SilverFast scanning software works between the computer and film scanner to produce high-quality scans of various negatives and slides.

Thankfully, when we tested the Plustek, connecting it up to a computer and using the software was an easy process and one that even elderly folk could manage.

You can quickly scan both color and mono 35mm film on the Plustek 8200i. You can also scan 35mm slide positives as well, making it a really useful product for digitizing all your film memories.

The infrared scanning channel on this film scanner helps to produce quality scans. Plus, the software works to remove dust and scratches automatically.

Unlike other scanners, the Plustek 8200i won’t save your photos. Scanning slides at maximum resolution can take a while as well.

However, it’s still our pick of the best negative scanner of the year at this price.

  • What is the best photo scanning software?

Kodak Slide N Scan


  • No software required
  • 5-inch screen
  • Continuos film scanning
  • Scans 110, 126, and 135 films


  • Requires SD card
  • Not the best for professional scanning results

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Kodak makes scanning images easy with the Kodak Slide N Scan. As one of the more prominent slide scanners on the market, it’s a no-brainer for transferring old photos to digital format.

(Even though the name mentioned ‘Slide,’ this product isn’t actually a 35mm slide scanner – it scans negative strips, not individual slides.)

The Kodak Slide N Scan works with an SD card that can hold up to 32GB. It also comes with a USB and HDMI cable to hook up to your computer or TV.

The 5-inch LCD screen helps you to preview images as well as fine-tune them.  You can even use the screen as an electronic picture frame if you’d like.

While this Kodak scanner is limited to certain sizes, they include 50mm slides, along with 110, 126, and 135mm films. You can also continuously load the film to speed up scanning.

During our tests, scan quality wasn’t the absolute best on this film scanner, but it does make it easy to transfer photos to digital format.

Kodak Scanza


  • Portable
  • LCD screen tilts
  • Large buttons for navigation
  • Supports a variety of film formats


  • Scan quality is not the best
  • Basic functions

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 If you just want to try your hand at scanning film, you should check out the Kodak Scanza. This product supports 35mm film, as well as 110, 126, and Super 8/8mm negatives and slides.

The Kodak features a tilting LCD screen, from which you can operate your film scanner. This particular model features large buttons that help you move between photos with ease.

The one-step Scan and Save feature makes it easy to scan old reels and slides. You can even customize the images to make them your own.

Kodak allows you to save your scanned photos to an SD card. You can also share them via USB and HDMI cables to your computer and TV.

Professional photographers might find the scanning results of this product lackluster when compared to others.

However, when it comes to amateur photography, Kodak Scanza can help you digitize your film and slides to share for years to come.

It’s our pick as the best film and slide scanner at this affordable price point.

Magnasonic All-In-One


  • Scans film quickly
  • 128MB internal memory
  • No software required
  • Affordable negative film scanner


  • No batch scanning feature
  • Limited resolution

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Marketed as an all-in-one scanner, Magnasonic All-In-One features the ability to preview your photo before you scan it. This can be incredibly helpful for adjusting your settings to produce the best scan possible.

You also won’t need any type of software to make the Magnasonic work. Scanned images can be saved to the SD card or they can be stored within the internal memory.

The SD card saves film up to 128GB, while the internal storage is limited to 128MB. Plus, the screen makes it easy to interact with the scanner before and after you scan.

The Magnasonic All-In-One supports 35mm film, as well s 110, 126, and Super 8. This scanner produces scans of 3,200 DPI in quick fashion.

As a versatile scanning platform, this scanner includes many a feature to make it worthwhile.

Kodak Mobile Film Scanner


  • Collapsible
  • Entry-level pricing
  • Versatile application
  • Incorporated light source


  • May not fit all phones
  • Relies on smartphone camera quality

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You might have wanted to take pictures of your old photos with your smartphone camera, and the Kodak Mobile Film Scanner makes this a simple reality.

Resting your iPhone or Android smartphone on the box, you can easily take scans of your favorite pictures to convert them to digital format.

This scanner is collapsible so easy to travel with. It’s also really affordable. The converter uses a cardboard box and light to produce quality scans you can feature in any picture frame.

Kodak’s mobile scanner supports 35mm film and negatives. You simply hook it up to your phone and start taking pictures to save your best pictures.

Obviously, you are relying on how good your phone’s image quality is, so the better the camera phone, the better the end results. You’ll also need good lighting in the room – we recommend natural window light, or use the scanner outside on a sunny day.

Epson Perfection V600


  • 12,800 DPI resolution
  • Medium format support
  • versatile flatbed scanner
  • Multi-frame scanning


  • Better detail from other scanners
  • Can be expensive

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This flatbed scanner from Epson features a slew of scanning abilities that will earn the space it takes up on your desk. Plus, it’s a quality flatbed scanner you can use for other applications as well.

The Epson Perfection V600 is capable of scanning up to 12,800 DPI, which is one of the top scanning resolutions on the market. In fact, this flatbed scanner will scan a frame at 3,200 DPI within a minute.

  • DPI vs PPI: What’s the difference?

Though it requires a computer to function, the Epson Perfection V600 also includes support for medium format film. It will also go through and scan each frame individually to get the best results.

In addition to supporting medium format, this flatbed scanner also supports 35mm film in mono and color, as well as 35mm slide positives. The 120/220 medium format isn’t something a lot of other scanners can attest to.

The Epson scanner provides automatic multi-frame scanning with superior results. You can also take advantage of the Digital ICE automatic dust and scratch removal features to produce better film scans across the board.

While it’s true that you’ll get more detail out of other scanners, including those on our list, this Epson flatbed scanner does put up a good fight. It’s a good all-around film scanner to have at your side when you need it.

Magnasonic Super 8/8mm Film Scanner


  • Supports 3, 5, and 7-inch film reels
  • No computer or editing software required
  • 1080p video resolution
  • Saves up to 120 hours of video


  • Small screen
  • No film holders included

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Who needs a video camera when you have the Magnasonic Super 8/8mm scanner? You can save up to 120 hours of video on a 32GB SD card with this versatile scanner that doubles as an old-fashioned 8mm camcorder of sorts.

Plus, the video resolution is 1080p, which is still industry standard (there’s no need for 4K in this instance). You can also adjust a number of features on your scans, from resolution and sharpness to framing and exposure.

This scanner will scan 50 feet of film in around 30 minutes, making it an efficient solution to taking pictures of each film yourself. You can even use the RCA cable to connect to your TV.

The Magnasonic Super 8 scanner supports 3-inch, 5-inch, and 7-inch film reels. You don’t need a computer or editing software either, making this a useful stand-alone product to scan your film.

Epson Perfection V850 Pro scanner


  • Two sets of film holders
  • 12,800 DPI capable
  • Tons of features
  • 120/220 medium format


  • Requires computer
  • Some compare the quality to the more affordable Epson V600 model

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This top-of-the-line film scanner comes with two film holders ready for scanning. While these two film holders can help with 35mm film and slide positives, they can also be useful for the 120/220 medium format film as well.

This Epson scanner will require a computer. However, it does offer 12,800 DPI scanning capabilities that help to produce a better scan overall.

If you’re looking for a quality scanner for your 35mm film, you should definitely check out the Epson Perfection V850 Pro.

It’s definitely an investment, but if you’re serious about getting the best image quality out of your old film photos, it’s worth the money.

Is it Worth Buying a Film Scanner?

Purchasing a film scanner can accomplish a few goals, though there are some downsides to this type of product. For instance, you’ll need to invest in the film scanner up-front, so cost is a factor.

At the same time, purchasing your own film scanner can help you save money. Rather than paying for your scanned images to go through a third-party service, you have total control over your materials.

Depending on the film scanner you choose, you can also pick from various software programs to manipulate your photos and film. Plus, you can keep track of your film and keep it safe from harm or damage.

Film scanners are also easier to use than flatbed scanners in some ways, especially when it comes to scanning film. You will need to invest in a separate device to hold your film down if the scanner you purchased doesn’t come with one.

With that said, film scanners can be expensive. They can cost much more than a few trips to your local photography shop.

These film scanners can also take up a lot of space, depending on which model you choose. And in some ways, a professional photo lab can be more time efficient and offer better end results.  

Can you scan film on any scanner?

Theoretically, you can scan film on any scanner. However, the quality of the results will depend on how well the film is backlit.

Backlighting helps to ensure higher resolutions for more vibrant photos. At the same time, you can also use silver cardstock to achieve the same effect.

Depending on the film scanner, you may be able to manipulate the image quality and edit the film. Adjusting the white balance can help as well.

What kind of scanner do you need to scan film?

If you want to scan film, you’ll need a film negative scanner. This scanner is also called a transparency or slide scanner as well.

The best film scanners use a focused beam of light to capture each photo. In some cases, a built-in motor can move through the negatives automatically to create an image.

Negatives and slides that go through a negative scanner produce good image quality. These scanners are also affordable and easy to use.

For Smartphones: What is the Best Slide Scanner App?

Google PhotoScan is a great app for both Android and iOS users. This free slide scanning app takes a total of 5 images per single image to assemble a final photo that’s free of glaring light sources and shadows.

Photomyne is also another film scanning app you can download on both smartphone platforms. This app includes both free and paid features and links to other Photomyne apps that help you create new memories with prints.

Adobe Scan helps preserve your precious memories with its scanning app, which uses Adobe Sensei to perfect your image quality. The app is free to download but you’ll need an Adobe log-in to access all features.

How to Choose the Best Film Scanners

1. Type of scanner

Flatbed scanners are the most common and affordable type of film scanner. However, they can be slow to scan and produce lower resolutions than other types of scanners.

A dedicated film scanner requires a computer to complete the scanning process. You’ll achieve a higher quality scan with more detail, but that comes with a bigger price tag.

All-in-one film scanners fall between flatbed scanners and dedicated film scanners in terms of price. At the same time, the scan quality of these film scanners isn’t the best.

2. Resolution

You will want to purchase a film scanner with at least 3,000 DPI to achieve a high-quality image. The resolution relies on pixels to produce excellent results.

In most cases, you’ll be paying more for resolution than any other features of the scanner. Two scanners might be priced similarly, but if one offers a better resolution than the other, chances are it will be a better scanner overall.

3. Dynamic range

A film scanner’s dynamic range is the product’s ability to achieve optical density. Dynamic range is measured from 0 to 4, with 4 being the best.

The best film scanners feature a dynamic range between 3 and 4. The higher the range on the slide digitizer, the more vibrant your photo.

4. Software

Digital photos require software in order to turn physical photographic materials into images in digital format. This software might only allow you to manipulate your photos during the scanning process, or it can give you the option of editing and storing them as well.

The best film scanner comes with intuitive software that makes processes easy and simple. This includes a screen within the film scanner or a way to connect to a computer or TV.

5. Ease of use

The best film scanner is easy to use and produces high scan quality results. Some might include premium features, but those should be easy to use as well so you can start scanning immediately.

An easy-to-use film scanner should be as simple as it is capable. Advanced features shouldn’t include a steep learning curve, if any.

  • How to convert slides to digital files

You can feed the slides into a scanner, and it’ll automatically convert the images into digital formats, like JPEG.

Alternatively, you can get a slide duplicator attachment for a DSLR camera. The duplicator will position the slide in front of the lens so you can take the picture, which will then be saved as a digital file in the camera’s memory.

Choosing a Flatbed Scanner for Film | Final Words

Scanning your own film can be fun with the best slide and negative scanner. We certainly had a lot of fun testing the products in this list.

It may be a little fiddly to set things up initially, but the satisfaction of making your analog memories into digitals is hard to put in words!

We hope you’ve found this article on the best slide scanners in 2023 will help you make the memories of your past come back to life.  

Editor’s Choice

Plustek 8200i

Fast, high quality and simple to use way to scan color and mono negatives, as well as 35mm slide positives.

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Best Film & Slide Scanner for Digitizing Your Film Collection

Film photography has been making a comeback in recent years, with many people rediscovering the joys of using analog cameras. However, one challenge of film photography is the need to digitize film images for sharing and storage. This is where a negative film scanner (or a 35mm slide scanner) comes in handy! In this article, we’ll be exploring the best film scanners on the market.

A negative scanner may not be the most glamorous piece of equipment in the film photography process, and we understand that. However, it is very important to get a good film scanner, because it directly affects the image quality of your photographs! You could buy your favorite film, use your favorite lens, and get the film developed correctly, …but if the scan is no good, you’re in for a major disappointment.

With that being said, let’s dive in!

Explanation of Slide & Negative Film Scanners

A film scanner is a device that allows you to scan any film negatives or slides, and convert them into digital files. This makes it possible to view, edit, and share your slides digitally. You can’t just use any photo scanner to scan negatives or slides, however, because they need to have light shining through them.

A scanner that is capable of scanning film will be either a dedicated film scanner, of course, or a flatbed scanner that is 2-sided.

Importance of Choosing The Best Slide Film Scanner

Choosing the right film/slide scanner is crucial in ensuring that your scanned images look as good as possible. A good scanner will capture all the sharp details, vibrant and subtle colors, plus the full range of highlights and shadows of the original film image. This allows you to create high-quality digital versions of your image, which is optimal for online display, of course, but also for creating physical prints.

Types of Film Slide Scanners

Flatbed Film Scanners

Flatbed film scanners are the most common type of scanner because they are so commonly used to scan documents, of course. They have a flat glass surface onto which you place the film or slides to be scanned.

This category of scanners can be more affordable than some dedicated film scanners, but most of the budget-friendly options are simply not capable of scanning film at all, or, their resolution and image quality is subpar. only but they may not offer the same level of quality and resolution. The best flatbed scanners, on the other hand, can cost even more than a good film scanner.

NOTE: if you use film formats larger than 35mm, such as medium format or large format photography, then you will need a flatbed film scanner.

Dedicated Film Scanners

Dedicated film scanners are specifically designed to scan film negatives and slides. They often offer higher resolution and better color accuracy than flatbed scanners. However, they can be more expensive. Also, they are a unique investment because they cannot be used to scan documents, of course, and they usually are only designed fo scan 35mm negatives and slides, but not larger formats of film.

Features to Consider When Choosing The Best Film Slide Scanner

When you are choosing which is the best film negative scanner or the best slide scanner, there are a few things to consider, of course. Resolution, color depth, and dynamic range are thankfully all quite good for the top scanners on the market. Whether you are scanning negatives or slides/transparency film, you’ll get excellent image quality.

There are some things that are equally important, though, and can make your life very easy or very difficult. Specifically, the connectivity and interface of the scanner itself. Is it easy to set up and connect to your desired storage & editing device? Is the software easy and intuitive to use?

Of course, the ultimate deciding factors are going to be your budget, and the physical compatibility with the type of film you want to scan. Before we proceed, you must know the answer to this question: Are you scanning 35mm film negatives, and/or mounted 35mm slides, and/or larger format film?

With that in mind, let’s proceed!

Top Film Slide Scanners on The Market In 2023

Since film photography has fallen (and then risen again) in popularity over the last couple decades, some film scanners that were once widely popular are now no longer available, such as the Nikon Super Coolscan 5000 ED and Nikon Super Coolscan 9000 ED. Thankfully, you don’t need to spend thousands on a used version of one of these discontinued models; our recommendations in 2023 and beyond are much more affordable, and offer even higher-quality results.

By the way, if you are also looking to scan prints as well as film, you must read this article here in which we recommend good photo print scanners.

Epson Perfection V850 ($1,299, Amazon | B&H)

The Epson Perfection V850 is a high-end flatbed scanner that offers a maximum resolution of 6400 dpi and a color depth of 48 bits. It comes with advanced software for the scanning process, including color correction and dust removal on film.

If you’re only looking to scan 35mm slides or film strips, of course, then you don’t need an entire flatbed scanner. Therefore, although this is one of the highest-quality scanners available, its value is not necessarily optimal for film/slide scanning, unless you are using large-format (4×5″, 8×10″ transparency film.

Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE ($399, Amazon | B&H)

The Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE is a dedicated film and slide scanner that offers an impressive maximum resolution of 7200 dpi and a color depth of 48 bits. Since it is entirely dedicated to scanning 35mm film sizes, the value is excellent compared to a flatbed scanner. The Plustek film scanner comes with SilverFast software for advanced color correction and dust removal.

For an upgraded version of this scanner, $499 will get you the Plustek OpticFilm 8200i AI Film Scanner, which includes the industry standard SilverFast Ai Studio 8 software.

Pacific Image PowerFilm Scanner ($549, Amazon | B&H)

The Pacific Image PowerFilm Scanner is also a dedicated film scanner, and offers the same maximum resolution of 7200 dpi and color depth of 48 bits. It features an automatic film feeder for scanning higher volumes of film strips, making it perfect for anyone who is looking to not just scan their most recent roll or two of film, but digitize a very large archive of film.

However, it is important to note that the Pacific Image PowerFilm Scanner only works with un-mounted 35mm film strips, so if you have mounted 35mm slides, this option isn’t for you.

Alternative to a  Film Scanner: Nikon ES-2 Film Digitizer ($139, Amazon | B&H)

For those who prefer the workflow of editing raw images in Lightroom, there is another option that you may not have considered. If you have a full-frame mirrorless camera in addition to your 35mm film SLR camera, however, you’ll definitely want to check out this unique option, a “slide to digital” converter of sorts!

The Nikon ES-2 Film Digitizing Adapter ($139) is an adapter that allows you to quickly “scan” your 35mm slides and negatives by simply photographing them with a macro lens! The price of the product itself, a mere $139, makes it one of the best values around. However, you’ll need a macro lens that is capable of 1:1 reproduction, of course, and those are not cheap! You’ll spend $1,049 on the most modern option, the Nikon Z MC 105mm f/2.8 VR S Maro. Alternatively, you can find many DSLR Nikon F-mount macro/micro Nikkor lenses for $500-1000, or many third-party options.

35mm Film: Agfa Ultra (Discontinued) | Lens: Sigma 150mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro 1:1

We only recommend choosing this option if you already own a Nikon macro lens, or if you want one specifically to also use for dedicated macro photography and not just “scanning” film.

Click here for more details about the Nikon ES-2 Film Digitizing Adapter.

Comparison of Top Film Slide Scanners

Each of the scanners listed above has its own pros and cons. For example, the Epson Perfection V850 offers versatility (and excellent image quality) to those who need to scan various types of film, and/or documents, but it is more expensive than some of the other scanners. The Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE offers a great balance of value and excellent image quality, however, it only scans 35mm format film and not larger formats.

Comparison chart

Here is a quick comparison chart of the top film slide scanners:

Scanner Type Resolution Bit Depth Price
Epson Perfection V850 Pro Scanner Flatbed 6400 dpi 48 bits $1,299
Plustek OpticFilm 8200i SE Film Scanner Film/Slide 7200 dpi 48 bits $399
Pacific Image PowerFilm Plus Scanner Film Only 7200 dpi 48 bits $549

Additional Tips For Using Film Slide Scanners

When using a film slide scanner, there are a couple of things you can do to always ensure you get the highest quality final images. First, make sure to clean the film or slides beforehand to avoid dust and scratches on the final scan. Second, consider adjusting the color and exposure settings during the scanning process to achieve the desired results.

For example, if you have captured a high-contrast scene on film, you may want to scan the slide/negative twice, once with a slightly darker exposure to capture the highlight detail, and once with a brighter exposure to capture the shadow detail.

Finally, make sure to save the scans in a high-quality file format like TIFF or DNG to ensure the best possible image quality. (If you are creating extremely high volumes of images, saving to the highest-quality JPG is acceptable, as long as you are performing minimal edits later.)


Choosing the best film & slide scanner is important for ensuring high-quality digital copies of your film images. Both negatives and slides/transparencies can be scanned with incredible image quality, making the process just as good as, or in some ways better than, printing directly from the film itself.

When choosing a scanner, it is important to consider features like resolution, color depth, connectivity, software, and price. However, one of the biggest factors in what will be a good value to you as a film photographer is, of course, whether you only need a 35mm slide scanner or negative scanner, or if you need to use a flatbed scanner to scan larger film such as medium format or large format.

Therefore, ultimately, the best film slide scanner for you will depend on both your needs and budget. We recommend checking out the film scanners listed above and making your decision based on your long-term needs.

Slide scanner for 35 mm films in Balashikha: 89-items: free shipping, discount-41% [link]

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Scanner for slides and photographic films 35mm Film Scanner 5 Mp


Slide scanner for film , film DECK Interfaces: USB


9000 2 Slide scanner QPix Digital FS8100 16 mega pixels, for slides and film 35 mm with color LCD screen 2. 4


Scanner for slides and films 35mm Verified



4 724


scanner for film 35 9006 1 mm high resolution Scanner for slides and films 22Mp 14Mp


Scanner for slides and 35mm films


Slide scanner for 9 0061 films Film Interfaces: USB


Slide Scanner for Film Film Interfaces: USB


Scanner for slides and 35mm films


35 mm negative and slide film scanner , digital converter film in photo


Slide ScannersFilm Scanner35mm ​​Film ScannerSlide Scanner for Films

Scanner for slides and 35mm film Lowmo 22 Mp Manufacturer: ESPADA, Interfaces: USB, 90 003 DETAILS

Scanner for Slides and 35mm Film Scanner 5 Mp Interfaces: USB


Scanner 5MP


Digital film scanner 35 /135 mm , scanner positive slide film 35 90 061 /2. 4 mm with 2.4″ LCD, converter slides USB, photo 2021



5 910


Portable scanner for film, 16 MP, 35 mm , scanner for Negative Viewer and Slides USB MSDC Device for Image Viewer, Film with 2.4


Winait 35 900 61 mm negative and slide film scanner Interfaces: USB


Scanner for slides and 35mm Film Scanner 5 Mp Interfaces: USB


Winait 35 mm negative and slide film scanner Interfaces: USB


Wina it 35 mm negative and slide film scanner Interfaces: USB


Mobile scanner films and slides for negatives and slides diameter 35 mm /135 mm with LED lights, fun toys and gifts



3 451

53 93

Portable scanner for negative film 35 mm , 135 slides , 5 MP, 10 MP



3 193


90 002 Digital film scanner 35 /135 mm LCD 2. 4″



3 195


Mini scanner for film, 5 MP, 135 mm , 35 mm Manufacturer: Fujifilm film 35 /135 mm LCD 2.36″


Slide scanner QPix Digital FS8100 16 mega pixel, for slides and film 35 mm with color LCD screen 2.4

9 0011 DETAILS




LCD film scanner 135″ 35 /2.36 mm



4 171

9 0002 5488

Scanner portable for film, slide converter , film 35 mm , 135 mm , firmware for editing, USB cable 90 003 DETAILS




Film scanner 35 /135 mm with 2.36″ LCD


2 page of 3

Computers & SoftwareComputer PeripheralsScannersSlide Scanners35mm Film Slide Scanner

Scanning slides, film, negatives

Redox specialists will prolong the life of black-and-white and color transparencies, negatives, slides by converting them into electronic form. Regardless of the quantity, size, development technology and condition of the source materials, scanning of slides and film is carried out with high quality and in the shortest possible time. In the process of work, we handle the originals very carefully, subjecting them to minimal impact.

The process of digitizing negatives and transparencies does not differ in labor intensity, complexity or cost. At the same time, it is much more efficient than scan photo , since film is more durable than photographs, it usually has fewer defects and is easier to fix. And already from an electronic copy you can get high quality photos and in any quantity.

Price list for scanning services for film, slides, negatives

Film and slide scanning (including primary color correction, automatic dust and scratch removal with Digital ICE technology.)

Scan 35 mm film or slides 1200dpi 15r.
Scan 35 mm film or slides 2400dpi 20 rub.
Scan 35 mm film or slides 4000dpi 25 rub.

Each project is unique, so the total amount of the order can be reduced in each case.

Contact us and we will find the best conditions for your project

Select the type of material to be scanned Document PagesBound Documents & BooksDrawingsPhotosPhotographic Films & Slides
Scan Format less than A4A4A3A2A1A0
Scan mode: black and white
Approval 300dpi600dpi1200dpi2400dpi4000dpi
Number of pages
Total cost: 0 r.

Send a preliminary application and we will contact you to clarify the order

Your name
Telephone or

Stages of film digitization

Converting to electronic form begins with the preparation of the original photographic material, which is cut into pieces containing 4-6 frames. If necessary, our employees will perform not only full, but also selective digitization of film, starting from one frame.

The success of the further process depends on the thoroughness of the preliminary preparation, the qualifications of the specialists and the characteristics of the equipment. We carry out scanning of film and slides on professional photo scanners:

  • Nikon, characterized by high resolution, which allows you to accurately reproduce the maximum amount of image detail
  • Epson series to achieve professional-quality digitizing that can’t be achieved with less powerful home or office equipment.

Basic image processing is already performed during scanning, which consists of:

  • automatic color correction
  • dust and scratch removal
  • fixing minor defects.

In addition, at the request of the customer, our specialists will also carry out additional processing of scanned images in manual mode:

  • color correction, contrast, sharpness
  • technical and artistic retouching
  • framing
  • complete elimination of defects
  • adding captions and special effects
  • full or partial image restoration
  • creating a slideshow
  • create a digital photo album or photo book.

The cost of scanning film and slides

After placing an order, you will see that the price of scanning services is quite acceptable. Due to the specifics of the source materials, the cost of the work is calculated individually and depends on several parameters:

  • number and condition of originals
  • film, negative, slide format
  • scan resolution
  • need for additional image processing.

Received electronic copies are saved in JPEG or TIFF format (optional). If necessary, files are written to CDs or DVDs. In addition, we store scan results for 2 weeks, so if electronic images are damaged or lost during this period, we will resubmit them.

If you want to not only digitize, but also systematize photographic films, negatives, slides, our specialists will create an electronic archive of photographic materials based on our own development – the E-Arch system. This is a modern database that allows you to store a large number of photographic materials in digital form, process, print, distribute them. You will be able to perform any actions with an electronic copy without damage to the original. Access to the same document can be given to an unlimited number of users, or it can be limited or provided on a paid basis.

The list of our services also includes:

  • scanning paper documents of any format in any condition, as well as books, drawings, photographs
  • inline scanning of a large number of raw materials
  • data entry
  • questionnaire processing
  • creation of electronic libraries and catalogues.

Film types

We accept any type of source material for digitization:

  • transparencies — color or black-and-white photographic film with a positive image.
  • negative is a reverse image of a transparencies in which all black areas become white and vice versa, and areas of other colors are painted in opposite shades. Accordingly, black-and-white negatives are used to print black-and-white photographs, and color negatives are used to create full-color images. However, it is sometimes useful to scan a black and white negative in color mode, as this increases the amount of data the scanner can read from the film.
  • slide – one frame of transparencies inserted into a paper or plastic frame.

Photographic film is distinguished not only by type, but also by size. The minimum width is 16 mm and the most common amateur format is 35 mm. There is also an intermediate size 24mm film. Professional photography uses 61.5mm wide film.

Scan settings

Important settings such as scan resolution and electronic copy format depend on the purpose of using the images:

  • To view negatives, positives or slides from the monitor, without significant enlargement, posting on a website or social network, as well as printing photos in a standard size, it is enough to set a resolution of 1200 dpi (dots per inch) and an image format of 10×15.
  • For printing in the larger size (up to A4), the optimal resolution is 2400 dpi and 20×30 format. In addition, such images will look more impressive on a screen with a diagonal of 21 inches or more.
  • To print photos larger than A4 , it is advisable to choose a size of 30×40 or more, which will allow you to enlarge the image by cropping almost without restrictions.
  • Professional photographs require a resolution of at least 4000 dpi, so that no small detail on the film or slide will go unnoticed by the scanner.

When selecting scan options, it is important to remember that once a resolution has been set and saved, it cannot be changed without loss of image quality.

The larger the resolution, the larger the size of the file containing the image. This is another reason to outsource the scanning of film and slides to a company that specializes in digitization and has sufficient equipment.

Another parameter to consider when scanning is the color depth, which can be 24 or 48 bits. If you don’t plan on doing any serious image editing, a 24-bit scan will suffice, since most modern devices display exactly this color depth, and it is visually impossible to distinguish between these values.

Scanning with a color depth of 48 bits is carried out in order to obtain more data for image processing in a graphics editor. Its main disadvantage is the significant increase in the already large TIFF file and the inability to save the image in JPEG format.

This should be considered when choosing a scan format. Otherwise, the difference between the two formats is that:

  • JPEG is a lower image quality, but also a smaller file size, so this format is optimal for storing images in digital form, viewing on a computer or DVD player, posting online or by email.
  • TIFF – high image quality and level of detail as close as possible to the original, but the file size is 4-5 times larger than jpeg, so it is advisable to use it only for images that are going to be heavily processed or printed.

Features of converting slides into electronic form

Technologically, scanning slides is no different from digitizing photographic films, except that this process takes more time. However, there are still some nuances that need to be taken into account:

Scan resolution. Among all types of source materials, slides require the highest resolution setting when digitizing. For high-quality reproduction of all the fine details of the original and suppression of film grain, this figure should be from 600 to 12800 dpi. A resolution of 2400 dpi is considered optimal for printing images.

Scan size. The most convenient for processing are professional-sized slides – 5×6 cm or 8×11 cm. Scanned results can be saved in any size, and then large-scale images can be printed.

Image defects. At first glance, converting documents to electronic form is almost identical to the process of digitizing a transparent film, but this is a false impression. First of all, the values ​​of optical density differ – 2.5 D is enough for scanning paper, but this is not enough for processing slides. Therefore, one of the main problems that arise when digitizing slides is “noise” in the image. The appearance of this disadvantage is due to the fact that the range of optical densities for most modern scanners is limited, while for slides, on the contrary, it is excessively large.

The darker the original, the higher its density, therefore, when scanning negatives and especially slides, it is necessary to carefully select the “white” and “black” points, because the image may contain areas with a large variation in brightness. When processing slides on insufficiently powerful equipment, a large number of small details will be “lost”, since different light and dark areas on the original on the electronic copy will become the same in shade.

Another problem that is typical not only for slides, but also for ordinary films, is mechanical damage – scratches, dust, cracks, fingerprints. Not everyone knows and follows the rules for storing photographic materials, so technical retouching is almost always necessary. However, when processing slides, graphic editors do not fully meet the requirements for high-quality elimination of defects, therefore, here, too, much depends on the equipment, or rather, whether it has a function to automatically eliminate image defects that have arisen due to a damaged original. The cleaning technology used in most modern professional photo scanners is quite simple and yet effective:

  • slides are pre-scanned in the infrared range, where all image defects are visible
  • the scanner memory stores a map of defects that are simply not read during the main scan.

The only drawback of this method is the increase in scanning time, depending on the resolution, approximately 2-3 times, which becomes critical with a large amount of source materials.

Color distortion. When film is developed, small metal particles often remain on it, invisible when viewing slides in the traditional way, but presenting a problem when they are digitized.

Anker earbuds: Liberty 2 Pro True Wireless Earphones

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 9:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Liberty 2 Pro True Wireless Earphones

Liberty 2 Pro True Wireless Earphones – soundcore US

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Applicable for all soundcore products. (Excluding accessories and souvenirs).

This coupon can not be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotions.

This code is only valid for 14 days after you receive it.

Liberty 4 NC Now Available

All-New Spatial Audio Speaker

Summer Sale, Up to $90 Off!

Liberty 2 Pro

Unboxing & Reviews

Have You Heard of soundcore?

Unbox Therapy

AirPods Pro TEARDOWN vs Liberty 2 Pro! – Best ‘Pro’ Earbuds?


What is Astria Coaxial Audio? – Liberty 2 Pro Earbuds Showcase

Linus Tech Tips

The Best Looking Earbuds EVER


Anker soundcore Liberty 2 Pro – The Real Deal!

Flossy Carter



“I was completely blown away, I really was, it was quite amazing.

Darrell Thorp

9-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Liberty 2 Pro gives the listener a clear and direct image, uncolored by any internal mechanism reflections or tubing you might find in other competitor products.”

James Cassidy Turbin

5-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Bright highs, great, rich lows, and a stereo field that was like listening on speakers.”

Alex Pasco

4-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Liberty 2 Pro are clearly the best sounding ones I’ve heard, they have the fullest range of sound, the best sound staging, and they’re the most comfortable.”

Craig Alvin

2-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“I strongly endorse the Liberty 2 Pro. These earbuds just sound natural.”

Zach Allen

Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“These are the first wireless earbuds I’ve tried with coaxial drivers and, compared to 2 or 3 others I’ve tried, these sound amazingly phase coherent. Just wow!”

Ignacio Molino

5-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“The records I make sound like they should on the soundcore Liberty 2 Pro.

Krish Sharma

2-Time Grammy Winning Producer

“I love the Liberty 2 Pros for everyday listening.”

Cole M. G. N.

5-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Liberty 2 Pro has amazing detail and definition, with superb, deep low bass and sparkly highs.”

Buck Snow

4-Time Grammy Winning Audio Produce

“The soundcore Liberty 2 Pros are definitely a superior Bluetooth headphone.”

Riley Mackin

Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“I was completely blown away, I really was, it was quite amazing.”

Darrell Thorp

9-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Liberty 2 Pro gives the listener a clear and direct image, uncolored by any internal mechanism reflections or tubing you might find in other competitor products.”

James Cassidy Turbin

5-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Bright highs, great, rich lows, and a stereo field that was like listening on speakers.”

Alex Pasco

4-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Liberty 2 Pro are clearly the best sounding ones I’ve heard, they have the fullest range of sound, the best sound staging, and they’re the most comfortable.

Craig Alvin

2-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“I strongly endorse the Liberty 2 Pro. These earbuds just sound natural.”

Zach Allen

Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“These are the first wireless earbuds I’ve tried with coaxial drivers and, compared to 2 or 3 others I’ve tried, these sound amazingly phase coherent. Just wow!”

Ignacio Molino

5-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“The records I make sound like they should on the soundcore Liberty 2 Pro.”

Krish Sharma

2-Time Grammy Winning Producer

“I love the Liberty 2 Pros for everyday listening.”

Cole M. G. N.

5-Time Grammy Winning Audio Producer

“Liberty 2 Pro has amazing detail and definition, with superb, deep low bass and sparkly highs.”

Buck Snow

4-Time Grammy Winning Audio Produce

“The soundcore Liberty 2 Pros are definitely a superior Bluetooth headphone.”

Riley Mackin

Grammy Winning Audio Producer


A state-of-the-art design which integrates a customized Knowles balanced armature and an 11mm dynamic driver into a single body. Aligned direct-to-ear, Astria eliminates interference while creating harmonised treble and bass for the most natural and expansive sound ever heard from truly wireless earbuds. Music is played at stadium scale with breathtaking clarity and fidelity.


Harmonized Sound

Treble inside bass, aligned direct-to-ear. No other earbuds are capable of producing such natural sound.


Balanced Armature Driver

A customized Knowles driver that delivers sparkling treble and dazzling detail.


Dynamic Driver

Oversized 11mm domes infuse your music with sublime depth and punch.



The ideal studio recording is one that perfectly captures every note, every lyric, and every drop of emotion. But recording is only half the challenge. To deliver the most thrilling musical experiences, earbuds need to recreate that sound on the same scale. Thanks to the ACAA (Astria Coaxial Acoustic Architecture), this is now achievable.

Sound is delivered at stadium-scale with impeccable depth and nuance. Every instrument presented perfectly across an expansive soundstage for a stunning representation of what the sound engineer and artist hoped you would hear.


Your ears and hearing are as unique as your fingerprints. Earbuds that sound incredible to you may sound only mediocre to someone else. To ensure everyone gets a flawless listening experience with Liberty 2 Pro, HearID intelligently tests your hearing and creates a tailor-made sound profile just for your ears.

The soundcore app also allows you to take complete control over the EQ and provides 22 preset profiles. So you can remix, optimize, and personalize to perfection.


Download the soundcore app.


Find a quiet place to analyze your hearing profile.


Get a perfect listening experience via the tailored audio profile.



Liberty 2 Pro, Charging Case, 6 EarTips XS/S/ML/XL/XXL, 3 EarWings S/M/L, USB-C Cable

Quality Sound for Good Price

These won’t impress audiophile snobs but for the 99% of everyone else who enjoys high quality sound these Lib 2 Pros are just right. Get the seal in your ear canal and fit correct, plus use the companion app and wow, the sound will make you happy. I’ve had a black pair for two years, no issues. My wife loved them so much we got her a white pair of the Lib 2 Pro. I also have a fog grey pair of Lib 3 Pros and the 2 pros are almost as good. It’s very close. Truth is I use both and switch between the two pairs because they both rock my butt. The Lib 2 Pro do have a white noice hiss that can be heard between tracks or when paused that they fixed on the Lib 3 Pro. I’ve never noticed it once the music starts to play. Unless you are trying to listen for it, it’s not going to distract at all. Get new ones if you want or look on Soundcore’s Amazon seller store and get a renewed pair for cheap. Mine are renewed and just fine. On 1-3-23 I purchased renewed ones for a friend’s birthday for $30 out the door. These ear buds will whip your butt all over the place sonically in a great way for $30. Have fun and enjoy.

Extremely happy

Wow these are excellent. Can’t believe how great it sounds and fit. Highly recommend it.

Amazing!! Soundcore for life now

Sound quality is off the charts monster bass and the app is badass Anker you have outdone yourself with this whole line of earbuds

Best ever

I have had these for almost 2 years and it has been the best set of head phones I’ve had in years. Very durable I work in an industrial plant I’ve been rain on I’ve even dropped them from 5 stories and to kick it up a knotch I even washed and dried these inside the case and they are still working great.

Muy buenos audífonos

Cómodos, audio excelente, muy buena calidad


Documents & Drivers

  • Manual

    [INT] A3909 Liberty 2 Pro Manual


  • Manual

    [INT] A3909 Liberty 2 Pro Quick Start Guide


  • Declaration of Conformity



Sport X10 All-New Workout Earbuds

Sport X10 All-New Workout Earbuds – soundcore US

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Use your exclusive code at checkout to receive a 10% discount on your purchase.

Applicable for all soundcore products. (Excluding accessories and souvenirs).

This coupon can not be used in conjunction with other discounts or promotions.

This code is only valid for 14 days after you receive it.

Liberty 4 NC Now Available

All-New Spatial Audio Speaker

Summer Sale, Up to $90 Off!

Sport X10

The Ultimate Fit 

Sport X10 have unique ear hooks that rotate up to 210°. Rotate to find the perfect spot for a secure and comfortable fit that won’t budge, even during intense exercise sessions.

Pumped-Up Bass

Sport X10 delivers a double hit of bass enhancement. The dynamic acoustic system is customized to produce sound with 2× more bass. On top of this, our proprietory BassUp technology analyzes sound in real-time and intensifies the bass to the max.

Effective Sweat Protection

Soundcore’s SweatGuard technology is inspired by the structure of a submarine to make Sport X10 workout earbuds sweatproof. Work up a sweat knowing that the internal components are protected against damage.

Enhance Your Experience

The soundcore app allows you to make Sport X10 workout earbuds your own. Use the in-app breathing exercises to focus on your breathing before working out, tailor the sound profile with 22 EQ presets, and customize controls.

Ultra-Stable Connection

Bluetooth 5.2 ensures that your Sport X10 workout earbuds maintain a consistently stable connection with your device throughout the duration of your workout.

    Calls with Superior Clarity

Sport X10 has 6 microphones and noise cancellation technology to pick up your voice clearly and block out background noises. If it’s a windy day, turn on Wind Noise Reduction in the soundcore app to further improve call quality.

Easy to Open Charging Case

Simply press the button on the charging case to open with just one hand. It’s a small detail, but one that saves you time and effort when you’re busy.

Easy to Control

Both earbuds have a button that is simple to use, even mid-workout. Use the soundcore app to customize the controls to suit your needs.

    On-the-Go Listening

Sport X10 are small and lightweight to ensure they’re comfortable for long listening sessions. The slim charging case easily fits in your pocket or gym bag, without taking up lots of space.

Nearly Perfect Earbuds

I have now owned these earbuds since launch (arrived around the first week of July 2022) and can confidently say these are the best, most convenient earbuds I have owned. I have used these for almost 5-8 hours nearly every single day since. I have owned and used dozens and dozens of earbuds over the years, and these are by far the best for general everyday wear. If you also over-analyze cost-performance ratios like I do with tech, these would be great for you. I have somewhat smaller ear canals, and always have an extremely uncomfortable experience using most earbuds, which always end up falling out no matter the ear tip size. Sorry it’s a long review, hopefully it’s useful to you!

Here’s the in depth breakdown:

-DESIGN: If you like the idea of active earbuds but think it’ll look “goofy” or feel weird with this hook design, I promise, it isn’t. They’re sleek and small enough where they fit quite flush against your head without the bulk. Upon recieving these earbuds, they are much smaller than I expected, which was a great thing compared to so many other bulky active earbuds. I love the flippable hook design, because gigantic cases are awful. The pivot points on the hooks are extremely rugged. I’ve folded mine thousands of times, plus the wrong way on accident for the first few weeks and have no issues whatsoever with the reliability.

-EQ APP: If you’re annoyed also like me that other active earbud manufacturers don’t have an actually GOOD or adjustable EQ App, you’d love these. Soundcore’s app is by far the best mobile EQ out there. Actually works how an EQ should, unlike (way too basic) Beoplay Connect, doesn’t lag (looking at you Sennheiser), isn’t an unfriendly UI (hi Sony), don’t have to re-pair because earbuds disconnect half the time when the app loads (hello Skullcandy) and gives you everything you want and need for a mobile app. Easily pairs within 3 seconds to the app, and displays battery info. The answer is yes, these earbuds do recieve firmware updates as well (fixing sound issues, general driver updates, etc), which is a huge plus for being able to pair with an EQ.

-IPX RATING: Has an IPX7 rating. For those reading reviews that possibly don’t understand the importance of this, it’s huge. Especially at this price point. Having fully waterproof rated earbuds is great. I live where there’s tons of snow. I can shovel snow and be in the rain for hours with these without any issue at all. Or, if you have run earbuds through a washer before, these should actually survive.

-BATTERY LIFE: Is great, when you don’t need extreme volume. This is my only very minor nitpick with these earbuds after about 10 months of using them constantly. The battery has held up fantastic with very little degradation, but isn’t quite clearly what’s advertised. 8 hours playback on a charge is what is said, but doesn’t mention that number stacked to some of the best features, i.e. ANC and Transparency modes. I generally have experienced about 6.5-7 hours with the volume on 40-50% from the very beginning with ANC on, and about 7.5 with ANC off. Holds a charge well however, and both earud and case standby is a lot longer than you’d expect with the quality of batteries in both.

COMFORT: Almost the best there is. They have a full matte-rubber feeling finish on the ear contact points. These are the first pair of earbuds I have ever owned where I genuinely forget I’m wearing them. I’ve worn these from fully charged until dead and longer after a charge, and 8-10 hour sessions are still comfortable. I’ve worn these to bed, on college campus, stores, housework, my job, and it’s been comfort all around.

SOUND QUALITY: Is amazing for the price point. I also have a pair of Soundcore Liberty 2 Pro, and amazingly for being such groundbreaking tech just a few years ago, the sound is essentially the same for what was a $150 set of earbuds at the time. I have a OnePlus 9 Pro for reference, so my audio streams in SBC codec. SBC is 320kbps, which matches the streaming bitrate of Spotify Premium as an example. With the quality of the dynamic acoustic drivers, the quality is very close to what you could listen to over aptX or aptX HD codecs in more expensive mid-range or high end drivers. Quite detailed sound for the price range.

MODES: ANC works fantastic, and Transparency could use a tiny bit of tweaking. There’s white noise with Transparency mode on, but just enough to hear if it’s very quiet.

BLUETOOTH: With BT 5.2, these are the best you can get as of right now for this price. By the time I unfold the hooks out of the case, they are already connected to any device I have it paired to. Never had an issue with annoying single earbud pairing or the case not powering them off at all. No noticable delay or input lag when using the physical buttons or audio feedback delay.

CALL QUALITY: Wind mode is the way to go. Call quality is clear enough for normal calls, and masks breathing right next to the mics quite well….

20/10 Would Recommend

They’re like little clouds on my ear and yet the noise cancellation is still very effective! This is the perfect gift as well. I would love to receive/give these. Interested to see if they can top these this year great earbuds!

Excelentes audifonos

Cumplió con todas mis expectativas y más. El audio es muy claro. La cancelación de ruido es correcta y el modo transparencia igual. Me gusta su practicidad y los botones físicos (uno en cada auricular) están en la ubicación perfecta, El acople al oido es excelente y siento que es perfecto para hacer ejercicio, que es justo lo que buscaba. El estuche cargador es muy práctico y fácil de emparejar.

Sport x10

These combination earbud and over the headphones are great. Love the sound and when i move around they don’t fall off. These are the best earphones I’ve ever had.

Very comfortable, great battery life, well made!

Best bang for your buck! Very comfy and have very clear sound. The bass is amazing and the preset equalizer options are very good. There is a custom option that allows you to tune to your liking that works great. Highly recommended!


Documents & Drivers

Soundcore | Headphones

Soundcore | Headphones


TWS and over-ear headphones for every listening style

Sleep A10

● 4-point noise reduction system
● Noise canceling sleep headphones
● Bluetooth 5. 2

9999 ₽

Learn more

Liberty 4

● Up to 28 hours playback
● Incredible surround sound
● Bluetooth 5.3

11,999 ₽

Learn more

Life 2 Neo

● Hi-Res sound
● High bass
● Folding design


Learn more

Liberty 3 Pro

● Up to 32 hours playback
● LDAC, Hi-Res Audio
● HearID ANC

13,999 ₽

Learn more

Life Q20+

● Advanced Noise Reduction System
● Custom sound
● Up to 60 hours of playback

7999 ₽

Learn more

Life Q30

● Advanced Noise Reduction System
● Custom sound
● Up to 60 hours of playback

7999 ₽

Learn more

Space A40

● Up to 10 hours on a single charge
● LDAC Hi-Res Sound
● Up to 98% noise reduction

£79. 99

Learn more

Life Tune

● Advanced Noise Reduction System
● Custom sound
● Up to 60 hours of playback


Learn more

Liberty Air 2 Pro

● Up to 32 hours playback
● Net calls

    12,999 ₽

    Learn more

    Note i (Life P2i)

    ● Up to 28 hours of playback
    ● Incredible sound
    ● Bluetooth 5.2

    2999 ₽

    Learn more

    Dot 3i

    ● Up to 36 hours playback

    Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation
    ● Crystal clear calls

      4999 ₽

      Learn more

      Note 3i

      ● Up to 36 hours playback

      Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation
      ● Crystal clear calls


      Learn more

      Life Note 3NC

      ● Up to 35 hours playback

      multi-mode noise reduction
      ● Compact design

      $89. 99

      Learn more

      Life Q35

      ● Advanced noise reduction system
      ● Custom sound
      ● LDAC technology

      11,999 ₽

      Learn more

      Space Q45

      ● Up to 50 hours on a single charge
      ● Up to 98% noise reduction
      ● LDAC Hi-Res Sound

      12,999 ₽

      Learn more

      Sport X10

      ● Sport headphones
      ● Up to 8 hours on a single charge
      ● Waterproof and sweatproof


      Learn more

      Liberty 2 Pro

      ● Up to 32 hours playback
      ● HearID, ACAA
      ● Incredible sound

      12,999 ₽

      Learn more

      Life Note E

      ● Up to 32 hours playback
      ● Quality sound
      ● Bluetooth 5.2


      Learn more

      Life Dot 2NC

      ● Up to 7 hours on a single charge
      ● Active Noise Cancellation
      ● Transparency mode

        7999 ₽

        Learn more

        Life Dot 2

        ● Up to 100 hours of playback
        ● Super balanced sound
        ● Comfortable design

        5 499 ₽

        Learn more

        Life Note

        ● Up to 40 hours of playback
        ● Graphene speakers
        ● Bluetooth 5. 0

        5 999 ₽

        Learn more

        Liberty Air2

        ● Up to 28 hours of playback
        ● HearID
        ● Net calls

        8,999 ₽

        Learn more

        Soundcore | Wireless TWS

        Soundcore | Wireless TWS

        Wireless TWS

        Wireless headphones for your musical freedom

        Sleep A10

        ● 4-point noise reduction system
        ● Noise canceling sleep headphones
        ● Bluetooth 5.2

        9999 ₽

        Learn more

        Liberty 4

        ● Up to 28 hours playback
        ● Incredible surround sound
        ● Bluetooth 5.3

        11,999 ₽

        Learn more

        Liberty 3 Pro

        ● Up to 32 hours playback
        ● LDAC, Hi-Res Audio
        ● HearID ANC

        13 999 ₽

        Learn more

        Space A40

        ● Up to 10 hours without recharging
        ● LDAC Hi-Res Sound
        ● Up to 98% noise reduction

        £79. 99

        Learn more

        Liberty Air 2 Pro

        ● Up to 32 hours playback
        ● Net calls

          12,999 ₽

          Learn more

          Note i (Life P2i)

          ● Up to 28 hours playback
          ● Incredible sound
          ● Bluetooth 5.2

          2999 ₽

          Learn more

          Dot 3i

          ● Up to 36 hours playback

          Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation
          ● Crystal clear calls

            4999 ₽

            Learn more

            Note 3i

            ● Up to 36 hours playback
            ● Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation
            ● Crystal clear calls


            Learn more

            Life Note 3NC

            ● Up to 35 hours playback

            multi-mode noise reduction
            ● Compact design


            Learn more

            Sport X10

            ● Sport headphones
            ● Up to 8 hours on a single charge
            ● Sweat and moisture resistant


Pro buds: Google Store für Geräte und Zubehör von Google

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 9:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Samsung Galaxy Buds 2 Pro review: the best Samsung buds

We’re entering new territory in the walled garden earbud wars: to get the very best audio quality from Samsung’s Galaxy Buds 2 Pro, you need to use them with a Samsung phone. It was always going to come to this. Between Apple’s AirPods, Samsung’s Galaxy Buds, Google’s Pixel Buds, and other earbuds developed by companies with a deep-rooted interest in the smartphone world, we’ve already seen many convenience-minded features — one-touch setup, automatic device switching, head-tracking spatial audio, and others — that incentivize consumers to match their brand of buds with the phone in their pocket. The goal is to lock you into that ecosystem as you gradually upgrade one device and then the other in perpetuity. 

But the $229 Buds 2 Pro are the first to play up superior sound quality as the big exclusive. Connect them to any recent Samsung phone, and you can wirelessly stream “24-bit hi-fi audio” from services like Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, Qobuz, and others that offer lossless and high-resolution music catalogs. Samsung claims this results in substantially richer audio and a better listening experience from where things stood before. 

I’ll dig into all of that more later, but the important takeaway is that the Galaxy Buds 2 Pro, thankfully, are terrific earbuds no matter what kind of phone you have. Over more than a week of testing, I’ve found them to be Samsung’s best-sounding, most comfortable buds yet.

8Verge Score


The Good

  • Smaller, lighter, and more comfortable than original Galaxy Buds
  • Excellent sound quality
  • Good noise cancellation

The Bad

  • No multipoint Bluetooth
  • 24-bit audio is limited to Samsung phones
  • Mics could use more improvement

$230 at Amazon$230 at Best Buy$230 at Samsung

How we rate and review products

How we rate and review devices

The Buds 2 Pro are 15 percent smaller than the original Galaxy Buds Pro, and both the earbuds and case now have a matte soft-touch coating. I prefer it over glossy plastic: the case stays smudge-free, and the buds are easier to grip with the coating. The new earbuds are lighter, too (now down to 5.5 grams per earbud), and have a larger vent on the exterior for improved airflow and to mitigate any unpleasant “plugged-up” feeling. They’ve proven nothing but comfortable in the days I’ve been using them so far and have reliably stayed in my ears. Battery life is completely unchanged from the prior model, promising five hours of listening time with ANC enabled and eight with it off — plus another 18 / 28 via the charging case. That’s adequate stamina for most situations but nothing special in 2022. The Buds 2 Pro maintain the same IPX7 water resistance rating as their predecessors.

It doesn’t take long to conclude that these earbuds have fantastic sound. With a dual-driver design and tuning by AKG, they eclipse the AirPods Pro by a country mile — not a surprise given that Apple’s buds are approaching three years old. But they also surpass the excellent Pixel Buds Pro in this department and are closer in line with my favorite earbuds like Sennheiser’s Momentum True Wireless 3 and Sony’s WF-1000XM4. They’re supreme performers with a level of depth and detail that their big tech contemporaries can’t quite match. 

The Hold Steady’s “Heavy Covenant” demonstrates their separation and clarity, giving the guitars, horns, and Craig Finn’s recognizable vocals ample room to breathe. As a devout ’90s music fan, I hopped back to “Omaha” by Counting Crows, and the Buds 2 Pro brought out the warmth of the accordion and mandolin while giving the drums a natural kick. Returning to modern life with Orville Peck’s “The Curse of the Blackened Eye,” I was impressed by the wide soundstage Samsung has given these buds.

The Buds 2 Pro are 15 percent smaller than the original Galaxy Buds Pro.

But is it genuine “hi-fi” sound? After more than a week, I’m still trying to suss that out. Samsung says its new Seamless codec lets the Buds 2 Pro wirelessly stream 24-bit, 48kHz audio over Bluetooth. But the company has been less transparent about the bitrate of that audio. For reference, Sony’s LDAC codec tops out around 990kbps, which still falls short of lossless CD quality. Samsung spokesperson Jordan Guthmann told The Verge by email that Samsung Seamless Codec can reach a bitrate of up to 2304kbps, which would indeed work out to lossless, hi-resolution sound. 

That number has me skeptical. It would be a monumental leap over existing earbuds, and there’s nothing in the Android developer settings menu that confirms bitrate details — only the 24-bit / 48kHz part. The higher-quality streaming works with any Galaxy smartphone running Android 8.0 and One UI 4.0 or later (with 1.5GB RAM or above). That’s a lot of phones, which adds to my confusion about the bitrate and how Samsung could possibly be hitting 2304kbps. More to follow, hopefully, but don’t get lost in the numbers: these earbuds really do sound great as long as you’ve got a good seal and twist them snugly. They’ll also support Bluetooth LE Audio down the line, though Samsung hasn’t specified what benefits that will bring. 

The Buds 2 Pro are great earbuds even if your Android phone isn’t made by Samsung

The active noise cancellation is satisfactory. When you’re not playing any music, you’ll hear what’s happening in a coffee shop; this is the tradeoff for those bigger air vents and extended comfort. But once any audio is playing, the background fades away convincingly, and you’re unlikely to notice any distractions — even with the volume around 30 percent. The transparency mode works well but still not quite as natural-sounding as on the AirPods Pro. I don’t know why it’s so hard for companies other than Apple to get that right even now. 

Samsung’s head-tracking spatial audio does what you’d expect, shifting the soundscape as you turn from side to side. I’m finding more and more that this is a love-it-or-hate-it type feature for people. Personally, I still like taking advantage of 360 audio when watching video content, but I remain unconvinced it’s any kind of game-changer for music. Samsung’s Galaxy Wearable app (only available for Android) lets you customize sound EQ, but noise cancellation is either on or off with no manual adjustments permitted.

Samsung is still lagging behind in some categories. Google included multipoint Bluetooth connectivity on the Pixel Buds Pro, and the ability to pair with two devices simultaneously is a huge perk. The best Samsung can do is automatically switch between Samsung-branded products, whether those are laptops, phones, tablets, smartwatches, or even TVs. Maybe that’s convenient if you live neck-deep in the Samsung world, but I don’t know anyone who does, and it fails to provide the same multitasking convenience as proper multipoint. 

They’ve got larger air vents to prevent your ears from feeling plugged up.

Other ideas are blatantly copied. Samsung’s Voice Detect feature works much the same as on Sony headphones: when the earbuds detect that you’re speaking, they’ll automatically enter transparency mode and drop the volume for a configurable amount of time, between five and 15 seconds. Self-mumblers will want to avoid this one. And then there are the strange features, like the off-by-default “neck stretch reminders” that use the earbuds to detect if you’ve been hunched over with poor posture for 10 minutes. When that happens, a voice chimes in with a “time to stretch your neck” audio alert. I ended up leaving this turned on, as I’m about to be 38 — no more slouching. 


Every smart device now requires you to agree to a series of terms and conditions before you can use it — contracts that no one actually reads. It’s impossible for us to read and analyze every single one of these agreements. But we started counting exactly how many times you have to hit “agree” to use devices when we review them since these are agreements most people don’t read and definitely can’t negotiate.

Like most Bluetooth earbuds, you can use Samsung’s Galaxy Buds 2 Pro without agreeing to anything in software. But by using the essential Galaxy Wearable app, you’re agreeing to:

  • Samsung’s Terms and conditions
  • Samsung’s Privacy Policy

The final tally is two agreements that are basically mandatory to use all of the earbud’s features and customize settings.

Samsung’s tap controls can be a hair over-sensitive at times, so you might pause a track when adjusting an earbud. Surprisingly, there’s no auto-pause here, meaning tunes or podcasts will keep playing if you remove one of the Buds 2 Pro from your ears. That’s a strange omission for $230 earbuds, but not one I’ve been too frustrated with in practice.

As you can hear in our latest Vergecast microphone test, the Buds 2 Pro wouldn’t be my top pick for voice calls aboard a loud ferry boat. But in more traditional, everyday use cases, they get the job done. Sony’s LinkBuds and Google’s Pixel Buds Pro both edge out Samsung’s latest flagship earbuds at overall mic quality, however.

The Galaxy Buds 2 Pro are Samsung’s best wireless earbuds yet: the company has struck a winning formula of sound quality, noise cancellation, and comfort. They’re at their best when operating in Samsung’s ecosystem but still plenty good with other Android devices. Some will find it frustrating that hi-fi audio is limited to Samsung’s own phones. But this is a preview of where the tech industry is likely headed: Apple’s next AirPods Pro are rumored to support wireless Apple Lossless playback on iPhones. The walls are climbing higher and higher between tech’s biggest players, even if there are still terrific, platform-agnostic earbuds available from Sony, Sennheiser, Jabra, and others. Google’s Pixel Buds Pro are worth a close look if you’re a big proponent of multipoint, but the Buds 2 Pro represent Samsung in top form. 

Photography by Chris Welch / The Verge

OnePlus Buds Pro | OnePlus United States

OnePlus Buds Pro

Hear the Unheard

OnePlus Buds Pro

Hear the Unheard

OnePlus Buds Pro

Hear the Unheard

Radiant Silver arrives

The bold Radiant Silver colorway exemplifies a design statement without words. Replicating the compelling look and smooth feel of stainless steel, a new metallization process meticulously combines four distinctive material layers. The design language is replicated on the charging case for a unique paired aesthetic that is brighter, more reflective and luxurious.

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Sound Made Smart

Balance powerful sound with pure silence. Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation keeps you in control of your audio. Enjoy crystal-clear calls and a truly personal music listening experience. Powered by worry-free battery life, savor a symphony of powerful features for on-the-go studio-grade sound.

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Smart Adaptive Noise Cancellation

Experience an oasis of silence with Hybrid Active Noise Cancellation. With peak noise cancelling at 40dB, the Buds Pro automatically adapts1 to your ambient sound environment. From your commute to your favorite coffee shop, immerse yourself in the deepest sounds. Just a pinch and hold away from Transparency Mode, you can focus on the music at home and stay aware when you’re on the road.

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Calling loud and clear

AI-powered noise reduction algorithms and three ENC noise-reducing microphones deliver precisely calibrated voice isolation during calls. Elegant and functional, the curved design of the buds further reduces wind and residual noise-pickup. For crystal-clear calls, the OnePlus Buds Pro dominate the conversation.

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OnePlus Audio ID

Create a personalized hearing profile2 for a precisely tailored audio experience. Enjoy up to 10 meticulously sculpted sound signatures fine-tuned using a custom audio test. Hear and feel every note on your playlist.

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Next-gen meets high-def

The advanced low-latency LHDC™ audio codec delivers high-definition audio streaming3 for expressive sound that sparkles. Get a front-row seat to concert-level acoustics for hyper-responsive gaming or explosive movie nights.

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Powerful, punchy bass

Drop the bass with 11mm dynamic drivers for a precisely boosted sound profile designed to move you. For deep audio that stays agile, bring your acoustics to life with impressive scale and authority.

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Press play all day

Stay in charge with up to 38 hours5 of immersive audio. Whether you’re on-the-go or taking it slow. Thanks to incredible battery life, you can press play all day.

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Welcome to Warp Charge

Break the sound barrier. Charge for 10 minutes, listen for 10 hours8. The case can even be charged wirelessly with Qi-certified chargers9. When it comes to fast charging, the OnePlus Buds Pro score ten for ten.

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Fully charged, the earbuds can listen to music for up to 7 hours6.

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With the charging case, enjoy up to 38 hours of listening time7

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Warp charging the case for 10 minutes delivers up to 10 hours of playtime8

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Crafted to perfection

The Buds Pro come in two iconic colorways, Matte Black and Glossy White – and look just as good on a run as they do in the office. The matte surface of the buds combines a superior tactile experience with enhanced sweat and dust protection. The chrome stalk blends contemporary class with head-turning aesthetics for even more flair. A state-of-the-art NCL laser coating process delivers a luxuriously smooth luster, accentuating the pressure-sensitive controls with clearly audible feedback. With a design language that speaks to you, hearing is believing.

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Fast and smooth pairing10

Sync to your OnePlus smartphone as soon as you open the charging case – it’s that fast. From movies to games, and calls to music, experience super studio-grade audio anytime, anywhere.

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Stable dual connection

Connect to two Bluetooth® devices simultaneously11 for fast switching without reconnecting. Energize your audio with improved stereo imaging and smoother shifting between paired audio devices.

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Say hello to HeyMelody12

For those without a OnePlus device, the versatile app shows battery life, provides firmware updates and offers versatile customization – all with an intuitive UI. Zen Mode Air also provides five relaxing white noise options to help you focus on your tasks and reduce stress.

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All-go in all-weather

Rated IP5513 for water and sweat-resistance, the OnePlus Buds Pro are perfect for outdoors and the gym. Together with the take-anywhere IPX4-rated14 charging case, stay fit with the perfect fit15.

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Heavy on the comfort

The organically curved, perfectly weighted design and precision seals deliver enhanced ergonomic comfort for hours of listening pleasure. With 3 silicone tip sizes16 available, finding your first-class fit is effortless.

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Radiant Silver, Matte Black, Glossy White

Size & Weight

Dimensions Earbuds: 32mm*23.2mm

Charging case: 60.1mm*49mm*24.9mm

Weight Earbuds: 4.35 g

Charging case: 52 g



11 mm dynamic

Driver sensitivity

98 dB ± 3dB @ 1 KHz (Worldwide)

102 dB ± 3dB @ 1 KHz (India)

Frequency response

20Hz – 20,000Hz

Noise Cancellation

Smart Adaptive Noise Cancellation1

Transparency Mode

Water & Sweat Resistance

Earbuds: IP5512

Charging case: IPX413

Bluetooth® Specifications

Bluetooth® version

Bluetooth® 5. 2

Supported Audio Format(s)


Wireless range

10 meters


Charging interface (for charging case)

Wired, USB Type-C

Wireless, Qi-certified9

Playtime (when fully charged)

Playback with ANC ON: Up to 5 hours

Playback with ANC OFF: Up to 7 hours

Phone call Up to 3 hours (phone call)

Combined playback: Up to 28 hours (ANC ON), 38 hours (ANC OFF)5

Warp charge

10 mins for 10 hours (charging case + earbuds combined)8

Battery capacity

Per earbud: 40 mAh

Charging case: 520 mAh

Special Features

OnePlus Audio ID2, Zen Mode Air, Dual Connection

What’s in the box

Pair of OnePlus Buds Pro earbuds x1

OnePlus Buds Pro charging case x1

User guide x1

Silicon eartips x3 (S, M, L)

Safety and Warranty card x1

USB Type-C charging cable x1


Disclaimer: Product images and display contents are illustrative only. Actual product and display contents may vary.
1. The OnePlus Buds Pro offers three noise cancelling modes (Faint, Smart and Extreme) that ranges between 15dB to 40dB. When set to “Smart” noise cancelling mode, this allows for intelligent, dynamic noise cancellation that adjusts itself automatically, compensating for ambient sounds in your surroundings.
2. For non-OnePlus smartphone users, OnePlus Audio ID requires the official HeyMelody mobile application – this is available for download on Google Play and iOS App Store. Historical and personal data are managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
3. Available on LHDC codec-compatible android devices only. Among OnePlus phone models, said feature shall be limited to the OnePlus 9 Pro/9, devices scheduled for upgrade to the next OxygenOS version within 2021 via OTA and subsequent smartphone releases. Nord devices, however, shall not be supporting LHDC.
4. Latency can be reduced to as low as 94 ms when paired with selected OnePlus phone devices, with Pro Gaming mode turned on.
5. Up to 38-hour battery life while playing music with volume set at 50%, with ANC mode off. With ANC on, enjoy up to 28 hours of battery life (volume set at 50%). Charging and battery test results are based on internal OnePlus laboratory results (25° C or 77° F). Test date: April 26, 2021. Actual battery life is affected by volume, frequency and duration of incoming calls, output source, environmental interference, product features used, usage habits, and other factors. Actual experience will depend on individual use.
6. A full charge of the earbuds themselves delivers up to 7 hours of playtime. Data is based on test results with music playing with volume set at 50%, in AAC mode. Charging and battery test results are based on internal OnePlus laboratory results (25° C or 77° F). Test date: April 26, 2021. Actual battery life is affected by volume, frequency and duration of incoming calls, output source, environmental interference, product features used, usage habits, and other factors. Actual experience will depend on individual use.
7. Earbuds and charging case combined, delivers up to 38 hours of audio playback. Charging and battery test results are based on internal OnePlus laboratory results (25° C or 77° F). Test date: April 26, 2021. Fast charge your OnePlus Buds Pro using a standard adapter or Type-C USB charging cable. Requires 5V~1.5A adapter or higher. Actual performance experienced by users may vary based on the specific charging environment conditions.
8. A 10-minute charge keeps your OnePlus Buds Pro going for 10 hours; this is from a combination of earbuds and the charging case with the earbuds requiring 2 hours of charging from the case. A single 10-minute charge of the earbuds themselves delivers 2 hours of playtime only. Charging and battery test results are based on internal OnePlus laboratory results (25° C or 77° F). Test date: April 26, 2021. Fast charge your OnePlus Buds Pro using a standard adapter or Type-C USB charging cable. Requires 5V~1. 5A adapter or higher. Actual performance experienced by users may vary based on the specific charging environment conditions.
9. Wireless charging requires a Qi-certified wireless charger.
10. OnePlus Fast Pair is only supported on OnePlus 6 series devices and up that runs Android R.

11. Requires Bluetooth®-compatible devices with a maximum transmission range of 10 meters (30 feet).

12. Download the official HeyMelody app (Android/iOS) from Google Play or iOS App Store.
13. IP55 rating achieved on test date: April 23, 2021. Data is based on test results using TÜV SÜD based on IEC 60529:1989, A1:1999 and A2:2013 test standards. Water and dust resistance may be reduced as the device ages. Liquid and dust damage are not covered under warranty.
14. IPX4 rating achieved on test date: April 23, 2021. Data is based on test results using TÜV SÜD based on IEC 60529:1989, A1:1999 and A2:2013 test standards. Water and dust resistance may be reduced as the device ages. Liquid and dust damage are not covered under warranty.
15. The quality of the fit is variable, and depends on multiple factors including the shape and size of the ears.
Water and dust resistance may be reduced as the device ages. Liquid and dust damage are not covered under warranty.
16. Available ear-tip sizes include small, medium and large only
17. Dolby Atmos is only supported on OnePlus 7/7 Pro/7T/7T Pro/8/8 Pro/8T/9/9 Pro devices.
Default settings are defined by OnePlus. Users may customize various features within selected OnePlus phone settings or the “HeyMelody” app, downloadable on Google Play or iOS App Store.
Based on firmware updates to the OnePlus Buds Pro, the above actions may be slightly modified, and the actual OTA content may be different from that specified.
Due to real-time changes involving product batches, production, and supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specifications, and features, OnePlus may make real-time adjustments to text descriptions and images in associated information pages to ensure they match the product performance, specifications, indexes, and components of the actual product. Product information is subject to change and adjustment without notice. Please refer to the specific information on
OnePlus Buds Pro and OnePlus phones, when used together, will provide the best experience. OnePlus Buds Pro are also compatible with Bluetooth® devices; the longest Bluetooth® transmission distance is 10m between OnePlus Buds Pro and the Bluetooth® device. Due to the nature of Bluetooth®, electromagnetic interference in the area may cause the connection to break.
Based on software updates to the phone, the above actions may be slightly modified, and the actual OTA content may be different from that specified.

Radiant Silver arrives

The bold Radiant Silver colorway exemplifies a design statement without words. Replicating the compelling look and smooth feel of stainless steel, a new metallization process meticulously combines four distinctive material layers. The design language is replicated on the charging case for a unique paired aesthetic that is brighter, more reflective and luxurious.

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Radiant Silver arrives

The bold Radiant Silver colorway exemplifies a design statement without words. Replicating the compelling look and smooth feel of stainless steel, a new metallization process meticulously combines four distinctive material layers. The design language is replicated on the charging case for a unique paired aesthetic that is brighter, more reflective and luxurious.

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Kidney functions, types of diseases and diagnostics

If the kidneys cease to perform their function, numerous pathologies develop in the body. Ultimately, this leads to death.

The kidneys purify the blood from impurities harmful to the body, in particular from urea and uric acid, human waste products. During the day, the process is performed about 50 times. In addition, their function includes:

  • ensuring the removal of excess fluid, organic, inorganic and toxic substances, products of nitrogen metabolism;
  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • blood pressure and pH stabilization;
  • production of hormones, vitamin D and other important processes for the body.

The body also takes an active part in the production of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids.
The kidneys are responsible for many processes, including sexual, reproductive, intellectual and creative. This is the most vulnerable organ, the cause of which can be even an untreated tooth or some kind of boil. They react sharply to any deviation.

The most common diseases are:

  • urolithiasis (stones and sand in the kidneys). Causes: malnutrition, poor water quality;
  • pyelonephritis due to infection or any inflammatory disease;
  • renal insufficiency – an organ ceases to perform its functions under the influence of any disease, severe poisoning or other causes not directly related to the kidneys;
  • hydronephrosis – a violation of the outflow of urine caused by stones, tumors, pathological changes in the pelvic organs.

Symptoms of kidney disease are conventionally divided into general and local. Common manifestations – weakness, headache, swelling (especially in the eye area), increased pressure, pale skin. Local symptoms include lower back pain, changes in urine (darkening, turbidity), frequent urge to urinate. In addition, each type of disease has its own symptoms.

Diagnosis of kidney diseases

Timely and correct diagnosis of kidney disease is a guarantee of reducing the likelihood of complications and prompt treatment.
In our medical center “AlterMedica” it is possible to undergo a complete diagnosis and a qualified assessment of the condition of the kidneys, as well as their therapeutic treatment. Despite the high prevalence of kidney pathologies, the number of specialized specialists is limited. The staff of our medical center has an experienced nephrologist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases.

There are several options for self-assessment of the condition, with the help of which you can talk about a suspicion of a violation:

  • stand up straight and lean forward, trying to reach the floor with your hands. If the muscles on the back of the legs are painfully stretched, it means that there may be a pathological process;
  • the disease may be signaled by periodic noise or ringing in the ears;
  • constant dark circles under the eyes, regardless of the condition, when you go outside from the room, the eyes watery – a problem with the kidneys.

At the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to diagnose a specialist who will conduct an examination, check for Pasternatsky’s symptom (tapping in the lumbar region), conduct laboratory, ultrasound and other studies. Based on this, treatment is prescribed.

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types of kidney diseases and cancer, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body, as they ensure the normalization of pressure, the removal of toxins and toxins, as well as the control of blood elements.

Constantly experiencing stress, they are exposed to various pathologies.

Often, kidney disease treated by urologists and nephrologists occurs when:

  • Hypothermia
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Infections
  • Lack of rest
  • Violations in the work of other bodies
  • Bladder fullness and even weight loss

Such pathologies cannot be ignored! If you find the first signs, you should contact a specialist.

The doctors of MEDSI clinics will conduct an examination and, having quickly made a diagnosis, will prescribe a treatment that takes into account the stage of the pathology and the patient’s condition.

The first signs of kidney disease

As a rule, at the beginning of the disease, the kidneys signal themselves with general discomfort and slight chills. Because of this, kidney pathologies are often confused with the common cold. However, many patients manage to help themselves.

Experienced patients who have already experienced kidney disease warm up their feet, drink hot tea and go to bed. Symptoms may indeed recede, but this does not mean that the disease itself has receded.

Often just resting and warming up the feet is not enough. The disease will progress and will require more serious treatment. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the symptoms, and self-medication is simply dangerous!

Symptoms of kidney disease in men and women

The main symptoms of kidney disease include:

  • Difficulty urinating
  • Frequent urge (mainly at night)
  • Increased body temperature and blood pressure
  • Swelling of the lower extremities
  • Puffiness of the face
  • Blood and/or foam in urine

Patients also complain of discomfort and pain concentrated in the kidney projection area (to the left and right of the lower back).

Women are more likely to suffer from kidney infections. Their signs are more pronounced and appear already 40-48 hours after the infection enters the body. In the fair sex, the main symptom of pathology is often pain, which can be either aching and dull, or quite acute.

Painful urination also becomes an unpleasant symptom. With some pathologies, even a delay in menstruation is possible. Women often complain of swelling of the legs and face, which is especially pronounced in the morning, immediately after sleep.

Men usually do not pay attention to unexpressed symptoms and go to the clinic already with severe pain, cloudy urine and a serious increase in temperature. The main complaints also include dry mouth, drowsiness and skin peeling.

Diseases of the kidneys in women and men

The most common diseases include:

  • Urolithiasis
  • Nephroptosis
  • Renal failure
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Hydronephrosis
  • Acute and chronic glomerulonephritis

Men also suffer from urinary obstruction and renal colic. Often, pathologies are quite dangerous and rapidly progressing. This is due to the fact that men often start the disease and turn to doctors quite late.

Kidney diseases in women

Common diseases are:

  • Cystitis
  • Urethritis
  • Urolithiasis
  • Ascending pyelonephritis

Cystitis and urethritis are very often provoked by simple hypothermia.

Women tend to take better care of their health, but are more vulnerable to kidney pathologies. To start the mechanism of the disease, it is often enough to have a simple cold and weaken the immune system that causes it.

Diet for kidney disease

Patients with any kidney disease must be prescribed a diet. Its basis is the presence of carbohydrates and the restriction of fats and proteins. Particular attention is paid to products with a minimum salt content.

Proper nutrition during illness can not only reduce the severity of symptoms, but also heal faster.

Patients are advised to:

  • Eat small meals and fairly often
  • Drink no more than 1. 5 liters of liquid
  • Avoid alcohol

To be deleted:

  • Bouillons based on meat, fish and mushrooms
  • Legumes
  • Fatty meat
  • Pickles and marinades
  • Chocolate
  • Spices, condiments and hot sauces

Include in the diet:

  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Raw and steamed vegetables
  • Bread
  • Butter and olive oil
  • Dried fruits
  • Steamed lean meat
  • Natural juices
  • Vegetable broths
  • Berries
  • Honey
  • Eggs (no more than 2-3 per day)
  • Cereals and pasta


Kidney disease: conservative treatment

The treatment of kidney disease is always complex. Pharmaceutical preparations are combined with various procedures and proper nutrition. Particular attention is paid to phytotherapy. In case of kidney diseases, patients are prescribed special teas, decoctions and infusions.

Important! Phytotherapy is ineffective without medicines!

For minor inflammations, drugs are prescribed that improve urination and relieve spasms. If small stones and sand are found, agents that dissolve them are recommended. To relieve the pain symptom, special drugs are also prescribed.

Specialized fees are recommended in some cases. With their long-term use, the work of the kidneys is significantly improved, the urinary tract is cleaned.

Important! Folk remedies are ineffective for serious pathologies. In some cases, they may even harm the patient rather than benefit.

Any treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis. During therapy, the patient’s condition is constantly monitored. This allows you to monitor the effectiveness of certain drugs, if necessary, replace them or change the dosage.

Kidney disease: surgical treatment

If conservative therapy does not give the desired result, resort to surgical treatment.

The main methods are:

  • Nephrostomy. This operation is aimed at restoring the outflow of urine and allows you to eliminate pain and avoid the occurrence of an infectious process
  • Stenting. It is aimed at normalizing the patency of the urinary tract
  • Nephrotomy aimed at removing the kidney or part of it

Chronic kidney disease

Chronic kidney disease is a life-threatening disease with a complex course that develops over three or more months and occurs when an organ is damaged or its function is reduced. Such a pathology requires not only constant treatment, but also regular visits to the urologist, as well as strict adherence to a number of recommendations.

Chronic kidney disease occurs if acute forms of disease are not treated in time. Concomitant pathologies also lead to aggravation of the patient’s condition, including:

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Chronic infectious processes
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension

Chronic disease is characterized by high blood pressure, anemia (decreased hemoglobin in the blood), reduced levels of sodium and calcium with increased levels of potassium and magnesium in the blood. For an accurate diagnosis, a comprehensive examination is necessary.

Prevention improves kidney function and keeps them healthy for many years to come.


Preventive measures include:

  • Activity
  • Compulsory consumption of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, dairy and seafood
  • Sauna visit. Dry heat is the key to healthy kidneys, as it ensures their filtration function and enhances the supply of blood and nutrients to organs
  • Drinking enough fresh clean water (at least 1.5-2 liters per day)

For the health of the kidneys, it is important to give up strong tea and coffee, replacing them with herbal tea or mineral drinking water.

Benefits of kidney disease treatment at MEDSI

  • A full range of services for the diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease
  • Collaboration of experienced urologists and nephrologists with general practitioners, cardiologists and endocrinologists
  • Modern methods of treatment
  • Individual approach

Contact us

+7 (495) 7 800 500

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Grills at a good price on the Internet

For cooking various dishes at a picnic, you can choose an outdoor grill of several types: coal, wood, gas, electric or disposable, as well as a ceramic oven – tandoor. In order to be able to enjoy mouth-watering dishes of meat, fish and vegetables cooked outdoors in the warm season, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the grill options offered in our online store in advance. Don’t miss the chance, while there is a large selection of models of different designs, to find a grill that best suits you both in appearance and performance. In our assortment you will find products of the highest quality, characterized by functionality and original design. There are inexpensive compact charcoal grills, mobile gas grills, and uniquely designed ceramic grills Kamado Bono and tandoors, reminiscent of real works of art.

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Grill MIR350

Which brazier to choose this season?

The warm season is associated with many fun outdoor parties, where the most delicious barbecue dishes definitely dominate. However, in order to surprise your friends with new masterpieces, it is very important to make sure that the barbecue grill (or even smoker) is of good quality and meets all

Kamado BONO – for exclusive barbecue dishes

Philosophy and community
From the very beginning, the goal of Kamado Bono was not only to sell the grill, but also to help, show the client the wide range of barbecue options, teach him how to enjoy it, teach him how to cook properly, and thus engage in barbecue culture and help customers understand

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Weekend by the lake: what to pack?

A trip to the lake for the weekend is considered by many to be a particularly romantic and relaxing way to spend time, but mosquitoes buzzing over your ear, complete darkness at night and gatherings on a grassy tussock or rotten log quickly interrupt all positive impressions. What to do and what to bring

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Tandoor: what is it?

When visiting restaurants of Caucasian, Indian cuisine or cuisine of any other country in Central or East Asia, we do not always know from what and how certain unusual dishes are prepared. However, sometimes their taste is so mesmerizing that you want to know the secret of their preparation. One of these secrets is

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8 tips to feel 100% spring

Spring not only awakens nature from its winter hibernation, but also brings us out of stagnation and encourages us to change – to enjoy ever brighter sunlight and feel the joys of spring to the fullest. If you decide that this spring should be just like that, then these 6 rules are 100% for you!
Forget about the car

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Agree, it’s so nice to get together with the whole family or a group of friends outdoors in the warm season and serve grilled steaks, fried vegetables, baked cheese as a treat. Various stationary and mobile outdoor grills , as well as tandoors you will find in the catalog of our store.

  • Ceramic grill KAMADO BONO will allow you to fry your favorite steaks, cook soup, stew vegetables or smoke cheese in nature, and even bake pizza! The compact model is ideal for a small terrace, and for trips to nature. The largest model is designed for large groups of people from 15 or more people, also suitable for restaurants, bars.
  • In the tandoor, dishes are prepared due to the heat transfer from the heated walls, as in an oven. So, meat cooked in the tandoor is much juicier and tastier than grilled or grilled meat. Try it and see for yourself!
  • Gas grills – heat up quickly, are the easiest to use and maintain. Stationary models with several burners will allow you to cook several dishes at once.
  • Traditional 3-legged charcoal grill with compact size for easy transport.
  • Portable garden grill – wood-fired fireplace is great for safely cooking various dishes on fire and as a source of heat and light, as well as a decorative element of the garden.

Buy outdoor grill online

Go to the e-shop website. Here in a wide range you will find quality grills that run on fuels of different types of brands such as Kamado Bono, BBQ, Grill Symbol, Lund, Kratki, Kaminer, Huggy, as well as tandoors from an exclusive representative in the Baltics! Placing an order does not take much time and soon we will deliver the goods to the specified address throughout Lithuania, you can also pick up the goods at our pick-up points in Vilnius and other cities of Lithuania.

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Grill is an integral part of the way to spend your free time in the warm season. Deciding which grill to choose means choosing the type, size, shape, price and other features you want. Do you want to feed your family or please your neighbors? In the online store you will find the perfect ceramic, charcoal or gas grill for you and your loved ones. Enjoy the warm season with a great selection of different types of grills.

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Grill Q43B

Which brazier to choose this season?

The warm season is associated with many fun outdoor parties, where the most delicious barbecue dishes definitely dominate. However, in order to surprise your friends with new masterpieces, it is very important to make sure that the barbecue grill (or even smokehouse) is of good quality and meets all

What does the type of Kamado grill mean and what makes it special?

You have probably noticed that more and more you can see the egg-shaped grill in other people’s shops and gardens. Indeed, coming from the Japanese tradition, charcoal grills are becoming more and more popular precisely because of their unique design, as well as good and even heat.

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Kamado BONO produce for exclusive barbecue dishes

From the very beginning, the goal of Kamado Bono was not only to sell the grill, but also to help, show the client the wide range of barbecue options, teach him how to enjoy it, teach him how to cook properly, and thus engage in barbecue culture and help customers understand what to cook

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Grill basics

Barbecue season is just around the corner, so it’s time to get your existing or new grill out and start cooking some delicious meals. However, be sure to check in advance that the grill is in working order and that it is serviced and cleaned regularly. Even if you cleaned the grill before the start of winter,

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How to choose between gas and electric grill?

A few decades ago, when home grills first started showing up in our homes, the only common option was the charcoal grill. However, today the popularity of charcoal grills has declined significantly, and increasingly they are being replaced by gas and electric grills, which are often

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You must have wondered how to choose the right grill online ? First of all, it is important to decide what features do you plan to use? Do you have enough cooking or do you also want to smoke selected products? In the latter case, you should take a look at our range of smoke grills. We recommend choosing models with two cameras. Both have access doors for adjustment. The heat generated in the firebox enters directly into the food chamber through a small hole. The smoke then exits the chimney.

What are the main types of grills?

You are probably wondering, what are the main types of grills ? They are most often classified by the type of fuel used: gas, coal and electric. Let’s take a closer look at the main advantages and disadvantages of each grill:

  • Gas models.

Airpods 2 v 3: AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3 Buyer’s Guide: Should You Upgrade?

Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 9:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3 Buyer’s Guide: Should You Upgrade?

In late 2021, Apple announced a major update for its standard AirPods, with the new earbuds featuring spatial audio, Adaptive EQ, force sensor controls, sweat and water resistance, MagSafe charging, and more.

Apple continues to sell the second-generation AirPods that it introduced in March 2019, now for the lower price of $129. This makes them the entry-level model in the AirPods lineup.

Should you consider purchasing the second-generation AirPods for $129, or do you need the latest AirPods, which sell for $179? On the other hand, you may already have the second-generation AirPods and are considering whether you should upgrade. Our guide helps to answer the question of how to decide which of these sets of AirPods is best for you.

Comparing the Second-Generation AirPods and Third-Generation AirPods

The second-generation and third-generation AirPods share a large number of important features such as the h2 chip and beamforming microphones. Apple lists these identical features of the two devices:


  • Motion-detecting accelerometers
  • Speech-detecting accelerometers
  • Dual beamforming microphones
  • h2 chip
  • Bluetooth 5.0
  • Hey Siri
  • Automatic device switching
  • Live Listen audio
  • Headphone levels
  • Personalized engraving option

Apple’s breakdown shows that the two sets of AirPods share a number of key features. Even so, there are some meaningful differences between them that are worth highlighting, including design, spatial audio, and ‌MagSafe‌ charging.


Second-Generation AirPods Third-Generation AirPods
Custom high-excursion Apple driver New high-excursion Apple driver based on AirPods Pro
Custom high dynamic range amplifier New high dynamic range amplifier based on ‌AirPods Pro‌
Inward-facing microphone
Dual optical sensors Skin-detect sensors
Tap sensors Force sensors
Double-tap to play, skip forward, or answer a phone call Press once to play, pause, or answer a phone call, press twice to skip forward, press three times to skip back, and press and hold for ‌Siri‌
Adaptive EQ
Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking
IPX4 Sweat and water resistance
Charging Case ‌MagSafe‌ Charging Case with Qi wireless charging
Up to five hours of listening time with a single charge Up to six hours of listening time with a single charge (up to five hours with spatial audio)
More than 24 hours of listening time with charging case Up to 30 hours of listening time with charging case
15 minutes in the case provides up to three hours listening time Five minutes in the case provides around one hour of listening time
$129 $179


The design of the second-generation and third-generation AirPods differ significantly, but both have a similar fit and a glossy white plastic finish. The second-generation AirPods largely mirror the design of Apple’s wired EarPods, with long stems that extend from the ear.

While neither set of AirPods has the in-ear silicone tips of the ‌AirPods Pro‌, the third-generation AirPods have a design that is very similar to Apple’s high-end earbuds. This means that they have much shorter stems and a larger in-ear portion, which may result in a better fit for some users. The third-generation AirPods charging case is also shorter and wider.

The overall look of the third-generation AirPods is much more subtle and modern, but which design and fit you prefer is ultimately up to you.

Sweat and Water Resistance

Only the third-generation AirPods are IPX4-rated for sweat and water resistance. This includes both the earbuds and the ‌MagSafe‌ charging case.

Audio Quality

The audio hardware of the third-generation AirPods is based on the ‌AirPods Pro‌, featuring a custom Apple-designed high-excursion driver and a custom high dynamic range amplifier, resulting in significantly better sound quality.

The third-generation AirPods also benefit from Adaptive EQ, which uses an inward-facing microphone and computational audio to create an accurate sound profile for every wearer. Sound is tuned in real time based on the fit of the AirPod in the user’s ear, with the AirPods constantly adjusting and tuning the low and mid frequencies to account for what might be lost due to fit differences.

The smaller in-ear portion of the second-generation AirPods leaves less internal space for audio hardware, and without features such as Adaptive EQ, the sound quality is not as good as the third-generation AirPods.

It is worth noting that as compact earbuds, the sound quality of the standard AirPods will not match higher-end offerings such as the AirPods Max. Nevertheless, if you highly value sound quality, you will appreciate the better audio hardware of the third-generation AirPods.

Spatial Audio

The third-generation AirPods join the ‌AirPods Pro‌ and ‌AirPods Max‌ in offering spatial audio with Dolby Atmos. Apple Music songs, TV shows, and movies can take advantage of spatial audio and it will sound like the audio is coming from all around you when the feature is enabled for an immersive, theater-like experience.

Dynamic head tracking is also available, which makes music, TV, and even Group FaceTime calls more engaging. Spatial audio algorithms and directional audio filters adjust the frequencies that each ear receives, allowing AirPods to produce sound all around the user.

Spatial audio works with ‌Apple Music‌ and the Apple TV app, but it is also compatible with many third-party apps. The second-generation AirPods do not offer spatial audio, so you will have to get the third-generation model to have this experience.

Skin Detection

The standard AirPods feature an all-new skin-detect sensor to more accurately discern if AirPods are in the ear to pause playback. The new skin-detect sensor works by detecting water content in the wearer’s skin, which ensures that it does not mistake pockets, tables, or other surfaces for skin.

Instead of skin-detect sensors in each earbud, the second-generation AirPods use dual optical sensors to detect if they are in a user’s ear. While they effectively perform the same function, the optical sensors can simply tell when they are against a surface or covered up, rather than specifically against skin. This means that if you put an AirPod in a pocket or on a surface, it could accidentally resume playback.


The second-generation AirPods can be controlled by tapping on the stems, and users can double-tap to play, skip forward, or answer a phone call.

The third-generation AirPods feature force sensor controls like the ‌AirPods Pro‌, allowing users to press once to play, pause, or answer a phone call, press twice to skip forward, press three times to skip back, and press and hold for ‌Siri‌.

The force sensor controls allow for a wider range of commands to be issued, but some users may accidentally dislodge an AirPod when using them. On the other hand, the second-generation AirPods tap-based controls are very sensitive and may be accidentally triggered. It is ultimately a matter of personal preference which input mechanism you prefer.

Charging Case

Both sets of AirPods have a charging case with a Lightning port to store and charge the earbuds, but the charging case of the third-generation AirPods also features wireless charging and ‌MagSafe‌. This enables users to charge the AirPods using any standard Qi wireless charging pad or ‌MagSafe‌ charger for easy magnetic alignment.

Battery Life

The second-generation AirPods can deliver up to five hours of listening time with a single charge, while the third-generation AirPods add an extra hour of battery life. When spatial audio is enabled on the third-generation AirPods, the battery life reduces to five hours.

The charging case of the second-generation AirPods can deliver more than 24 hours of listening time, while the third-generation AirPods offer up to 30 hours of listening time. Since there is only an iterative improvement between the two models when it comes to battery life, it is likely not worth getting the third-generation AirPods simply on the basis of its battery life.

Other AirPods Options

If you are looking for AirPods, but want Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), an in-ear design, or other high-end features, there are the ‌AirPods Pro‌, which start at $249. These have all of the same features as the third-generation AirPods, but have silicone tips to fit inside the ear canal and offer ANC, Transparency mode to let noise from the outside world in, and a range of other capabilities like Precision Finding.

If you have problems getting standard earbuds to stay in your ears or simply prefer an in-ear design, the ‌AirPods Pro‌ will be a better choice if you can afford them. Likewise, the ‌AirPods Pro‌ will be more suitable for use in noisy environments thanks to ANC. It is also worth buying ‌AirPods Pro‌ if you could make good use of Apple’s Conversation Boost accessibility feature or its other features.

  • AirPods 3 vs. AirPods Pro Buyer’s Guide

For a higher-fidelity audio experience, there are the ‌AirPods Max‌, which are priced at $549. These are over-ear headphones that take the listening experience to the next level with improved sound quality, better Active Noise Cancellation (ANC), and up to 20 hours of listening from one charge.

Final Thoughts

Providing you can afford the extra $50, it will be worthwhile getting the third-generation AirPods over the second-generation model. The third-generation AirPods add a raft of meaningful features and improvements over its predecessor, including improved design and sound quality, spatial audio, Adaptive EQ, sweat and water resistance, and ‌MagSafe‌ charging. The second-generation model is also now fairly old.

Whether you are looking for AirPods that are suitable for workouts or use in the rain, a more immersive experience with music and movies, compatibility with an existing ‌MagSafe‌ charger, or simply a more subtle appearance, the third-generation AirPods are a much better choice. If you already have the second-generation AirPods, it may worth upgrading to the third-generation model if you are attracted to any of the new features or are looking for a range of overall improvements.

The second-generation AirPods are still a good introduction to the AirPods experience with seamless pairing, automatic device switching, and Hey ‌Siri‌ functionality, but if possible you should get the third-generation model due to its large number of improvements. AirPods frequently see substantial discounts through Amazon and other third-party retailers, so stepping up to the third-generation version may be more worth it if you can take advantage of one of those deals.

Related Roundup: AirPods 3

Buyer’s Guide: AirPods (Caution)

Related Forum: AirPods

AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3: Are They Worth Upgrading?

Apple unveiled the AirPods 3 in October 2021 with exciting features that, until now, were reserved only for the AirPods Pro. The previous model, the AirPods 2, was a big hit, and the AirPods 3 only improved the experience with spatial audio, adaptive EQ, IPX4 sweat and water resistance, and force sensor controls. In this article, we’ll help you decide between the AirPods 2 vs. the AirPods 3 and share if they are worth upgrading.

Table of contents

  • AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3: Similarities and differences
    • Similarities
    • Differences
  • AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3: Feature comparison
    • Design
    • Sound quality
    • Spatial audio
    • Battery life and charging
    • Microphones
    • Controls
    • Skin detection
    • Sweat and water resistance
  • The verdict
  • Frequently asked questions

AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3: Similarities and differences

The AirPods 2 and the AirPods 3 have quite a few similarities. However, their differences are what might decide your purchase or upgrade. Let’s see them all, shall we?


  • Apple’s h2 chip
  • Hey Siri
  • Automatic switching between devices
  • Personalized engraving
  • Lightning charging case
  • Motion-detecting accelerometer
  • Speech-detecting accelerometer
  • Dual beamforming microphones
  • Bluetooth 5. 0
  • Live Listen audio
  • Accessibility features: headphone levels and accommodations


The 2nd generation AirPods have:

  • Dual optical sensors
  • Double-tap controls to play, skip forward, or answer a phone call
  • Up to 5 hours of listening on a single charge
  • More than 24 hours of listening time with charging case
  • Original price: $159

On the other hand, the 3rd generation AirPods offer the following key features:

  • Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking
  • Adaptive EQ
  • IPX4 sweat and water resistance
  • Force sensor
  • Skin-detect sensor
  • Up to 6 hours of listening time on one charge
  • Up to 30 hours of listening time with charging case
  • Custom high-excursion Apple driver
  • Custom high dynamic range amplifier
  • Inward-facing microphone
  • Press once to play, pause, or answer a phone call
  • MagSafe‌ charging case with Qi wireless charging support
  • Original price: $179

AirPods 2 vs.

AirPods 3: Feature comparison

Let’s start by quickly comparing the specs and price of the AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3, and we will cover every feature in detail next.

Characteristics AirPods 2 AirPods 3
AirPods size 1.59 x 0.65 x 0.71 -inches (40.5 x 16.5 x 18 mm) 1.21 x 0.72 x 0.76 (30.79 x 18.26 x 19.21 mm)
Charging case size 1.74 x 0.84 x 2.11-inches (44.3 x 21.3 x 53.5 mm) 1.83 x 0.84 x 2.14 inches (46.40 x 21.38 x 54.40 mm)
AirPods weight 0.14 ounce (4 grams) 0.15 ounce (4.28 grams)
Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking No Yes
Adaptive equalizer No Yes
Wireless charging/MagSafe No Yes
Water-resistant No Yes
Customizable fit No No
Chip Apple h2 Apple h2
Sensors Dual optical sensors, motion-detecting accelerometer, speech-detecting accelerometer Skin-detect sensor, motion-detecting accelerometer, speech-detecting accelerometer, force sensor
Battery life 5 hours of listening time, more than 24 hours with case 6 hours of listening time, up to 30 hours with case
Microphones Dual beamforming microphones Dual beamforming microphones
Inward-facing microphone
Original price $159 $179
Refurbished price Starting at Starting at

AirPods 2 vs. AirPods 3 specs and price comparison table


The AirPods 2 keep the design of the previous generation. The AirPods 3 have shorter stems and larger in-ear parts and enjoy an elegant design with an anatomical fit that brings the sound directly to your ears. However, they don’t have in-ear silicone tips, as was rumored before their launch. Both enjoy the characteristical white plastic finish of Apple devices.

As for their charging cases, the second-gen AirPods case is more prolonged, while the third-gen AirPods case is reminiscent of the AirPods Pro’s case design, being a bit more compact. It’s perfect for carrying them in your pocket, something more complicated to do with the AirPods Max.

AirPods 3

Sound quality

As you may have seen in the specs comparison table, the AirPods 3 bring two new important innovations: spatial audio with dynamic head tracking and an adaptive equalizer. The former helps turn your music and favorite media into a three-dimensional experience, and the latter automatically adapts to produce a unique sound experience for every user.

The third-generation AirPods include a new low-distortion driver and a custom high-dynamic range amplifier. Moreover, the audio hardware is based on that of the AirPods Pro. These improvements bring powerful bass and crystal clear highs, further enhancing the audio quality. Lastly, both AirPods can work with Android devices.

Spatial audio

It’s worth noting that Apple Music announced spatial audio with Dolby Atmos, bringing lossless audio to the entire catalog at no additional cost. All music, movies and TV programs with spatial audio will be heard in an environment where the sound comes from different points. Home cinema only with your earbuds!

Only the AirPods Pro, Max, and the third-generation model feature spatial audio. Besides, dynamic head tracking, which works on top of the spatial audio, can make your group FaceTime calls, music, and movies on the Apple TV more enjoyable. The sound will change as you turn your head. For instance, if you listen to a song on Apple Music and turn your head right, the music will sound more prominent in your left ear.

Be aware that spatial audio with dynamic head tracking is only available on an iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV using your AirPods along with Apple Music.

👉 Related: Beats Studio 3 vs. AirPods Max: A Guide to the Best Headphones

Battery life and charging

The battery life is one of the most notable differences we found between the Apple AirPods 2 vs. the AirPods 3.

The AirPods 2 will offer up to 5 hours of audio playback or up to 3 hours of talk time. Similarly, the case will provide more than 24 hours of playback and up to 18 hours of talk time. At the charging level, 15 minutes in the case will give us about 3 hours of audio playback or 2 hours of talk time. Nonetheless, the 2nd generation AirPods lack any wireless charging.

As for the AirPods 3, they offer up to 6 hours of playback (5 hours with spatial audio on) or 4 hours of talk time, which increases to 30 hours of playback with the charging case or 20 hours of talk time. At the same time, 5 minutes of fast charging in the case will give us approximately one hour of audio playback or 1 hour of talk time. Lastly, the 3rd-gen AirPods charging case supports both Qi-standard wireless charging and Apple’s MagSafe charging system.

AirPods 2


Both the AirPods 2 and AirPods 3 have two microphones that isolate your voice and ambient sound. Thus, they are perfect for your calls and offer better multimedia immersion in noisy surroundings.

Unlike its predecessors, the AirPods 3 are covered with a special acoustic mesh that softens the impact of air currents. If you live in a city with a lot of wind, you will notice the difference with this new feature.


The third-generation AirPods have a force sensor, the same as the AirPods Pro. This allows users to play and pause music or multimedia or answer a phone call by pressing them. The force sensor allows a wide range of commands, including pressing and holding to activate Siri. You can also press once to play, pause, or answer a phone call, and twice to skip forward.

In comparison, you can control the second-generation AirPods by tapping on the stems, and double-tapping to play, skip forward, or answer a phone call. These touch controls are more sensitive and may be accidentally triggered. It all comes down to your preference to decide which is better.

Skin detection

The AirPods 3 features a skin sensor, which can discern your ear from another surface. The sound will only play when you wear them, so they will not be activated by accident when you carry the wireless earbuds without the case in your pocket. This detector works by noticing water content in the skin to avoid mistaking it with pockets, bags, phones, tablets, or other surfaces.

The AirPods 2 have dual optical sensors to detect if they are in your ear. It’s essentially the same function, but it is not as optimal as the skin sensor of the third-generation AirPods. They can start playing if they detect any surface different from your ear.

Sweat and water resistance

One of the new additional features of the third-generation AirPods is that they are water-resistant with IPX4 certification. Unlike its predecessor, you don’t have to worry that much about sweat and water when exercising, and splashing water from any angle will not damage the device. They are perfect for training, especially considering their ergonomic design.

The second-generation model doesn’t have any IPX4 certification and is not sweat and water-resistant.

AirPods 3 with charging case

The verdict

Unquestionably, the AirPods 3 have more innovative technology like the spatial audio feature and adaptive equalizer to create a more immersive experience, with better isolation from the air or wind, better battery life, wireless charging, and new skin and force sensors for extra comfort.

Is it worth upgrading from the AirPods 2 to the AirPods 3, especially considering that they are $50 more expensive than their predecessors? It depends. If you are very demanding in audio quality and want the best possible immersion, the third-generation AirPods may be your choice. They are also sweat and water-resistant, so they can be a good upgrade if you exercise frequently.

👉 Related article: What To Do With Your Old and Dying AirPods

On the contrary, if you are happy with the audio quality of the current AirPods 2, you don’t think you need the spatial audio, you don’t mind the wireless charging, and you haven’t cared that much about sweat and water until now when using them, you might as well keep your earbuds a bit longer. In the end, the second-generation AirPods are still robust earbuds with excellent audio quality and one of the best Apple devices ever made.

The alternative is to look for refurbished AirPods 3 that can make up for the price difference and get them even cheaper than factory-new AirPods 2. On RefurbMe, we specialize in offering the best refurbished Apple product comparisons in the market, with a warranty, 100% functional, and thoroughly tested and cleaned before being back on sale again.

Also, don’t forget to check our article on the best AirPods accessories you should invest in to enhance your experience even more, and what to do with your old AirPods in case you want to upgrade.

Good luck!

Frequently asked questions

Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the second and third-generation AirPods.

1. Do the AirPods 3 support active noise cancellation?

Although the AirPods 3 have spatial audio with dynamic head tracking, they don’t have active noise cancellation and transparency mode. You will need to get the AirPods Pro or AirPods Max models if you want less background noise or an ambient noise feature.

2. Are the AirPods 3 smaller than the AirPods 2?

Yes, the AirPods 3 are 33% smaller than the AirPods 2. The third generation looks a bit more modern, with shorter stems, a force sensor, and a design similar to the AirPods Pro.

3. What is the difference between the cases of the second-gen and third-gen AirPods?

The third-gen AirPods case provides an extra four charge cycles with up to 30 hours of playtime, while the second-gen offers just under four additional charges with a combined battery life of 24 hours.

4. How do you control AirPods 2 and 3?

To play audio and skip forward in the first and second-generation AirPods, double-tap an earbud. You can configure each AirPod to use Siri, play and pause your content, skip forward, or go back to the previous track.

In the AirPods 3, press the force sensor on the stem to play and pause audio, and press it again to resume playback. Double-press to skip forward, triple-press to skip back, and say “Hey Siri” to turn up or down the volume with a voice command.

5. Which Bluetooth codecs do the AirPods 2 and 3 use?

The AirPods 2 and 3 use Bluetooth 5.0 and the SBC and ACC codecs. The latter offers high-quality audio to Apple devices at a consistent rate. There are no performance differences between the two.

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On this page you can get acquainted with the programs and order the performance of the aerobatic team.




Aerobatic Team



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To improve the quality of service, our team decided to conduct a survey so that in the New Year, thanks to you, we would become even better!

Take part, fill out the questionnaire and take the survey!



For some reason, some things can be tried before buying, while others are not? You can take a wheelbarrow in the cabin for a test drive, but no one will test the bike.
The same story with professions. You study at the university for some years, you go to work – it turns out that it’s not your thing at all.
And so we
We are recruiting a group for the short program
A unique chance to feel like a pilot. We offer a test drive of the profession of a pilot 👍🏻

✈️ If you dream of the sky, but so far you fly only on scheduled planes or in your sleep. Then we are waiting for you.

✅ You will take a short course of theory and practice
📚 Theory – 16 hours,
✈️ Flight practice 3 hours.

✅ You will learn how the aircraft and its power plant are arranged

✅ You will learn how to conduct radio communications and build a flight route.

✅ You will learn how to submit flight plans.

✅ You will never say again
-start the plane
-put on headphones
-light aircraft.
Because you will know how to speak correctly.

✈️ The most interesting thing is, of course, practice,
3 hours of the
flight program includes:
🛫 circle flights
🛫 flights around the pilot areas of the airfield
🛫 cross-country flight to the place of the unique monument to the An-24 aircraft
🛫 cross-country flight around Ufa
navigation, communication with the dispatcher, as well as a video clip about your training.



We live flying!

We are glad to welcome you to our site dedicated to the sky, flights, inspiration and good mood! Airfield “Pervushino” is a modern multifunctional complex, where the doors are always open for you!



Aviation training center


Cafe for 100 people equipped with an upper observation deck


Hotel for 11 people (4 separate rooms)

Flight school in Ufa

If you have made an important and responsible decision to become a pilot, then we are glad to welcome you to our aviation training center ANO “Ufa Training and Methodological Center for Small Aviation”!

The training program provides for the main stages that are not subject to change or violation both in reducing their volume and in the order of their implementation. Pilot training has always been distinguished by rigor, discipline, self-discipline and self-training, as well as willpower.




Ground Training



Flight training



Theoretical training

License and certificates

Pervushino aviation training center and airfield has been operating since May 7, 2011. The rights to provide educational services are confirmed by the License for the implementation of additional professional education programs for children and adults No. 4972 dated February 13, 2018, issued by the Department for Control and Supervision in the Sphere of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as the Certificate of the Aviation Training Center No. 328 dated November 15, 2019, issued by the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation (Rosaviatsiya).

Pervushino airfield conducts familiarization flight practice for cadets

Of these, 50% entered military and civilian flight schools, the rest became students of specialized universities

Minigulov Sergey Georgievich

General Director of ANO “Ufimsky UMCMA”

Pilot – instructor

Instructor of the Ufa flight school in subjects:

  • “General knowledge of aircraft”
  • Operating Rules
  • “Human capabilities”

Poltoratsky Sergey Dmitrievich

Head of the Pervushino Airfield Complex, pilot

Eduard Zayanov



Teacher of the Ufa flight school in subjects:

  • “Aircraft performance and flight planning”
  • “Ground training”

Tagirov Farit Rafkatovich

Deputy Head of the ATC for FHR


Instructor of the Ufa flight school on subjects:

  • “Aviation Security”
  • Emergency rescue training

Lynnik Alexander Borisovich


Instructor of the Ufa flight school in the subject:

  • “Ground training”

Lygin Vladimir Petrovich

Flight Director

Instructor of the Ufa flight school on the subject:

  • Radiotelephony

Sultanov Ural Nazibovich

Honored Test Pilot of the Russian Federation.

Teacher of the Ufa flight school in the subject:

  • Fundamentals of Flight (Aerodynamics)

Inkin Vyacheslav Vladimirovich


Instructor of the Ufa flight school on the subject:

  • “Air navigation”
  • “Meteorology”

Timofeeva Oksana Vladimirovna


Instructor of the Ufa flight school on the subject:

  • “Air law”

Bogdanov Artur Marselevich


Instructor of the Ufa flight school in the subject:

  • “General knowledge of aircraft”
  • Flight Performance and Flight Planning

Dvornikov Dmitry Konstantinovich


Instructor of the Ufa flight school in the subject:

  • “Air navigation”
  • Flight Performance and Flight Planning
  • Radiotelephony

Ulyanova Yulia Vadimovna

Instructor for training and record keeping of the transport and aviation security service

Instructor of the Ufa flight school on the subject:

  • “Aviation (transport) security” 90 135

Petrenko Boris Evgenievich

Head of liquidation of emergencies in civil aviation

Teacher of the Ufa flight school on the subject:

  • “Accident and rescue training”

Parshukova Ekaterina Viktorovna


Instructor of the Ufa flight school on the subject:

  • “Human capabilities”

Our team

Our Partners

Chapter VI Aerodromes airports and facilities of the unified air traffic management system Air Code

Edition of 02. 07.2013 Detailed information

Chapter VI Aerodromes airports and facilities of the unified air traffic management system

Article 40. Aerodromes and airports

1. An aerodrome is a piece of land or water area with buildings, structures and equipment located on it, intended for takeoff, landing, taxiing and standing of aircraft.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 118-FZ of July 14, 2008)

1.1. Heliport – a piece of land or a certain area of ​​the surface of a structure, intended in whole or in part for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of helicopters.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 114-FZ of July 18, 2006)

2. Aerodromes are divided into civil aerodromes, state aviation aerodromes and experimental aviation aerodromes.

3. Airport – a complex of structures, including an aerodrome, an air terminal, and other structures, intended for the reception and departure of aircraft, air transportation services and having the necessary equipment, aviation personnel and other employees for these purposes.

4. An international airport is an airport which is open for the reception and departure of aircraft performing international air transportation, and in which border and customs control is carried out, and in cases established by international treaties of the Russian Federation and federal laws, other types of control.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 266-FZ of December 30, 2006)

5. The decision to open an aerodrome for international aircraft flights or an international airport is made by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. The procedure for admission to operation of an aerodrome, airport or heliport is established by federal aviation regulations.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 114-FZ of 18.07.2006)

, landing, taxiing and parking of aircraft. Landing area requirements are set by federal aviation regulations.

(as amended by Federal Laws No. 114-FZ of 18.07.2006, No. 118-FZ of 14.07.2008)

Article 41. State registration of aerodromes and airports

1. Civil aerodromes and airports are subject to state registration with data included about them, respectively, to the State Register of Civil Aerodromes of the Russian Federation and the State Register of Airports of the Russian Federation only if there are certificates (certificates) of validity. The maintenance of these registers is assigned to the authorized body in the field of civil aviation.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004)

2. State aviation aerodromes are subject to state registration with their data included in the State Register of State Aviation Aerodromes of the Russian Federation. The maintenance of this register is assigned to the authorized body in the field of defense.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004)

3. Experimental aviation aerodromes are subject to state registration with their data included in the State Register of experimental aviation aerodromes of the Russian Federation. The maintenance of this register is entrusted to the authorized body in the field of the defense industry.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004)

to ensure their safe operation;

based on the application of the person who registered the civil airfield or airport.

5. If the data on the aerodrome or the airport is excluded from the relevant state registers, the operation of the aerodrome or airport is suspended, the certificate of state registration of the aerodrome or airport loses its validity and is subject to return to the body that carries out the state registration of the aerodrome or airport.

6. For the state registration of a civil aerodrome or airport, a state fee is paid in the amount and in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 127-FZ of November 2, 2004)

registration and grounds for refusal of state registration of rights to an aerodrome or airport and transactions with it are carried out in accordance with Article 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Article 42. Objects of the unified air traffic management system

The objects of the unified air traffic management system are complexes of buildings, structures, communications, as well as ground objects of means and systems of air traffic services, navigation, landing and communications intended for air traffic management. The list of objects of the unified air traffic management system is determined by federal aviation rules.

Article 43. Provision of a land plot or a surface water body

(as amended by Federal Law No. 118-FZ of June 26, 2007)

Russian Federation.

Article 44. Joint-based and joint-use aerodromes

1. Joint-based aerodrome – an aerodrome on which civil aircraft, state aircraft and (or) aircraft of experimental aviation are jointly based.

The list of joint aerodromes is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Joint use aerodrome – an aerodrome of state aviation, where takeoff, landing, taxiing and parking of civil aircraft performing scheduled flights and not having the right to be based at this aerodrome are carried out. The decision on the joint use of the state aviation aerodrome is made by a specially authorized body in charge of this aerodrome.

3. The operation of joint aerodromes and aerodromes of joint use is carried out on the basis of contracts.

4. Aerodromes of joint basing of civil aircraft and state aircraft and aerodromes of joint use must meet the requirements for civil aerodromes.

Article 45. Construction and reconstruction of airfields, airports and facilities of the unified air traffic management system

The construction and reconstruction of airfields, airports and facilities of the unified air traffic management system must be coordinated with the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Article 46. Construction within the aerodrome territory negative impacts of the aerodrome equipment and aircraft flights on the health of citizens and the activities of legal entities and in agreement with the owner of the aerodrome.

Article 47. Placement of various objects in the area of ​​the aerodrome

at the aerodrome, must be agreed with the owner of the aerodrome and carried out in accordance with the air legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The placement of communication lines and power lines, structures for various purposes in the landing systems coverage area, near radar and radio navigation facilities intended to support aircraft flights, and the placement of radio-emitting objects must be coordinated with the authorized body in the field of airspace use, bodies of the unified system air traffic organizations, as well as with federal executive authorities in accordance with the departmental affiliation of legal entities exercising the rights to own or use landing systems, radar and radio navigation objects.

(as amended by Federal Laws No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004, No. 332-FZ of 04.12.2007)

Article 48. Certification of civil aerodromes and airports, as well as objects of the unified air traffic management system

1. Aerodromes and airports used for civil aviation purposes are subject to mandatory certification. The procedure for certification of these airfields and airports, their equipment and the list of this equipment are determined by federal aviation regulations.

2. The requirements for civil airfields and airports are established by federal aviation regulations and are mandatory for compliance by all federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens and legal entities involved in the design, construction, acceptance, operation and repair of these airfields and airports.

3. Radio engineering, lighting and meteorological equipment installed at civil aerodromes, aerodromes of joint basing of civil aircraft and state aircraft and aerodromes of joint use, as well as objects of a unified air traffic management system must comply with the requirements of airworthiness, which is confirmed by the relevant certificate serviceability.

4. State control over the compliance of civil aerodromes and airports with the requirements for them is carried out by the authorized body, which is entrusted with the organization and conduct of mandatory certification of civil aerodromes and airports in accordance with the established procedure.

(as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ)

Article 49. Admission to the operation of airfields and airports

civil aviation on the basis of relevant certificates (certificates).

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004)

(as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ of 22.08.2004)

3. Ensuring that the aerodrome complies with the established requirements during its operation is the responsibility of the organization operating the aerodrome.

Article 50. Maintenance of aircraft at aerodromes and airports

1. Maintenance of aircraft at aerodromes and airports must be provided on uniform terms, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Опубликовано: August 31, 2023 в 9:22 pm


Категории: Miscellaneous

Amazon has early Prime Day luggage deals on Samsonite and American Tourister for less than $200

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Amazon luggage deals, early Prime Day savings Samsonite and American Tourister

Get up to 51% off luggage during Amazon deals on Samsonite and American Tourister brands.

Whether you prefer hardside, softside, or luggage with rollers, Amazon has up to 51% off savings when you invest in quality brand name Samsonite and American Tourister luggage.

Prime members get fast free delivery and free returns and most luggage comes with a 10-year warranty. Prime members also have access to Early Prime Day deals.

In addition, when you sign up for a membership, you can find quality brand name luggage for under $200.

The Samsonite Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners is 54% off with Prime. You pay the sales price, $178.30. List Price: $389.99

The American Tourister Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners is 26% off with Prime. You pay $155.30. List Price: $209.98

Amazon has deals on luggage just in time for your next vacation. Discover deals on durable, expandable luggage. Shop for deals on TSA approved carry-ons and more.

Sign up for a Prime Membership and shop for deals to save money, travel in style and enjoy the high quality of Samsonite and American Tourister luggage.

Look for more deals ahead of Amazon Prime Days next month.

Discover deals on luggage during early Prime Day savings:

Samsonite Freeform Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Black | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Large) With Prime, -43% $201.30 Typical price: $354.37

Samsonite Omni 2 Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Solid Charcoal | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium) #1 Best Seller in Suitcases, $389.99

Samsonite Saire LTE Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Black | 3PC (CO/MED/LG), With Prime -56% $223.30, Typical price: $509.99

Samsonite Ascella X Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Teal | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium), With Prime, -54%, $178. 30 List Price: $389.99

Samsonite Evolve SE Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Classic Navy | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium) With Prime -47% $164.30 List Price: $309.99

American Tourister Stratum 2.0 Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Jet Black | 3PC (CO/MED/LG) With Prime -43% $198.30 List Price: $349.99

American Tourister 4 KIX 2.0 Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Black | 3PC (CO/MED/LG) With Prime -43% $198.30 List Price: $349.97

Samsonite Ascella 3.0 Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Sapphire Blue | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium) With Prime -48% $187.50 List Price: $359.99

American Tourister Airconic Hardside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Deep Orchid | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Large) With Prime -26% $178.30 List Price: $239.99

American Tourister 4 KIX 2.0 Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Classic Blue | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium) With Prime -26% $155.30 List Price: $209.98

American Tourister Whim Softside Expandable Luggage with Spinners | Grey | 2PC SET (Carry-on/Medium), With Prime -38% $180. 80 List Price: $289.98

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Prime Picks For Your Next Trip

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Running a successful business often means being on the move. And when it comes to business travel, having the best suitcases is essential. Whether for storing important documents, carrying products, or simply packing clothes for an overnight stay, choosing the right carry-on luggage or checked bags can make all the difference. Understand what features to look for and gain insights into the world of luggage brands with this guide.

Understanding the Different Types of Suitcases

Understanding the key types is critical when selecting the best suitcase for your business needs. Let’s dive into the two main categories: carry-ons and checked baggage.

The Carry-On Suitcase

A carry-on suitcase is an indispensable tool for any business owner. The convenience of not having to check your bag at the airport means faster transit times and less chance of lost luggage. Many carry-ons even meet the bigger carry-on specifications set by airlines, offering more packing space. A good carry-on luggage will have robust spinner wheels, a TSA-approved lock, and enough internal capacity to hold all the bags you need for a short business trip.

The Large Suitcase

Alternatively, a checked bag might be the way to go for longer trips or transporting goods. Checked luggage has the advantage of offering more capacity than a carry-on. Each has benefits and drawbacks, from soft-sided luggage for flexibility to hard-sided bags for extra protection. Checked bags should also be designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the conveyor belt and the rough surfaces it encounters during the journey.

Essential Factors to Consider When Buying a Suitcase

Before diving into product recommendations, let’s explore the fundamental features to consider when choosing your suitcase.

Size and Weight

Size and weight are crucial considerations, especially for frequent travelers. The airline’s weight limit rules are strict, and an overweight bag could mean unexpected fees. Whether it’s a carry-on or a checked bag, ensure it is lightweight when empty to give you maximum capacity when fully packed. Additionally, most suitcases should comfortably fit in overhead bins or under-seat luggage spaces.

Material and Durability

The material of your suitcase directly affects its durability and longevity. From hard-sided suitcases made from polycarbonate shells or ABS plastic to soft side luggage crafted from ballistic nylon or other durable fabrics, each offers unique benefits. For instance, hard-side suitcases are excellent at protecting valuable items, while soft-side suitcases offer flexibility and tend to have external pockets for additional storage.

Additional Features

Additional features can greatly enhance the convenience and usability of your suitcase. Look for a suitcase with four spinner wheels over just two wheels for smooth rolling and maneuverability. A built-in TSA-approved combination lock provides added security, while a garment or removable laundry bag keeps dirty clothes separated. Compression straps are great for keeping items secure; some suitcases even come with built-in packing cubes.

Now that we’ve covered the basics let’s explore some of the most popular luggage brands and products available in the market.

Best Suitcases – Our Top Picks From Amazon

Feature Top Pick: Samsonite Omni PC Runner Up: SwissGear Sion Best Value: Travelpro Maxlite 5
Size 24″ 25″ 21″
Material Micro-diamond polycarbonate Durable, scuff-resistant polyester fabric Polyester fabric with DuraGuard® coating
Spinner Wheels 4 oversized, multi-directional spinner wheels 360-degree multi-directional spinning wheels 4-wheel spinners that rotate 360 degrees
Expandable Yes No Up to 2 inches
TSA Lock Yes (Side-mounted) No No
Handles Push-button locking handles Locking retractable push/pull handle, side and bottom handle, reinforced padded top handle PowerScope handle with stops at 38 inches and 42. 5 inches
Pockets Book opening case with mesh divider, cross straps, and a zipped modesty pocket Multiple front panel pockets with built-in ID tag, a removable zippered wet bag and large mesh lid pocket Two exterior compartments, full-length interior lid pocket, side accessory pocket
Additional Features Scratch-resistant Adjustable tie-down straps h30 Guard to protect from moisture, unique bottom tray design for increased durability

Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Luggage

Top Pick: Our top pick is by Samsonite, one of the most noted luggage brands in the world. Designed to balance size and storage, this 24″ Spinner luggage is your perfect companion for long trips. Encased in a vibrant Caribbean Blue shell, this luggage is stylish and impressively functional.

The Omni PC Hardside luggage is meticulously crafted from a micro-diamond polycarbonate texture, ensuring maximum resistance to scratches. It keeps your case looking pristine and fresh, trip after trip. For ease of mobility, the suitcase boasts four oversized, multi-directional spinner wheels that ensure effortless movement and a lightweight feel.

Key Features Include:

  • 24″ Spinner luggage maximizes packing power for longer trips.
  • Micro-diamond polycarbonate texture ensures scratch resistance.
  • Side-mounted TSA-approved lock for secured travel.
  • Four oversized, multi-directional spinner wheels for effortless mobility.
  • The book opening case has a mesh divider, cross straps, and a zipped modesty pocket.
  • Expandable capacity for added packing space.
  • Push-button locking handles for easy maneuverability.

Samsonite Omni PC Hardside Expandable Luggage

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SwissGear Sion Softside Expandable Roller Luggage

This 25″ medium checked luggage is your trusty companion for a swift passage through bustling airports, with its 360-degree multi-directional spinner wheels and a locking retractable push/pull handle.

Crafted with a thoughtful design, this luggage features multiple front panel pockets and a built-in ID tag. The dimensions, including wheels and handles, are 26.25″ x 16.75″ x 11″, providing sufficient space for your travel essentials.

Key Features Include:

  • 360-degree multi-directional spinning wheels for easy navigation.
  • Multiple front panel pockets with built-in ID tag for quick access.
  • Made from durable, scuff-resistant polyester fabric with a fully lined interior.
  • Adjustable tie-down straps to secure garments in place.
  • A removable zippered wet bag and large mesh lid pocket for organized packing.
  • Integrated side and bottom handle alongside a reinforced padded top handle for easy lifting and carrying.

SwissGear Sion Softside Expandable Roller Luggage

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Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Luggage


Best Value: Travelpro is another well-known luggage brand with over 30 years in the business. Their Maxlite expandable luggage is designed with thoughtful features and priced reasonably. It features low-profile top, side, and bottom carry handles, two exterior compartments, a full-length interior lid pocket, a side accessory pocket, and adjustable hold-down straps for packing convenience. It comes in a multitude of colors, too.

Key Features Include:

  • Ultra-lightweight, meeting carry-on size restrictions for most domestic airlines.
  • h30 Guard protects the interior lining from moisture, ensuring your belongings stay dry.
  • 4-wheel spinners that rotate 360 degrees for smooth maneuverability.
  • PowerScope handle stops at 38 inches and 42.5 inches and features a patented contour grip with rubberized touchpoints
  • Unique bottom tray design increases the durability of this soft-sided luggage.
  • The suitcase can expand up to 2 inches to maximize packing capacity.
  • The luggage also offers Limited Lifetime Coverage plus a trusted companion promise, which covers the cost of repair for damage from airlines or other common carriers for 1 year.

Travelpro Maxlite 5 Softside Expandable Luggage

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American Tourister 4 Kix Expandable Softside Luggage


American Tourister’s soft-sided luggage is a 21-inch carry-on suitcase designed to maximize your packing power while complying with most carry-on size restrictions. It is available in several colors and backed by a 10-year limited warranty.

Key Features Include:

  • Packing dimensions: 20.25″ x 14.0″ x 8.0″, with overall dimensions being 23.0″ x 14.2″ x 11.0″
  • Four multi-directional single spinner wheels allow 360-degree upright rolling, meaning there’s no weight on your arm or shoulder.
  • Push-button locking handle that provides easy maneuverability when extended out from the suitcase and stores neatly inside when not in use.
  • A large interior packing compartment with a blouse pocket door panel enhances your packing efficiency.
  • Corner protectors have been incorporated to safeguard the suitcase from wear and tear at critical contact points.
  • An extra 1.5″ expansion allows you to pack more items, and the compression keeps your clothing neatly pressed.

American Tourister 4 Kix Expandable Softside Luggage

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LUGGEX Carry-On Luggage


Boasting an airline-approved size of 22 by 14 by 9 inches, this hard side luggage with spinner wheels lets you breeze through airport check-ins without the hassle of checking in your luggage. Crafted with three layers of top-quality, lightweight polycarbonate material, this suitcase is built to last. It’s expandable up to 2 inches, offering an extra 15% packing space for those last-minute additions.

Key Features Include:

  • Airline-approved dimensions ensure hassle-free boarding.
  • Four corner protectors made from 100% aluminum for added durability.
  • Three layers of top-quality polycarbonate material construction.
  • Expandable up to 2 inches for an additional 15% packing space.
  • Eight spinner wheels for superior directional control and silent operation.
  • A TSA-approved lock and upgraded zip for a safe and secure travel experience.

LUGGEX Carry On Luggage

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Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Spinner with USB Port

This carry-on is tailored to fit under most airline seats, giving you easy access to your essentials during your journey. The size and design comply with most airline specifications, but double-checking with your carrier is always a good idea. The carry-on comes with a limited 3-year warranty and offers interior mesh organization pockets and a laptop and tablet sleeve, ensuring a place for everything.

Key Features Include:

  • Four multi-directional spinner wheels for smooth 360-degree rolling.
  • A built-in USB port (batteries not included) for charging your devices on the move.
  • An ergonomic handle with a push-button locking system.
  • Quick stash exterior pockets for neatly organizing smaller items.
  • A main compartment featuring a padded laptop section suitable for devices up to 13. 3″.
  • A Smart Sleeve on the back to secure the bag over the handle of your other luggage.
  • Overall dimensions of 16.5″ x 13.75″ x 9.0″.

Samsonite Underseat Carry-On Spinner with USB Port

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Coolife Luggage Expandable Suitcase

This large (28in) luggage piece offers significant durability with its robust ABS+PC hard plastic shell. It undergoes stringent quality control tests, creating a solid and sturdy piece capable of withstanding any form of rough handling.

Key Features Include:

  • A built-in TSA-approved lock that helps secure your valuables safely.
  • Quiet airplane spinner wheels and a sturdy, adjustable 3-level 100% pure aluminum telescoping handle allow for quick maneuverability in tight spaces.
  • The fully lined interior, along with multi-use organizational pockets, simplifies packing
  • The expandable feature provides an extra 15% of space

Coolife Luggage Expandable Suitcase

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Travelers Club Chicago Hardside Expandable Spinner Luggage

The Travelers Club Chicago Hardside Expandable Luggage is a functional and stylish choice for your travel needs. Available in several colors, this 20-inch carry-on suitcase features a variety of amenities to enhance your traveling experience.

Key Features Include:

  • Size: 20″ H x 13″ L x 8″ W, weight: 5.6 lbs
  • Fully lined interior includes an accessory pocket.
  • The luggage is expandable, giving you extra packing capacity when you need it.
  • Push-button recessed locking handle system
  • Spinner wheels offer complete 360º mobility

Travelers Club Chicago Hardside Expandable Spinner Luggage

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Wrangler Hardside Spinner Luggage


The Wrangler Hardside Spinner Luggage is engineered with a 360-degree spinner wheel system that ensures effortless mobility. Its smooth movement goes easy on your wrist, reducing strain during those long travel hours.

With its hard shell design crafted from ABS material, this luggage strikes a balance between being lightweight and sturdy. It stands up to the rigors of travel, making it a reliable choice for frequent travelers.

Key Features Include:

  • 360-degree spinner wheel system for smooth and easy mobility.
  • Fully-lined interior with dividing zipper and compression straps.
  • Top carry handle for effortless lifting.
  • Hard shell ABS material for maximum durability.

Wrangler Hardside Spinner Luggage

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Rockland Pasadena Softside Luggage

The Rockland Pasadena luggage allows you to pack more without worrying about exceeding airline weight limits. It smartly avoids excess weight surcharges prevalent with most airlines, optimizing your packing capacity.

This suitcase boasts four multi-directional spinner wheels that pivot 360 degrees for hassle-free maneuverability. These spinner wheels, coupled with an aluminum telescoping handle featuring a push-button, ensure seamless navigation through bustling airports or narrow airplane aisles.

Key Features Include:

  • A modern internal telescoping handle with push-button for easy handling.
  • An interior equipped with mesh and zip pockets, and an elastic pocket for organized packing.
  • A dimension of 22″X13″x8″ (with wheels).
  • When expanded, the convenience of an extra 2-inch depth maximizes your packing space.

Rockland Pasadena Softside Luggage

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Expert Tips for Maintaining Your Suitcase

A suitcase is an investment, so taking care of it ensures longevity and performance.

Cleaning and Storage

Regular cleaning can keep your suitcase looking new and smelling fresh. A simple wipe-down with a damp cloth will suffice for soft-sided luggage, while hard-side suitcases might need a gentle cleaning solution. Always make sure your suitcase is dry before storing it to avoid mold and unpleasant odors. When not in use, store your suitcase in a cool, dry place to prevent damage from heat or humidity.

Repairs and Warranty

No matter how careful you are, your suitcase will likely undergo some wear and tear over time. The good news is most luggage brands offer a warranty. From a limited lifetime warranty to a full lifetime guarantee, make sure to understand what is covered and how to make a claim. Brands like Travelpro Platinum Elite and Briggs & Riley are known for their generous warranty policies.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the ideal size for a carry-on suitcase?

The ideal size for a carry-on varies depending on personal preference and the airline’s regulations. However, most airlines accept carry ons that are up to 22 x 14 x 9 inches.

What material should I look for in a suitcase?

The material depends on your needs. For maximum durability and protection, a polycarbonate shell or ABS plastic are good choices for hard sided bags. If you prefer soft sided suitcases, look for those made of high-denier nylon fabric.

Are 4-wheel suitcases better than 2-wheel suitcases?

Four spinner wheels allow 360-degree movement, making your suitcase easier to navigate through crowded airports. However, two-wheeled suitcases often perform better on uneven or rough surfaces.

How do I ensure the durability of my suitcase?

Choosing a suitcase from reputable luggage manufacturers is a good start. Additionally, regular maintenance, proper handling, and storage can prolong the life of your suitcase.

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More in: Small Business EssentialsComment ▼ – Print Tours

1 day Moscow – London

Departure from Moscow (specify the exact information on the flight number, airport and departure time when booking the tour!). Arrival in London. Meeting with a representative of the company with a sign in the arrivals hall after passing through passport control and baggage claim. Transfer to the hotel. Accommodation. Free time. Overnight at the hotel.

ATTENTION!!! The schedule of all excursions is indicated in advance! The order of the tours may change. The exact information will be indicated in the tour program when issuing documents on the eve of departure!

Day 2 London – Windsor*

Breakfast. Sightseeing tour of London (2.5-3 hours) on a comfortable bus, accompanied by a professional Russian-speaking guide. You will have the opportunity to get acquainted with different areas of London, see the main attractions such as the Tower, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, the famous Piccadilly Street, Trafalgar Square and much more. The tour starts from the Royal National 3* hotel.
Free time or Excursion to Windsor (4 hours). Medieval castle, located on the steep bank of the Thames, for 900 years to the present is the main summer residence of the British monarchs. The construction of the wooden castle was started during the time of King William the Conqueror in 1078. Under Henry II, a stone, round tower was built on the site of a wooden castle. The castle complex was repeatedly rebuilt in accordance with the tastes of the ruling kings. The castle acquired its present appearance in 1820. When members of the Windsor dynasty are in the castle, the royal flag flutters over the round tower, and part of the halls is closed to tourists. On other days, access to most of the territory is open. As part of the tour, tourists will visit the park, St. George’s Chapel, where the burial places of many English kings, including Henry VIII and George VI, and the Public Reception Office are located. The tour starts from the main entrance to the Victoria & Albert Museum (South Kensington metro station). Cost 80 USD per person.

Day 3 London – Westminster Abbey*

Breakfast. Visit Madame Tussauds Wax Museum and fly on the London Eye.
Free time or excursions for an additional fee:
Walking tour of the historical center (2 hours). The tour starts from Trafalgar Square, then the route runs along Whitehall Street to the building of the Royal Horse Guards, the building of the old Admiralty and “Downing Street 10” – on the reverse side, a view of St. James Park. You will have the opportunity to see the changing of the guard of the horse guards (at 11:00 on weekdays), take a walk in St. James Park. Then the route goes to Buckingham Palace. The palace was built in 1705 and since 1837 and became the royal residence. Currently, the palace is one of three active royal residences. Then the transition back through the park on the other side past the barracks of foot guards to the Parliament Square. A story about Westminster Abbey, the Parliament complex. Start of the tour at Trafalgar Square between the fountains (Metro Station Charing Cross). Cost 30 c.u. per person.
Free time or excursions for an additional fee:
Westminster Abbey (1.5-2 hours). The pearl of medieval architecture, the main royal church of Great Britain is the place of coronation and burial of English kings. Many of them got married here, many are buried here. The side and transverse naves of the temple keep numerous graves and monuments of prominent figures of Great Britain such as Dickens, Kipling, Hardy, Handel, Newton, Darwin and many others. For the British, the abbey is more than a church – it is the sanctuary of the nation, a symbol of everything that the British have fought and are fighting for. The tour starts at the main entrance to the abbey near the gift shop (Westminster metro station). Cost 55 c.u. per person.
National Gallery (3 hours). The museum houses more than 4,500 works of art, of which about 2,000 are on permanent display. Visitors will be able to see Rembrandt’s self-portrait, masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci, Holbein, a collection of French impressionists. Particular attention is drawn to the work of Monet and Rodin. It is hard to believe that the national collection began with just 38 paintings in the home of a wealthy banker on Poll Mall. And, despite the fact that that collection included works by Raphael, Rembrandt, Titian and Rubens, it could not compete with other museums, and in 1824 Parliament agreed to allocate a building for a gallery on Trafalgar Square in the center of the capital. The tour starts inside the art gallery at the entrance “The Getty Entrance”, which is located to the right of the main entrance (the nearest metro station is Charing Cross). Cost 30 c.u. per person.

Day 4 London – Tower*

Breakfast. Free time or excursions for an additional fee:
Excursion to the British Museum (2 hours). One of the largest museums of human history and culture in the world. The museum was founded in 1753 on the basis of the collection of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane. The British Museum contains about seven million objects illustrating the history of human culture from its very beginning to the present. The museum presents monuments of primitive art, ancient Eastern and ancient culture, medieval art of Europe and the East, ethnographic monuments of Africa, America, Oceania, as well as a collection of drawings, engravings, manuscripts, ceramics, coins, medals. The “pearl” of the museum is the marble sculptures that once adorned the Parthenon, taken out at the beginning of the 19th century from the Acropolis of Athens by Lord Elgin. Of particular value is the Rosetta stone, with the help of which, after 4,000 years, it was possible to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphs. Start of the tour in the lobby of the museum under a glass dome at the information desk (entrance to the museum from Great Russell Street). Cost 30 c.u. per person.
Excursion to the Tower (2.5 hours). Tower for 900 years of history was the residence of kings, an armory and a treasury, as well as a prison and a place of execution. This is one of the most popular monuments in London. The Tower serves as a reminder of Britain’s bloody past. This massive medieval fortress with watchtowers and loopholes was built in the 11th century by William the Conqueror to ensure the security of the capital. The history of the Tower is closely intertwined with the history of London and all of England. Today, the Tower remains a fortress for storing the priceless jewels of the royal treasury, most of which are on display to the public in a special vault. Tourists will be able to get acquainted with the unique exposition of ancient weapons, which is located on the four floors of the White Tower, as well as make a trip through the British Crown treasures. In the Tower you can see the famous beefeaters – the guardians of the palace, dressed in traditional colorful outfits and being one of the symbols of London, like the Tower itself. The tour starts from the Tower’s group ticket office (Tower Hill metro station). Cost 65 c.u. per person.
Old-time pubs and ghosts of the City (2 hours). If you are interested in this topic, if you love beer and exciting stories, or just want to take a walk around the CITY area, this excursion will be remembered for a lifetime. During the tour you will learn about the history and ghosts that live in this ancient city, cross the border between the city of CITY and the city of Westminster. You will hear many stories and legends while walking along the magnificent streets of the ancient CITY and see the super-modern architecture of the new CITY. You will visit one of the most famous London pubs, where the guide will offer you to taste real English ale. Children under 18 are not allowed. The tour starts at the exit from the station. Metro Temple. Cost 40 c.u. per person.

Day 5 London – Harry Potter tour

Breakfast. The Harry Potter Tour is a bus ride to the Warner Brothers studios where the Harry Potter films were filmed. The studio is located in the small town of Leavesden, 35 km from London. You find yourself in a real world of miracles and magic, because it is in front of you that the doors of the famous Hogwarts school of magic open. Have you dreamed of visiting Dumbledore’s office? Wander through the dungeons where Potions lessons were held? Feel the warm and mystical atmosphere of the Gryffindor common room, where Harry Potter and his friends gathered around the fireplace in the evenings, and sneak into Hagrid’s hut? Then this tour is especially for you! In addition to all of the above, you can walk along Diagon Alley, visit the Ministry of Magic itself and see many original costumes and items from the films – wands, robes, books and much more! Are you excited? You will have a unique opportunity to discuss your emotions over a glass of the famous Butter Beer. Don’t forget to take some interactive photos and buy branded keepsakes that will remind you of the exciting journey to the school of wizardry for a long time to come. The tour starts from the Royal National Hotel. Return to London. Free time. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 6 London – Osford and Stratford-upon-Avon*

Breakfast. Free time or excursion to Oxford and Stratford-upon-Avon (8 hours). Cities known throughout the world. Oxford is an ancient university city with a centuries-old history and stunning architecture, which is famous all over the world for its university. Stratford-upon-Avon is a picturesque town on the banks of the Avon River, the birthplace of W. Shakespeare. You will have the opportunity to see the house where the great writer was born, the school where he studied and his grave. You will drive along the most scenic road through the hills and villages of the Cotswolds. The tour starts from the Royal National 3* hotel. Cost 120 USD per person. Return to London. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 7 London – Dream Works

Breakfast. A visit to the themed attraction of the company Dream Works, dedicated to the characters of the cartoon about Shrek.
Free time or excursion by boat on the Thames to Greenwich (4 hours). The tour will give you the opportunity to see London from a slightly different perspective – from the river. On the way to Greenwich you will see the building of the Palace of Westminster, sail past the famous Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. In Greenwich you will find a walking tour with a visit to the Old Royal Observatory – the zero meridian, and through the underpass under the Thames you will pass to the area of ​​the future – Docklands. Tour starts from Westminster Pier, City Cruises ticket office (Westminster metro station). Cost 85 USD per person. Overnight at the hotel.

Day 8 London – Moscow

Breakfast. Check-out from the hotel before 12:00 (in case of a late departure, things can be left in the hotel’s storage room). Free time. Airport transfer. Departure to Moscow (check the exact information on the flight number, airport and departure time when booking the tour!).

The program is valid for trips from 04/15/2020 to 10/14/2020.


1. These terms and conditions define the relationship of the parties under the contract for transportation by buses of Sovavto-S.Petersburg JSC between passengers and Sovavto-S.Petersburg JSC. Transportation covers the time spent by passengers in the bus, in accordance with the schedule; the time of embarkation and disembarkation, as well as the time spent at intermediate points.

2. Seat reservation takes place from the moment of ticket purchase. Ticket sales start 60 days before the flight and end no later than 5 minutes before the departure of the vehicle. Tickets are sold only to passengers crossing the border. The travel ticket is valid for that bus route and to the point indicated on the ticket.

3. Transportation is carried out on tourist class buses. The carrier has the right to replace the bus with a vehicle of a different class.

4. When boarding, the passenger must present valid travel documents and documents for crossing the border. In case of refusal to present documents or in the absence of valid documents, the carrier has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract with the passenger.

5. The ticket is non-transferable to persons not listed on it. If the ticket is presented by another person, the ticket is considered invalid and its cost is not refundable.

6. The sale of a ticket may be refused if the capacity provided by the design of the vehicle is exceeded, or transportation is carried out only with the provision of a seat in the absence of free seats. Control over compliance with capacity standards and the availability of free seats is carried out by the driver.

7. In case of loss or damage to a ticket for a specific seat in a vehicle, a baggage receipt, a receipt for carrying hand luggage, duplicates of such tickets, receipts are issued to the passenger at the ticket sales point where the passenger purchased the ticket, as well as at other ticket sales points indicated by the carrier, subject to the provision by the passenger of evidence (cash receipt, statement from the passenger’s bank account, other document that proves the completion of the ticket purchase operation) confirming the fact of their belonging to the passenger. In case of failure to provide such evidence, the validity of the lost or damaged ticket for a specific seat in the vehicle, baggage receipt, receipt for the carriage of hand luggage is not renewed and the money paid for them is not returned.

8. The schedule contains the local time of the time zone where the stop is located.

9. The passenger has the right:
9.1 in case of delay in the departure of the vehicle within three hours or due to illness, accident, within three days from the moment of departure of the vehicle for which the ticket was purchased, to renew the ticket for another vehicle without additional payment, or to receive back the fare, transportation of luggage, hand luggage, minus twenty-five percent of their value;
9.2 in case of returning the ticket to the ticket office no later than two hours before the departure of the vehicle, receive back the cost of travel, baggage transportation, carriage of hand luggage minus five percent of their cost or in case of return of the ticket later than this period, but before the departure of the vehicle, receive back the cost of travel, baggage transportation, carry-on baggage minus fifteen percent of their value;
9. 3 in case of impossibility to continue carriage of the passenger to the point of his destination for reasons beyond the control of the carrier, to receive back the cost of travel, carriage of luggage, carriage of hand luggage in proportion to the distance not covered;
9.4 return the ticket before the departure of the vehicle and receive back the full cost of travel, baggage, carry-on baggage in the following cases:
a) cancellation of the departure of the vehicle;
b) delay in the departure of the vehicle for more than an hour.
In order to refund the fare, carry baggage, carry-on baggage or change the date of the trip, you must write an application to e-mail [email protected]
Reimbursement to the passenger of the cost of travel, transportation of luggage, carriage of hand luggage in cases provided for by the Basic Conditions of Travel is carried out no later than ten days from the moment the corresponding application of the passenger is presented to the carrier.
For tickets sold through aggregator sites (sites of bus stations, BUSFOR, UNITIKI and other electronic systems), the Procedure and Rules of partners for the sale and return of tickets additionally apply.

10. For a delay in the departure of a vehicle carrying out regular transportation of passengers in international traffic, or its arrival with a delay of more than an hour at the destination, the carrier shall pay the passenger a fine in the amount of three percent of the fare for each hour of delay, but not more than the amount of the fare and no later than within ten days after the day the passenger submits the relevant request. The course of the specified period is suspended in the event of an appeal to the court.

11. The Carrier is not responsible for delays from the schedule, untimely arrival at the stop, caused by force majeure (including, but not limited to: weather conditions, traffic jams, road works, due to the actions of government agencies, queues at the borders, customs and passport control, etc. ), as well as due to the actions of the Passenger affecting the fulfillment of the obligations of the carrier, and for other reasons that the carrier could neither foresee nor prevent, despite all the measures taken.

12. The Carrier is not responsible for any damage or loss of profit caused or which could be caused to the Passenger in a situation where the bus could not reach the destination at the right time for the reasons specified in paragraph 11 of these conditions.

13. Passengers are obliged to observe the rules provided by the carrier, the laws and regulations of the host country on the bus.

14. Passengers are obliged to fulfill passport, customs, sanitary and other formalities of the host country and bear personal, including material, responsibility for their failure.

15. If the customs or border authorities detect items prohibited for import or export, or violations of the passport regime, the carrier has the right to continue the route according to the traffic schedule, without waiting for the delayed passenger to resolve issues with the customs or border authorities.

16. A passenger may take on the bus one piece of hand luggage weighing no more than 5 kg, the dimensions of which should not exceed 45 × 35 × 20 cm (length – width – height).

17. A passenger can carry one piece of baggage free of charge, weighing no more than 30 kg and not exceeding 70 × 30 × 55 cm in size (length – width – height), which is transported in the luggage compartment of the bus. Each additional piece of baggage is paid separately. The decision to transport bulky luggage is made by the bus driver, depending on the possibility of placing it in the luggage compartment. In any case, oversized luggage must not cause damage to the luggage of other passengers and the equipment of the bus.

18. Passenger’s baggage, which is placed in the baggage compartment, is marked with baggage tags, one of which is affixed to each piece of baggage, and the other is handed over to the Passenger.

19. It is strictly forbidden to carry items that do not belong to the passengers present on board in the luggage compartment and as hand luggage.

20. Bicycles and skis longer than 120 centimeters, packed in a special bag, can be transported in the luggage compartment of the bus for a fee. The front wheel must be removed from the transported bicycle and packed separately. Payment for such transportation is made in advance. If the passenger has not paid for the transportation of skis or a bicycle in advance, the decision on the possibility of placing them in the luggage compartment is made by the bus driver, depending on the situation. In any case, oversized sports equipment must not soil or damage the baggage of other passengers.

21. Loading and unloading of luggage carried in the luggage compartments of vehicles is carried out by the passenger independently under the control of the driver.

22. At the request of the passenger, baggage may be issued to him along the route, if the time of the vehicle’s parking at the stopping point where the passenger wishes to receive his baggage, and the conditions for loading the luggage compartment of the vehicle allow this. At the same time, the passenger is obliged to warn the driver in advance of the desire to receive luggage along the route. In the case of issuing baggage to the passenger on the way, money for the untraveled distance is not returned.

23. The carrier is not responsible for items left or lost on the bus.

24. Ensuring the integrity and safety of hand luggage is the responsibility of the passenger. It is prohibited to place hand luggage in the places intended for sitting, in the aisle between the seats, near the entrance or exit from the vehicle, including the emergency one.

25. The tare and packaging of transported items must ensure the integrity and safety of the luggage during the entire period of transportation.

26. When transporting luggage in the luggage compartment of the bus, the carrier is only responsible for the presence of a piece of luggage, but cannot guarantee the preservation of its integrity or operability. The Carrier accepts no liability for minor or superficial damage to baggage, such as broken wheels and handles, lost harness straps, and minor damage such as cuts, scratches, creases or stains that result from normal wear and tear during travel.

27. Fetid and dangerous (flammable, explosive, toxic, corrosive and other) substances, cold steel and firearms without covers and packaging, as well as things (objects) polluting vehicles or passenger clothing.

28. Animals and birds are not allowed for transportation.

29. Carriage of foodstuffs, including perishable products, in baggage compartments of vehicles without maintaining the temperature regime is carried out under the responsibility of the passenger – the owner of the baggage.

30. The carrier has the right to:
30.1 refuse to accept a passenger’s baggage for transportation, carry-on baggage, if the properties or packaging of items included in the baggage, carry-on baggage do not meet the requirements established by the rules for the carriage of passengers;
30.2 refuse to carry hand luggage to a passenger if its placement in the vehicle would prevent the passengers from entering the vehicle or exiting the vehicle;

31. Transportation is carried out with the boarding and disembarkation of passengers only at the established stopping points along the route of regular transportation in accordance with the schedules established for each stopping point. Stops of vehicles for embarkation and disembarkation of passengers are obligatory at each stopping point along the route of regular transportation, except for cases when, according to the schedule, the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers at the stopping point is carried out at the request of passengers. Stopping of vehicles for embarkation (disembarkation) of passengers at their request is carried out if:
a) the passenger in the vehicle will notify the driver in advance of the need to stop the vehicle at the appropriate stopping point;
b) there are people at the stopping point waiting for the arrival of the vehicle.

32. The sale of a ticket may be refused if the capacity provided by the design of the vehicle is exceeded.


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